"What can I do for you, Mr. long?"

Lin Feifei said respectfully.

"In three days, I'll take Ma Wenbo to Fufa."

"Well, I'm going to make arrangements now. Our people have figured out their tricks, and the evidence has been collected. We can let the relevant personnel lie in wait at any time."

Although Lin Feifei was a little surprised, he didn't hesitate.

Qin hung up.

Ma Chao has been smiling.

"Crazy Qin, do you really think Huang Wanyu is omnipotent? Can one phone call bring down my father? "

"Some things, even Huang Wenxuan can't get involved, let alone her?"

"If we want to destroy our cultural and Expo Group, even Huang Wenxuan can't do it."

"What are you doing?"

Duan Fei sneered: "his four links group are crumbling, but also dare to threaten others, it's ridiculous."

Before, she was very envious of Zhang Ziling.

But now, she is extremely contemptuous.

Even if Zhang Ziling recaptured Qin crazy again, how?

Qin Kuang is no longer the original super rich.

In contrast, Ma Chao's real winner is the mysterious boss's investment.

Zhang Ziling was extremely disappointed with her best friend.

This time I saw her through.

Laughing wildly, they walked to the hotel.

Zhang Ziling said angrily: "brother Qin, Ma Chao is too hateful."

Qin Kuang smile, said: "he won't be proud for long, three days later, it's time to cry."

Zhang Ziling was surprised and said, "brother Qin, can you tell fortune?"

Qin Kuang said with a smile: "my fortune telling skills only work for some people. Ma Chao happens to be one of them."

Zhang Ziling showed two cute little tiger teeth and said, "hum, Duan Fei, this green tea, I think we'll go through a roller coaster this time."

Qin Kuang said curiously, "aren't you students of art college? Why do you have to find a job by yourself? "

Zhang Ziling said with a bitter smile: "every student who enters the art school fantasizes that he can be a big star. How many of them can really succeed?"

Qin said wildly, "don't you succeed?"

"Brother Qin, you're making fun of me again." Zhang Ziling said angrily: "I was cheated by Zhen Sijian, and you, brother Qin, were also used by him. It's disgusting. I've seen through the ranks. After two days, I'll look for a job. "

Qin Kuang was a little surprised.

Zhang Ziling can't get along with his appearance. It's really hard for others to get along with him.

They ordered a few dishes and went home after eating and drinking.

The first day of living together passed like this.

It was a quiet night.

But in the West England villa, Thomson and others look solemn.

"Sun Chenggang's people are pouring out. Why is there no news?"

Thomson shakes his glass of red wine with a flash of scarlet in his eyes.

Mark Lu said: "why bother so much? Wouldn't it be better to kill him directly?"

Thomson said in a cold voice: "no, this person has no clear origin. It is likely to be related to the Shenzhou organization. We can't act rashly."

Mark Lu is not angry way: "all blame annihilation organization that a few waste, unexpectedly return in vain."

Thomson said coldly, "by the way, annihilation, have you given an explanation?"

"The people of annihilation couldn't believe it. They declared that they were separated from us," he said

"These bastards, after getting enough benefits, actually break faith."

"The great theocrat in charge of Asian Affairs broke out in a fury of thunder and ordered to investigate the responsibility for the annihilation. At present, this organization has disappeared."

Thomson said coldly, "after seeing Qin Kuang, the three brothers of Ruan's behave strangely. Is this man related to annihilation organization?"

Qin Kuang's superficial information is clear at a glance.

But in the eyes of those who want to, it is still mysterious.

From the Qin family's departure to its appearance in Zhonghai two years ago, there is a full eight year gap.

During this period of time, he seemed to disappear completely.

This is obviously very abnormal.

That's why Thomson has been slow to act.

Mark Lu said: "even if he is a general of China, what? Our helpers will arrive tomorrow. This strength is enough to uproot the China Sea Shenzhou base. It's not a worry to be a Qin maniac. "

He seemed very relaxed and didn't see Qin wildly.

"Qin Kuang is just a nobody, not worth mentioning."

"Don't forget that our real task is to conquer Huang Wenxuan."

Mike interjected.

He is the one who has the least words but the most means among the three.

