Song Qingling was also stunned.

She knows Huang Wanyu very well and knows when she is serious and when she is joking.

In front of her, Huang Wanyu didn't seem to be joking at all.

Does she know that Qin Kuang is the owner of the supreme black card?

But even so, why is she so angry?

Qin crazy some embarrassed turn around: "you chat slowly, I stroll."

He couldn't stand Huang Wanyu's strange eyes.

It seems that he is a corpse, like an unearthed antique.

He was worried that after staying for a long time, the beauty would take out a scalpel to dissect herself.

"Stop, don't go."

"Don't you want to see what treasures I have unearthed this time?" cried Huang Wanyu? I'll open your eyes. "

Song an and others are very happy. They quickly stand up and come over.

"Qin Kuang, Miss Wanyu, this is to give you face. Don't be disrespectful."

He looked at Qin crazy with warning.

Qin Dunbu was crazy. He also wanted to see what the treasures coveted by these foreigners looked like.

Song Qingling quickly steps forward and naturally drags Qin Kuang's hand.

"Brother Qin, my best friend has been dealing with dead objects for a long time. It's mysterious. Don't be surprised."

"It should be your unique temperament that attracted her. That's why she lost her manners."

Qin Kuang wry smile: "as long as your best friend does not dissect me, everything is easy to say."

Song Qingling chuckled and said, "who dares to dissect you in this world?"

Seeing the intimacy between them, Huang Wanyu's eyes flashed and seemed to be unhappy.

"You, come here and sit next to me."

She reached out to Qin Kuang and said, "hurry up, I need an assistant."

Song Qingling could not laugh or cry: "brother Qin, please help me."

Qin crazy helpless, had to go.

"Stop, if you dare to sit down, I'll cut off your legs."

Sun Mu yelled and rushed over.

Warning eyes, full of killing.

Qin Kuang's action didn't stop at all, just like he didn't hear him. He sat down next to Huang Wanyu.

Sun Mu's lungs almost exploded.

This madman of Qin has no idea.

How dare you grab your own exclusive position!

"Qin Kuang, get up. What qualifications do you have to sit here?"

Sun Mu said sternly.

Qin crazy light way: "Miss Huang let me sit down, as long as Miss Huang mouth, I will go."

Huang Wanyu said coldly, "Sun mu, you really think Qinglong will cover the sky with one hand. No one can move you, do you? Believe it or not, I'll let your group collapse tomorrow? "

If others say this, it will only lead to a burst of ridicule.

But in front of her, although she doesn't have the strength, the people behind her absolutely have the strength.

Song an said, "what are you doing, sun mu? If you dare to say anything in front of Miss Wan Yu, I will apologize immediately. "

Sun Mu's face turned red: "Wan Yu, I'm sorry. I was too impulsive just now. I promise I won't do it in the future."

"The one you should apologize to is Qin Kuang, not me." Huang Wanyu did not give in.

"Qin Kuang, I'm sorry, just now I have no choice. I hope you'll forgive me."

In front of Huang Wanyu, the arrogant and domineering sun Mu is as clever as a child.

Qin Kuang looked at him coldly, but didn't say a word.

This kind of vision is more difficult for sun Mu to accept than a slap.

It seems that he, sun mu, is a tiny ant.

But with song an on the spot, he didn't dare to make mistakes, so he had to sit down.

Huang Wanyu smiles at Qin, as if the little girl is showing off her ability.

This kind of vision Qin crazy some can't stand, quickly bow.

Why didn't the materials say that Huang Wanyu had such a terrible side?

Thomson said excitedly, "Miss Wan Yu, please take out the treasure quickly and let us have a look."

Huang Wanyu opened her backpack and took out a box.

Qin Kuang is a bit speechless. Huang Wanyu is really wonderful. She even brings her backpack when she comes to the party.

Although the quality of this backpack is good, it has obviously experienced a lot of wind and rain and is very old.

There are even patches on it.

It's amazing that you should carry such a simple backpack.

However, in addition to Qin crazy, did not pay attention to the backpack.

Everyone's attention is attracted by the box.

The box looks like bronze and some kind of ore.

It's a little bit colorful.

Thomson and other people's breathing was obviously a little short.

Huang Wanyu did not look at them. Her eyes were on Qin Kuang from beginning to end.

"Qin Kuang, you open the box."

Qin Kuang Deng in the heart, this box won't have any mechanism or curse?

Song Qingling was also extremely eccentric.

This girl's behavior today is abnormal.

However, Qin Kuang held out his hand.

As soon as he touched the box, his face changed greatly, shaking slightly like an electric shock.

On the stone box, of course, there's no electricity.

But it was frightfully cold.

It's like the ice in the Arctic abyss.

Huang Wanyu said with a smile: "this box is a little cold. The girl is weak and cold. Please elder brother Qin Kuang."

