An aunt, let pan Xiaohui anger suddenly came up.

"I've seen so many juniors. I've never seen you so arrogant. Who are you? Get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude. "

Pan Xiaohui seems to regard herself as a real mother-in-law, to help her daughter keep all the enemies.

Song Qingling took a deep breath and frowned.

She picked up the phone and said, "security? Speed to the high-end villa area. There's a madman here. "

Pan Xiaohui was furious: "dare you say I'm crazy?"

Song Qingling said coldly: "Auntie, you can't afford to buy a house here because of your dress and temperament. Your wandering outside has caused serious psychological disturbance to our residents."

"We will examine you. If you violate the rules, I'm sorry. I can only see Bureau J."

There is no secret about Qin Kuang's superficial information.

Song Qingling is easy to get.

Song Qingling was also quite speechless about the wonderful degree of these relatives.

Soon, a group of security guards came running.

Pan Xiaohui felt guilty.

She didn't expect that Song Qingling was really so powerful. She called the security guard.

She was taken away by several security guards.

Pan Xiaohui knew she was wrong and didn't dare to make a noise.

She wanted to come here to find an opportunity to apologize to Qin Kuang.

She believed that with her eloquence, Qin Kuang would be softened.

Just did not expect, Song Qingling suddenly appeared, let her very angry.

Qin Kuang stands on the windowsill, watching pan Xiaohui be taken away, with a black face.

The people of the Liu family are simply unreasonable.

Is Pan Xiaohui too self righteous?

It's ridiculous that I want to be my mother-in-law!

After Liu Piaoyu's marriage, Qin Kuang has suffered from phobia.

Even if you get married, you can't choose Liu Zhen or any other Liu family.

Song Qingling came to pick up Qin Kuang to the banquet.

Today, he is Song Qingling's shield.

The identity that other men can't avoid, but Qin Kuang doesn't feel much.

What three swordsmen, in his eyes, are just three dandies like ants.

His real goal is three foreigners.

"Brother Qin, thank you for changing for me."

When Song Qingling saw Qin Kuang, he was obviously stunned.

A custom suit sets off the perfect figure.

Cuntou after trimming, more masculine.

Big and pure eyes, seemingly simple and kind, and deep as a pool.

As a whole, it gives people an indescribable hormone feeling.

Song Qingling's face was flushed.

Does this girl think that she changed her image just to cooperate with her at the dinner party?

The corner of Qin Kuang's mouth moved without explanation.

Two people stand together, the man is tall and powerful, the woman is charming, it is very eye-catching.

Qin crazy driving, two people set out, straight to the reception held in the address of Zhonghai hotel.

Although it is a small reception, the threshold is very high.

You can't get in without an e-invitation.

Jiang long was wearing a beige custom suit, a million dollar watch and hundreds of thousands of gold wire glasses.

He was in a high mood, holding a bunch of flowers in his hands.

The men and women who come and go, all smile and say hello to him.

Although the beauties were curious about him, no one bothered them.

As we all know, although Jiang long is fashionable, he is a spoony.

He only loves Song Qingling.

In the eyes of the world, they are recognized as golden children.

Full of excitement, Jiang long pretends to be calm.

He believes that in Zhonghai, there is no man who is bold enough to be Song Qingling's partner.

However, his eyes suddenly congealed, showing a look of surprise.

A kulinan car is slowly coming. A man's figure appears from the cab and throws the key to the parking boy.

Although the distance is tens of meters, the face of the man impressed him deeply.

For a moment, his heart was raging.

And the person who came down from the co pilot surprised him and made him angry and anxious.

Over the years, he has tried many times and failed to get Song Qingling on his co pilot.

But I don't know, this boy who didn't know where jumped out, not only pulled Song Qingling's hand in public, but also let Song Qingling sit on the co driver.

Without contrast, there would be no harm. At this moment, Jiang Long's eyes began to turn red.

He managed to squeeze out a smiling face and keep his demeanor. He came to Song Qingling.

"Qingling, it's for you."

Song Qingling frowned slightly: "Jiang long, what are you doing?"