To be silent is to do.

This man is a sharp blade under Thomson. He once eliminated many opponents for him.

Thomson nodded.

He said coldly: "Mike is right. Qin Kuang is nothing. The most urgent task is to finish the task of the God envoy and conquer Huang Wenxuan."

"This man lost his wife in his early years and didn't marry for many years. Our beauty trick has no effect on him at all."

"And the Huang family is a business family. They don't lack wealth and money can't lure them."

"His only weakness is his daughter."

"But once we touch his daughter, there's no turning back."

Mike frowned and said, "when do we need to look ahead and behind in Nirvana?"

"God says that anyone who goes against me is evil."

"I suggest that before Huang Wenxuan grows up, he should be killed to avoid future trouble."

Thomson said, "no way. The Oracle says that Huang Wenxuan is an important person and must be courted. Are you questioning the order of the oracle?"

Mike and makrou quickly bowed and respectfully made a strange courtesy.

First, open your hands and bow deeply.

Then he got up, put his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and whispered, holy and solemn.

This movement is careful, as if afraid of disturbing the spirit.

The envoys have great power in Nirvana.

His status is comparable to that of the head of a country.

Nirvana believes that the whole earth is the domain of the only true God. They divide the earth into seven regions, which are similar to seven continents of human beings.

In each region, there is a corresponding great God who is responsible for absorbing believers and teaching the people.

The divine envoy is the most powerful person in charge of the division under the great divine officer.

After all, there are dozens of countries in a region.

The envoys of God are equal to the Lord of a country and have great power.

There are countless younger brothers under the divine envoy, who call themselves guides.

The task of the guide is to expand the team.

Thomson is one of them.

His task is to conquer Huang Wenxuan, who is most likely to be in charge of the world in the future.

They use the same method to disrupt the world.

Many small countries are even subverted directly by them, supporting their own people.

If they are allowed to succeed, the world will be in real chaos.

Qin Kuang did not relax his vigilance.

Although Zhang Ziling temporarily got rid of the threat from sun Chenggang, the threat from Nirvana did not disappear.

Qin Kuang knows the style of these people too well.

Do whatever it takes to get there.

The so-called law and secular morality can not restrain them at all.

Qin Kuang destroyed the oracle of creation, which was unforgivable to Thomson.

Zhang Ziling, obviously, will be their target to intimidate Qin Kuang.

This is the real reason why Qin Kuang brought it to Villa protection.

In the morning, Qin Kuang takes Zhang Ziling to the garage.

Zhang Ziling looked at the spicy method with a complicated face and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Brother Qin, it's... It's too expensive. I'm satisfied that you can lend me one."

Qin Kuang threw the information bag into the car and said faintly, "the formalities have been completed long ago. If you write your name, it's yours."

"But this birthday present is too expensive."

Zhang Ziling got up in a hurry.

At first glance, she fell in love with the car.

No woman can resist its charm.

Qin Kuang said: "your current situation is not suitable for public transport travel. Well, if you think it's too publicity, I'll ask someone to help you drive it."

With that, Qin Kuang dials Song Qingling and tells him the situation.

Song Qingling expressed his willingness to help on the spot.

Zhang Ziling looked at Qin Kuang in a daze, and her heart fluctuated.

She thought of the situation when Song Qingling sent the sports car.

"Miss Zhang, you are the luckiest person in the world. I really envy you."

At that time, she didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Now, he seems to understand.

Even the young lady of Qinglong club is willing to be driven by her. A telephone even wants to be Zhang Ziling's driver.

Qin Kuang's real identity is more mysterious and terrifying than he thought.

But such people are willing to kill in order to protect themselves.

For a moment, Zhang Ziling was deeply moved.

Looking at Qin Kuang's eyes, he suddenly became affectionate.

When Qin Kuang was surprised, she suddenly leaned over and put her arms around his neck.

Fragrant lips close to his ears, heat flow pricking pores.

"Brother Qin, thank you for your kindness. I will never repay you in my life."


She couldn't help but kiss twice.

With the soft jade and warm fragrance in his heart, Qin Kuang's blood seemed to be ignited and suddenly became uncontrollable.

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