Qin Kuang didn't think so. A slight tremor on his hand was to drive Binghan out.

"It's nothing. It's my pleasure to be of service to Miss Huang."

He opened the box to reveal its true appearance.

It was actually a stone slab.

Qin Kuang looks at Huang Wanyu with suspicion.

With a smile, Huang Wanyu encouraged him to take it up.

Qin Kuang reached out and picked up the stone slab. The bone chilling above seemed to have no effect on him.

Slate, or stone carving, is more appropriate.

It is densely engraved with some mysterious patterns.

It's very abstract and weird.

Headless, silver carp, even owl.

Three monsters, fire breathing dragon, and even flying lion and tiger.

At the bottom of the pattern are some strange symbols, such as captions.

Qin's eyes were wide open, and none of them he knew.

Thomson, on the other hand, was excited.

"Miss Huang, make an offer. I'll take this stone slab. I can pay as much as I want."

He actually reached out to grab it, and it was quick.

If it is an ordinary person, he will succeed.

But Qin Kuang easily dodged and said, "what do you want to do?"

The sound of drinking contained a deterrent force. Thomson's face changed and he stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry, but this slate is too important to me."

He took out his mobile phone, opened the album and turned to Huang Wanyu.

"Miss Huang, this is one of the stone carvings in my family's collection. Do you think it's very similar to the one in your hand?"

"Our Thomson family has been searching for evidence of the existence of ancient civilization for hundreds of years, and the creation stone is the only clue we have found so far."

"The family laboratory has been doing research on Genesis stone carvings for a hundred years and is very experienced."

"This stone carving was originally handed down from the continent. I hope Miss Huang can give up her love."

Huang Wanyu's eyes flashed. She took her mobile phone and compared it carefully. Her face changed greatly.

Thomson said: "Miss Huang, this is the common wealth of mankind. We should abandon the racial view and make concerted efforts to contribute to mankind."

Huang Wanyu returned the mobile phone to him and said, "I'm sorry, this is an ancient cultural relic unearthed from China. I can't give it to you."

"One billion... Not one billion!"

"As long as Miss Huang nods, we can trade right away."

Thomson gritted his teeth to increase the price.

Huang Wanyu said coldly, "as I said, this is a precious cultural relic of our country. Do you know that reselling cultural relics is a felony. Do you want me to commit a crime?"

"We can sign a confidentiality agreement on this matter. Who can know if you don't tell me?"

Thomson said: "our family has collected three stone carvings and even deciphered the relevant contents. Only when the stone carvings are in our hands can they play the most important role. In your hands, it's a waste."

Song an also said: "we are willing to sign a confidentiality agreement. This transaction will never be disclosed. You can rest assured, Miss Wanyu."

Sun Mudao said: "Wanyu, if people don't do it for themselves, heaven will destroy the earth, a billion! This is real gold and silver. You can't earn it all your life. "

"This stone carving in your hand is just a collection. If you give it to Thomson, it can not only sell money, but also contribute to mankind. Why not do it?"

People began to persuade.

Huang Wanyu's face was indifferent. No one knew what she was thinking.

But Song Qingling suddenly found something wrong with Qin Kuang.

Qin Kuang held the stone carving in his hands, and his eyes seemed to be dull, looking at the stone carving.

It seems that I want to get in.

However, his fingers turned white because of exertion.

"Qin Kuang, what's the matter with you? Don't use so much force. Don't damage the stone carving. "

It's worth a billion. It's too expensive.

If it's damaged by Qin Kuang, it's troublesome.

Qin Kuang did not answer.

If you look closely, you can see that his forehead is bulging.

The expression is even ferocious.

Thomson exclaimed: "Qin Kuang, put down the stone carving. It's the treasure of all mankind. If you break it, you'll be a sinner through the ages."

In a hurry, he wanted to snatch again.

But suddenly in front of a flower, a snow-white jade hand blocked in front of him.

It turned out to be Huang Wanyu.

She looked at Thomson coldly: "Thomson, remember, this is China Sea, not you west."

"The era of shame a hundred years ago has long passed."

"You will be punished for your banditry."

Thomson's eyes flashed cold: "Miss Huang, we are sincerely looking for it. Please make it perfect."

Huang Wanyu said coldly, "what if I don't sell it? Are you going to take it hard? "

Thomson took a deep breath and his eyes went crazy.

"We are bound to get it. Anyone who dares to stop it will fall."

"Miss Huang, don't push us."

"To hand over the stone carvings is easy to say, otherwise, we have to take coercive measures."

With his words, a group of people came around quietly, completely blocking the corner where they were.

And Mike and maklu, also issued a grim smile, showing their momentum without scruple.

Like a beast out of the gate, he opens his tusks to devour Huang Wanyu and Qin Kuang.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Even the air seems to have stopped flowing.

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