No one can imagine that the famous killer of annihilating Venus in Southeast China would kneel down in front of a person and be willing to exchange his own death for the future of the organization.

Qin Kuang's face was expressionless. He looked at the three people coldly, like three lifeless puppets.

"At the beginning, you will swear with your life that wherever I am, I will retreat."

"Never try to kill me, or you will let the annihilation completely annihilate."

"Now, only five years later, you forget your vows and want to kill me."

"Can I understand that, annihilation, no longer want to continue to exist?"

Understatement of the tone, but it brings great pressure to the three.

"Qinglong warlord, it's our three brothers who are wrong. We thank you for death. Please keep your promise and don't make it difficult to annihilate."

Ruan Tian suddenly knelt straight and said firmly.

Qin Kuang was a little surprised: "are you willing to sacrifice for the organization?"

In his view, killers are cold-blooded, heartless and selfish people.

The only thing they cherish is their own lives.

However, the three Ruan heroes were willing to sacrifice themselves for the organization.

This really subverts Qin Kuang's cognition of killers.

Qin Kuang's hand is trembling slightly.

The intention of killing is in my heart.

"Brother Qin, what happened? Why do all these people kneel down? "

Zhang Ziling could hardly believe her eyes.

These people were in the car to discuss how to kill Qin Kuang and her.

But now, when I see Qin Kuang, I kneel down.

What's the meaning of this?

Qin Kuang looked at Zhang Ziling's pure eyes and frowned slightly.

He can easily kill these three killers, but he doesn't want Zhang Ziling to be cleansed of his memory.

This method has certain damage to the human brain.

If more than two times in a row, it may even make people become idiots.

Qin Kuang didn't want to take the risk.

He gave Zhang Ziling a smile.

Then he turned his back to Zhang Ziling and looked coldly at the three.

"Go back and tell your new president that I, Qinglong, am not dead."

"If I dare to offer a reward to the Chinese soldiers one day, I will be in breach of contract."

"When you're done with your subpoena, you're done with yourself."

"That's all for now."

The three were shocked and kowtowed.

It seems that being killed by Qin Kuang is a relief.

This situation, let the well-informed Qin crazy, also can't understand.

No matter how the three brothers look at it, they don't seem to be willing to give up their lives!

He came to the van and opened the door.

Zhang Ziling looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Qin, thank you. I knew you would come to save me."

While speaking, she threw herself into Qin Kuang's arms and began to cry.

Qin Kuang patted her on the shoulder awkwardly and comforted her: "it's OK. It's just a misunderstanding. Let's go."

Qin Kuang made a little effort to break the rope on her hand.

Zhang Ziling said curiously: "brother Qin, how did you do it? These people seem to be afraid of you? "

Qin Kuang light way: "go quickly, they recognize the wrong person, think I am a very powerful person, must not let them wake up."

Zhang Ziling a listen, the whole person is not good, hastened to speed up the pace, dare not ask.

They got on the bus and sped away.

Ruan's three brothers lay down.

"Death is just the starting point of rebirth, and it's finally our turn to contribute to the organization."

Ruan Tian showed a relieved smile: "our three brothers are really lucky! The work of saving the organization is as great as heaven. You should be qualified to enter heaven. "

Ruan said: "of course, the former president committed suicide by caesarean section to save the annihilation, and then ascended to heaven forever."

"Today, we, who have made great contributions, are naturally entitled to follow the president."

Ruan Xiong's face was holy and shining: "the spirit of the president guides our three brothers to Nirvana and rebirth. This is the will of heaven."

Ruan Tian laughed: "at such a happy time, we should inject two injections to help us. Maybe we can communicate with the president's soul and receive his advice from the elderly."

The three men took out the medicine and began to inject it.

But for a moment, there was a babble on the grass.

Zhang Ziling cleverly sat in the co pilot, occasionally peeking at Qin Kuang, a pair of want to see and dare not look.

Qin Kuang was made extremely uncomfortable by her.

"What do you want to do, niece? If you have something to say, just say it. "

Zhang Ziling said: "don't call me big niece, call me Ziling."

Qin Kuang pretended to be relaxed and said, "you are so beautiful and there are so many bad people. Be careful when you go in and out in the future."

Zhang Ziling said: "what are you afraid of? Don't you have elder brother Qin to protect me?"

"You are so powerful that bad people will kneel down when they see you. What am I afraid of?"

Qin crazy not good angry way: "I can't always guard in your side?"

"Why not?" Zhang Ziling said playfully: "anyway, your big boss has nothing to do all day, so you don't have to work."

Qin Kuang said with a bitter smile, "I'll blame you if your father doesn't tear it."

Zhang Ziling turned her eyes.

"Thank you for saving me. I'll treat you to food."

"But I'm a student, and I can't afford a big meal without money."

Qin Kuang saw that it was dark. Anyway, he had to have dinner, so he didn't refuse.

As for what to eat, he didn't care much.

They came to a food street near the campus.

Food street is a pedestrian street, no parking.

Qin Kuang had to park his car at the intersection and walk in together.

On this street, most of them are young students.

All kinds of milk tea shops and snack bars can be seen everywhere.

Two people walk together, talented and beautiful, it is caused a lot of attention.

Zhang Ziling looks lively today. She will buy this one and eat that one.

Qin Kuang is like a big brother who indulges her.

In the distance, Zhen Sijian, who has a good eye, is taking some professional photographers with him.

They are very cautious, far away, and ordinary people. Even Qin Kuang is hard to find.

"What? You failed? "

At Xiying villa, Thomson looked at Ruan Tian in disbelief: "you are the annihilated killer of Venus. How can you fail to assassinate a rich businessman?"

"Besides, you have no reason to give up!"

Ruan Tian said coldly: "this matter is the top secret of my annihilation. I will not give any explanation."

Thomson took a deep breath and said slowly, "three, annihilation has made an alliance with us. We are all family."

"This crazy Qin is the one we have to get rid of. As annihilators, you can't give up, public or private."

"You don't understand. We are only loyal to the organization," he said

"I also advise you not to fight against Qin Kuang, otherwise, you will die very ugly."

Thomson said, "what is Qin Kuang's ability to let the famous annihilation organization give up the task?"

Ruan Tian said coldly, "no comment."

The three brothers looked at each other with a strange look.

Thomson secretly gritted his teeth, but he was helpless.

It seems that annihilation is hopeless.

However, Nirvana, it's time to appear.

CNOOC, it's time to move.

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