There is an anger burning in Qin Kuang's heart.

In the past two years, several workers have been working together, drinking and chatting, and have established a deep friendship.

These people are absolutely good people.

Although they are poor, their shining point makes Qin Kuang feel that the efforts of Shenzhou organization are very worthwhile.

What kind of people can bully such honest and kind workers?

He put away his cell phone, with a chill in his eyes.

Take a taxi straight to the West Pier.

Xicheng wharf.

Although the glory of the freight terminal has long been in the past, shipping is still hot.

This is the territory controlled by the Qinglong club.

In front of a warehouse.

Lao Zhang sat on the ground with a blue face.

"How can you hit people? We didn't mean to

"Big deal, we lose money."

Lao Zhang was aggrieved and angry.

Porters have dignity, too.

Just because I accidentally fell the box, I was treated so rudely.

The manager growled: "lose money? Can you afford it? These precious materials are transported from the far north pole, and the cost of one piece is 100000 yuan. "

"A hundred thousand?"

Lao Zhang's face turned white.

He never dreamed that the rock bricks in this box would be so expensive.

The other three workers were also pale and shivering.

Even if it is shared equally by four people, each person will have to pay 25000.

This is a huge sum of money for them who earn hard-earned money.

"You damaged two yuan, a total of 200000, lose money quickly, otherwise, don't want to leave."

Manager's vicious way, the canthus of the eye peeps out a trace of chilly.

Hula, a dozen men in black suits came around.

Mr. Zhang, the foreman, trotted all the way over, took out huazi and handed it to him.

"Manager Liao, it's all their fault. You can have a cigarette first and let me take care of it."

Manager Liao refused the cigarette and said coldly, "no matter who comes, they have to lose money. For your sake, I'll give you an hour. "

They look at each other with different eyes.

General manager Zhang went to Lao Zhang and frowned, "Lao Zhang, I only let you take this job for my family's sake. These are all valuables. Why are you so careless?"

Lao Zhang was anxious: "Mr. Zhang, we have been very careful. There is something wrong with the packing."

"It should be that there was a violent collision in the transportation. It's none of our business at all!"

Mr. Zhang said, "it's none of your business. Is it still my business?"

"Won't you check it out before you move?"

"You don't know what will happen if you get into trouble with the people of Qinglong club."

"Maybe we'll all be here today."

Mr. Zhang sighed: "in terms of our friendship for many years, count me in. Each person will pay 40000 yuan. This is how it is settled."

He is not alarmist.

Qinglong club has been in the middle of China Sea for hundreds of years and has a great reputation.

Ordinary people are more taboo about it.

Lao Zhang, including the four parties, brain melon seeds buzzing.

Forty thousand!

They don't have Qin Kuang's natural power. It takes at least two months to earn 40000.

Two months of hard-earned money, just like this is the pit, for whom, the heart will have to bleed.

The four porters got together and looked sad.

Mr. Zhang looks at the four people's embarrassment and shows a sneer from the corner of his eyes. He goes to manager Liao.

Manager Liao whispered, "how about it?"

General manager Zhang said, "don't worry, they are timid and will certainly give in."

"Manager Liao said:" you are cruel enough to even pit the people under your hand

Zhang said with a sneer, "it's a punishment for those who want to leave me and work alone. Unfortunately, Qin Kuang is not here today. Otherwise, they will clean up together."

Although Qin Kuang is capable, Mr. Zhang doesn't like him very much.

Because this person is neither humble nor overbearing, which makes him feel that he has not received due respect.

Lao Zhang dials Qin Kuang's phone again and tells him not to come here, so as not to suffer from reckless disaster.

Qin Kuang is now in a taxi.

Hearing the story, he quickly comforted Lao Zhang.

"Don't be nervous. Everything will wait until I come. Don't conflict with them."

Lao Zhang was shocked: "Qin Kuang, don't come here. We are not afraid. If we want money, we will die."

Qin said with a wild smile, "is your life worth tens of thousands of yuan? Don't worry. I won't let you suffer. "

Lao Zhang said with a bitter smile: "you are a bad guy. Don't you give all the money you earn to your mother-in-law? What do you use to solve this problem? "

Hang up the phone, Lao Zhang sighed and sighed.

"How are you thinking?" Mr. Zhang came over and asked hypocritically.

"The patience of these big brothers is very limited. If they don't give a reply, they will get angry and no one can leave today."

Lao Zhang took a deep breath: "I'll take all the responsibility by myself. If I want to kill them, I'll cut them."

