Qin Kuang never doubted anyone from any organization.

From the moment he joined the organization at the age of 14, the status of the organization in his mind was sacred and noble.

Countless heroes set an example and made Qin Kuang believe in the sacred responsibility of the God of war in China.

He is loyal to the organization, willing to shed blood for the organization and pay all the costs.

As for the brothers and sisters in the organization, he regarded them as his own.

"Dr. Huang, is this the latest H5 super anesthetic? I remember that one can anesthetize an elephant. Is my body stronger than an elephant? "

Huang Fei was a little confused.

"Mr. long, you are the God of war of Qinglong. Of course, you are stronger than elephants."

Qin Kuang said with a smile: "that's what I'm talking about. Otherwise, you can use three pipes."

Huang Fei was shocked and looked at Qin Kuang. For a moment, he didn't know whether his words were true or a joke.

To be honest, with one tube, it is beyond the limit of human body.

After two injections, Qin Kuang slowly closed his eyes.

Huang Fei checked for a while, his eyes showed a trace of joy.

He took a deep breath and murmured, "it's unprecedented to be able to touch the ice and flame solution with both fists and stay awake."

"Qin Kuang, what kind of resistance do you have in your body?"

"In the new era, you've been eliminated. Wouldn't it be better to be a specimen?"

Then he took out the large needle and began to draw blood.

Soon 500 milliliters were taken.

Huang Fei stops and looks at Qin Kuang, his eyes gradually showing the color of madness.

His breathing began to rush.

"Qinglong, your body is so special that your bone marrow should be different from ordinary people."

"In any case, your position has been replaced by someone. You are now in such an awkward position. Why not make greater contributions to the organization?"

"With your bone marrow, you may be able to develop a real medicine to strengthen Chinese soldiers."

"Didn't you ever swear to give everything to the organization? Then, give your body and bone marrow first. "

With a cruel smile, he turned from the drawer and took out the needle tube for extracting bone marrow. He came forward to extract Qin Kuang's bone marrow.

But all of a sudden, he was caught by the wrist.

Severe pain, he could not help but release the hands of the needle, issued a pain call.

"Didn't I tell you? One more tube of anesthetic? Unfortunately, you didn't listen. "

Qin Kuang sat up slowly, his eyes full of forest.

"You have degenerated into nirvana."

"It is absolutely impossible for Chinese soldiers to do such things and say such things."

"Now, I will sentence you to death according to the law, and execute immediately."

Qin Kuang's cold words rang out.

A punch, whistling out, heavy bombardment in Huang Fei's chest.

"Mr. long, don't..."

Lin Feifei broke into the house and was shocked.


With a bang, the blood mist flashed.

Huang Fei's body, flying up in the air, like a ball, hit the wall heavily, actually stayed in mid air for a second, then slowly slipped down.

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!

His mouth was dripping with blood.

There was despair and fear in his eyes.

He never dreamed that Qin Kuang would be such a clean killer.

One blow shattered his internal organs.

Lin Feifei was so stunned that she couldn't think.

Qin Kuang turns around slowly, grabs his clothes and puts them on.

It seems that what I killed just now was not an insider, but an ant.

"Mr. long, you are too reckless."

"Huang Fei is an important member of the organization, and his father holds an important position in the headquarters. If you kill him like this, it will bring endless future troubles."

It's hard for her to believe that Qin Kuang, such a thoughtful God of war who has accomplished countless miracles, would be so impulsive.

Qin Kuang coldly said: "Miss Lin knew beforehand that I would be treated as a mouse, draw blood and bone marrow, and sleep forever?"

Lin Feifei was surprised and said, "Mr. long, I don't understand what you are talking about. You are the God of war in China. How can we do this to you?"

Qin Kuang said: "unfortunately, that's how Dr. Huang dealt with me."

"For the time being, I believe that this is just his personal idea, not the decision of the organization."

Lin Feifei said in a trembling voice: "Mr. long, you must believe in the organization! How can organizations treat meritorious officials like this? "

"I hope so. He is right in saying that maybe I have been eliminated by the times since I left for two years."

"But I will still abide by the original oath, never die, never give up."

Lin Feifei looks at Huang Fei, who is already lifeless, and is very upset.

This kind of situation has never appeared in the decades of Shenzhou organization.

Qin Kuang has put on his clothes and watch.

"If nothing happens, I'll go back first."

"Also, I'm in good health. From then on, I refused to cooperate with any examination."

His cold eyes stopped for a few seconds at Lin Feifei's neck.

Lin Feifei felt that her neck was withstood by a sharp blade, and there was a sting.

Green Dragon God of war, the aftereffect is still there!

If anyone really thinks that he is eliminated by the times, it will be the biggest mistake.

Qin Kuang left.

He had a calm, displeased look.

Kulinan slowly opens the street and accelerates slowly.

Qin Kuang's indifferent eyes also became sharp.

"The times have really changed. Even within the organization, Nirvana people have infiltrated."

"There are so many people who want to kill me."

"But in the end, they all became the souls of my men."

"The teacher is right, in this world, the only trustworthy person, can only be himself."

After a whirlwind, Qin came to the gate of the art college unconsciously.

Looking at the young and beautiful students coming and going, he couldn't help smiling.

The purpose of Chinese soldiers is to make these future flower pillars have a comfortable and comfortable environment and a life without complaint.

To this smiling face, a shadow, all pay is worth it.

Suddenly, Qin Kuang saw a familiar figure.

The smile on his face became more intense.

Zhang Ziling's pure and beautiful appearance, exquisite three-dimensional facial features and gentle and friendly smile give people a feeling of healing.

Seeing her, it seems that all troubles are gone.

How did Lao Zhang, an ugly ghost, give birth to such a lovely daughter?

Qin Kuang stared at her, his mind full of pictures of the past few days.

Zhang Ziling is walking out of school with some classmates and crossing the road together.

All of a sudden, a van passed by her, blocking Qin Kuang's sight.

Qin Kuang didn't care at first.

After all, the traffic here is very busy.

Especially after school, there are more luxury cars.

But all of a sudden, his eyes coagulated, and an indescribable vigilance rose in his heart.

Zhang Ziling, it's gone!

She was nowhere to be seen.

Only a super martial arts expert of the same level as Qin Kuang can disappear from Qin Kuang's sight in such a short time.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling is not such a person.

Qin Kuang's eyes showed a terrible light. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.

There is something wrong with the van just now!

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