Qin Kuang soon settled down.

Everything is recovering quickly.

The original hunger, completely disappeared.

I don't feel the passage of time.

The day passed like this.

Qin Kuang's face was a little strange. He felt that time had become meaningless.

In the eyes of some experts, the ten-and-a-half-month closure is probably only a flash away in their own feelings.

Seeing that Qin Kuang was so obedient and didn't go out for a day, Zhang Ziling was very pleased.

She gave full play to the excellent character of a good wife and mother, not only helped Qin Kuang bring back delicious food, but also kept the house in good order.

Another woman, who once bossed Qin Kuang, is now being held in the organization's base for various examinations and tests.

"You let me go. I didn't kill anyone. I'm innocent."

"If you want to catch the murderer, you should catch Qin Kuang. There are many people killed by him."

Liu Piaoyu yelled.

Instead of thanking Qin Kuang for his salvation, he would like to throw the pot on Qin Kuang.

The people in charge turned a blind eye to her roar and were conducting various tests.

"In extreme emotions, brain power has been raised to 400. It seems that acting as a carrier can really improve brain power."

A white haired scientist said in surprise.

Looking at Liu Piaoyu's eyes, like looking at a piece of treasure.

"Send it to the headquarters immediately. Such talents, if trained, must be the top God of war."

Another frowned and said, "Professor Huang, it's against the rules. Liu Piaoyu is the key research object."

"It's ridiculous that our Shenzhou organization is only useful. How can Liu Piaoyu be buried with such great potential?"

"I've already reported the specific situation," Huang said in a cold voice. "The higher authorities will give orders soon."

The young man frowned: "it's better to talk with consultant long."

Huang Jiao said: "I don't think so. Consultant long has a deep prejudice against Liu Piaoyu. He certainly won't agree."

The young man said, "in this case, why do you ask for trouble?"

Professor Huang is awe inspiring: "I am thinking for the organization. How can I ignore the interests of the organization because of personal factors?"

The young man was awed: "Professor Gao fengliangjie, we learn from you."

"However, Chen Qing and fan Xiaoxi, the other two, have already gone home. Do you want to take them back for testing?"

Professor Huang's face froze and said, "this matter still needs Miss Lin's approval. You can do it by yourself."

Liu Piaoyu was locked in the super strength isolation room, furious, crazy destruction.

However, she suddenly a Zheng, seems to think of something, even gave up the destruction, cross knee sitting in the corner, closed his eyes to meditate.

This scene, let the observation scientists face to face covet.

Is it that Liu Piaoyu's brain is over stimulated and has entered a state of madness?

"The brain power value drops greatly, already and common people are same, how is this possible?"

The young man looked at the data on the tablet in his hand, unbelievable.

At the same time, Chen Qing and fan Xiaoxi are also sitting cross legged, with expressions of surprise, joy and doubt on their faces.

When Qin Kuang was acting as a carrier, the three of them looked at the picture and got some secret method from it. Now they wake up completely.

Wushan Grand Canyon World War I, famous at home and abroad, set off huge waves.

The name of Qin Kuang, the God of war, resounds through the underground world once again.

Nirvana's reputation plummeted.

He was killed by Qin Kuang.

Stone carvings were robbed and memorial ceremonies destroyed.

It can be said that the loss is heavy.

But at the same time, a piece of news also detonated the underground world.

Qin Kuang is the perfect carrier.

He is the chosen son that Nirvana has been searching for for for hundreds of years.

Destined to lead nirvana, cleanse the world and open the sanctuary.

This piece of news, in the organization of China, set off a startling wave.

Countless people denounced nirvana for spilling human sewage, without any limit.

They never believed that Qin Kuang would be the chosen son of nirvana.

But someone released the live video.

The picture shocked the world.

For a time, the oracle of creation became the most popular treasure.

Countless organizations and forces began to search for the creation stone carvings all over the world.

"I just caught a glimpse of him, and I realized a set of body method which is very ancient and unique. Now I'm as light as a swallow, but I can cross the river with a reed."

"That's right. Qin Kuang is the son of heaven. He can perfectly guide the contents of the oracle. I took a look, and his accomplishments have increased for 30 years."

"In the Oracle, there are some unique secrets of the ancient civilization. Any one of them is the treasure of a large family. At least a thousand secrets are mastered by Qin Kuang."

"Qin maniac is a treasure house of ancient civilization, who can get it, who can dominate the world."


Countless posts, countless news.

Qin Kuang has become a unique treasure.

Whether it's true or not, everyone's attention has been attracted by Qin Kuang.

After getting the news from Huang Wanyu, Qin Kuang's face turned green on the spot.

"It's rosefinch. Damn it, she's hopeless."

Qin is gnashing his teeth.

Huang Wanyu said: "this vicious woman, she wants to destroy you completely."

Qin Kuang said haughtily, "come on, who wants the secret code? Come on, I'm Qin Kuang. I'm in charge of killing and burying."

Huang Wanyu said: "I'm afraid some people inside have different ideas. The scientific research department must have fallen out."

"Fortunately, you are a special consultant now, and they dare not attack you directly."

Qin crazy surprised way: "difficult, they still want to seize me, dissect my head?"

"I'm afraid it will be more terrible than dissection." Huang Wanyu's face changed and said, "brother Qin, I'm afraid there are not many peaceful days for you."

Qin Kuang showed a trace of Li Mang in his eyes, and said: "I, Qin Kuang, only aim at nirvana in this life, but I'm not a fool and loyal person who allows others to bully me. Anyone who wants to do harm to me should be prepared for my revenge."

Huang Wanyu said: "you don't have to worry too much about the organization. You can write a secret collection of Kung Fu once in a while and hand it in."

"But foreign forces, I'm afraid, will not give up."

"Especially those old hermit families, it's estimated that they will also go out."

Qin Kuang was surprised and said, "hermit family? Your family, isn't it? "

"Not our level of family." Huang Wanyu said with disdain: "the so-called five hermit families are just compared with ordinary people. In the underground world, they are not even first-class families."

Qin Kuang was surprised.

It seems that the cognition of the world will also begin to overturn.

"What you need to be most careful about is the Thomson family," Huang said

"This family is crazy about the oracle of creation and has been searching for stone carvings all over the world."

"It is estimated that the stone carvings owned by their family are in double digits."

"And you, after they know the news that becomes the perfect carrier, can't let it go."

Qin Kuang laughed: "in fact, I'm not very worried. Since they need me, they can't kill me."

"What I fear most is some Western official organizations."

Huang Wanyu's face changed.

Of course, he knows which organization Qin Kuang is talking about.

It is in the country where the whole world is engaged in wind and rain for fear that the world will not be in chaos.

The organization they secretly support is powerful and cannot be underestimated.

But this is China.

It is not easy for these forces to reach out.

Sure enough, the news spread, China immediately held a top secret high-level meeting.

A large group of members of the scientific research department clamored for Qin Kuang to go back to cooperate with the research and export the data in his mind.

On the surface, it's cooperation.

As a matter of fact, we can imagine how the scientific research department will work with our tails.

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