Mr. Zhang frowned and said, "Lao Zhang, you are really stupid. You can earn money when you have no money. If you get hurt, you have to spend money to cure it."

Lao Zhang gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Zhang, you don't have a backache when you stand and talk. Their goods should be insured. Shouldn't they be compensated by the insurance company?"

Mr. Zhang said coldly, "Lao Zhang, don't regret it."

He turned and walked to manager Liao.

"Lao Zhang, I don't think it's right." Lao Huang frowned: "manager Zhang and manager Liao are said to be classmates."

"This pickpocket has always been an Iron Rooster, but this time it's a trap to ask such a high price." Lao Li also exclaimed later.

It's hard to see the extreme of their faces.

Manager Liao comes with a group of people.

People in black, pulled out the steel pipe, haha, sneer.

"Lose money, or break hands or feet, you can choose."

Manager Liao's eyes are cold.

Lao Zhang yelled: "I'm in charge, it has nothing to do with them. If you want to fight, just fight me."

Manager Liao hums coldly: "it's ridiculous to play in front of our Qinglong club."

"Shut up and call their relatives. If they can't get money today, they interrupt."

He waved his hand and several people in black rushed up with a grim smile.

cuff and kick.

The four were dragged into the warehouse like dead dogs and slammed the door.

"Qinglong will be handed down for hundreds of years. Is that the dross left behind?"

"It's better to blackmail even hard-earned money than to be a beast."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Manager Liao shouts: "who? Dare to be rude to Qinglong. "


His answer was a roar.

Great power, lift his whole person off.

Hit the container heavily and fainted on the spot.

A shadow, like a phantom, rushed into the crowd.

Bang bang!

The sound is like peas, fast and compact.

It's continuous.

The great men of the Qinglong club are like scarecrows. They fall when they are touched.

They didn't even know whether they were human or ghosts, so they were knocked down one by one.

Fast, accurate and ruthless!

We should make great efforts to subdue the enemy with one blow.

No one who has been hit can stand up again.

The crowd was so shocked that they couldn't believe it.

Zhang Zong was so scared that he sat down on the ground and was incontinent.


Before Mr. Zhang could see who was coming, Qin Kuang had kicked over a security guard and hit him heavily.

Bang when a, head and container collision, instant coma.

More than a dozen security guards didn't even last a minute.

Qin Kuang's face was full of joy: "I didn't expect that the tortoise's strength would advance instead of retreating for two years."

He's very tactful. These people are just in a coma, not fatally hit.

Qin Kuang threw a dozen people into an empty container, closed the door and locked it like a dead dog.

Just about to save Lao Zhang and others, he sniffled a few times.

Take a few steps and come to the wooden box broken by Lao Zhang and others.

Looking at the fragments, Qin Kuang's eyes showed a frightening cold awn.


He kicked the wooden box away, squatted down, fiddled with the debris on the ground, then put it on his nose and sniffed hard, his face dignified.

This unique flavor, he would never forget in his dreams.

Ice flame solution!

An extremely cold liquid produced in rocks in extremely cold regions.

Need to use complex processes to extract, the price is expensive, comparable to diamonds.

After adding some chemicals and drugs, it becomes the favorite of criminals who advocate violence.

This drug has a strong hallucinogenic effect.

Especially after the absorption of violent people, they become more tyrannical.

There are countless human beings in the world who have fallen and committed crimes.

However, this illegal drug is said to be produced in the cold Siberian secret base.

Occasionally, they flow into China and are intercepted by the Shenzhou organization.

Now, Qin Kuang is here, smelling the smell of raw materials.

This kind of raw material naturally has a strange smell. If it is contaminated with a little, it will leave a smell.

As it happens, Qin Kuang is extremely sensitive to this smell.

The fragments are scattered on the ground. Qin Kuang collects and splices all the fragments.

A brick 50 cm long, 30 cm wide and 30 cm high appeared in front of us.

But, in the middle, obviously missing a part, like a hollowed out box.

Qin searched all over the land, but he didn't find the missing part.

Is there anything in the stone?

Qin Kuang's eyes slowly moved up, looking at the words "Dragon International" on the truck, a little cold.

When raw materials come to China shipping, is dragon international the receiving party?

Has Dragon International fallen?

When he fell off the cliff, he caught a glimpse of Dragon International.

Whether it happened to pass by or be involved in it is inconclusive.

But now, Qin Kuang has concluded that the Qinglong club is absolutely inseparable from the last incident.

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