"The 99 roses symbolize that I love you for a long time. Qingling, stop it. I know you are angry with me. We can solve our problems in private. Why should we get involved with outsiders?"

Jiang long and Song Qingling have the tone of old love.

Qin Kuang is nothing, but Song Qingling's face has changed greatly.

"Jiang long, what are you talking about? I, Song Qingling, had nothing to do with you before. Now and in the future, I can't have any relationship with you. "

Jiang long said with a smile: "Qingling, don't be angry. Our grandfather is a good friend. As early as when you and I were born, we decided to have a baby kiss. Everyone in Zhonghai knows that we are a couple."

Song Qingling face cold, indifferent way: "Jiang long, less with my grandfather to pressure me, My Song Qingling marriage, their own decision."

"What's more, even if it's a joke, five years ago, I asked my grandfather to remove it. You talk about it all day. Do you really think I'm a bully?"

When the young lady was angry, Jiang long suddenly seemed to be sealed with her IQ and became at a loss.

"Qingling, don't get me wrong. I'm just joking."

Song Qingling light way: "this kind of joke in the future less open, lest my boyfriend misunderstood."

Jiang long can no longer keep calm: "when did you have a boyfriend? Why don't I know? "

"Do I need to ask you for advice when I have a boyfriend? You're not my man

Song Qingling's tone is not good.

She is usually very kind.

If she can speak in this tone, it can be seen that Jiang Long's harassment over the years has made her very upset.

Jiang Long's eyes seemed to contain a blade and glared at Qin Kuang.

"Isn't your so-called boyfriend the coolie who just got divorced?"

He said, deliberately raising his voice.

"Jiang long, let me introduce you formally. This is my boyfriend Qin Kuang. I hope you can keep your promise, don't disturb me any more, and hurt innocent people."

Song Qingling's proud way.

She used to be a little girl looking forward to beautiful love.

But Jiang long has become the biggest stumbling block.

As long as there are men who dare to appear beside Song Qingling, they will suffer his retaliation.

This kind of domineering behavior, if you meet ordinary women, it is estimated that you will be conquered.

But Song Qingling was born in Qinglong society, and from small to large, he met countless heroes.

For this kind of person, I hate it very much.

Although Jiang long was excellent, he was worthless in Song Qingling's eyes and never touched.

Qin felt his nose and didn't speak.

His ultimate goal is to protect Huang Wanyu, not to compete with such a dandy as Jiang long.

Song Qingling took Qin Kuang's arm generously and showed a smiling face: "brother Kuang, let's go in."

"I'll introduce my best friend to you later."

Qin Kuang smile: "good! I'd like to meet Miss Huang, too

Jiang long said: "Qin Kuang, who are you to blaspheme my goddess? Leave Qingling immediately, otherwise, I want you to regret coming to this world. "

Qin Kuang's eyes were as cold as a blade.

"What did you say? Are you threatening me? "

Jiang long wanted to overpower Qin Kuang.

Can be Qin crazy eyes a stare, but he felt a burst of guilty, dare not look at each other.

This timidity made him angry.

"What about threatening you? What are you, a divorced porter? Why are you with Qingling

Jiang long said angrily, "I, Jiang long, have been guarding Qingling since I was born. I take her as the center, and I am even willing to die for her. Can you do that?"

Qin Kuang shrugged and laughed: "I really can't do it, but it's a pity that love has two sides. Since you love her, you should respect her choice instead of interfering."

"This is not love, but abnormal possession."

Qin Kuang's words made Jiang long shiver.

"Good. I hope you don't regret it."

Jiang long slammed the flower to the ground with a red face.

Song Qingling has pulled Qin crazy, affectionately into the hotel gate.

She was obviously thinking about her dress tonight.

Tight cheongsam, full body.

Faint perfume, tantalizing chords.

Her natural high cold temperament makes her stand out from others.

Everyone looked at them with a trace of surprise.

No one knows Qin Kuang, but everyone knows Song Qingling.

Over the years, the only men who can accompany Song Qingling are Jiang long and Jiang long.

Jiang long is also one of the organizers of today's reception.

But Song Qingling actually brought a man over and showed such intimacy.

Jiang long, can you give up?

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