"This song..."

Jiangzhou, in a rental house.

A man with glasses and acne marks on his face sat in front of the computer, watching the video of "Ordinary Road" on the screen, a little dazed.

His name is Chang Wei, the big one in the amateur station is called the lonely god, he is a famous video host in the original music area, and the trumpet is called King Keyboard, and recently he also made a bet with the fishman singer because of his suspicion of Xue Zhou's plagiarism, and he also became famous.

Chang Wei, like many people who focus on this matter, stayed in the amateur station early, waiting for Xuezhou's new song.

However, his heart was full of disdain and doubts, and Xue Zhou was also forced to be in a hurry, forced to write a new song in such a short period of time, wanting to prove that he did not plagiarize.

But this can only be counterproductive.

Chang Wei didn't believe that a rookie video master on an amateur station could write two golden song-level songs in a short period of time.

Yes, "It's a pity it's not you" has been evaluated by many music critics as having the potential to be at the level of "golden songs".

Of course, it also depends on the follow-up publicity and channels, if Xuezhou signs into the entertainment company and gets enough resources, this song has the possibility of becoming a popular hit.

"It's a pity it's not you" is already so good, and it's a bit of nonsense to want to write another song of the same level in two weeks.

So Chang Wei thinks that Xuezhou was roasted on the fire because there were too many doubts on the Internet, and he had no choice but to release a new song.

Even he was ready to continue to question Xue Zhou, let him get out of the amateur station, and get out of the original music circle.

Just waiting for the other party's new song to come out, this impassioned and sprinkled thousand-word "crusade against plagiarists" can be sent out.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Xue Zhou's new song was released on time.

Chang Wei sneered, do you really

dare to send it out? No, if you dare to send it, I will dare to spray.

Just click in and start listening.

A few minutes later, the song, titled "Ordinary Road", finished playing.

Chang Wei fell silent.

He subconsciously looked at the crusade article he had prepared in advance, and suddenly found that he didn't seem to need it at all.

What is said in it is not worthy, you can't write a good song by plagiarism, and plagiarism will ruin the original music, which is indeed generous and heroic, and the momentum is like a rainbow, but that is for the plagiarist.

But after listening to "Ordinary Road", will anyone still suspect that Xue Zhou is plagiarism

? Can a plagiarized person write a song of this level?

Chang Wei did not give up, and searched for the same type of song he knew in his mind, and found that there was no one similar.

In other words, there is no song that is compared with "Ordinary Road".

Even, even Chang Wei, who has a hostile attitude, was touched after listening to this song, remembering the process of his first entry into the amateur station, from a lonely and unknown small video host, to slowly suffering, and finally to hundreds of thousands of fans.

This song is gentle and simple, but it can remind people of those experiences full of hardships and hardships, resonate with them, and feel the vicissitudes of life.


I'm here to find faults

! I want to be sober

! This song must have shortcomings, and there are loopholes to find!

So, Chang Wei listened to it again.

Then my heart was blocked again.

Damn, why is this song so good?

I can't find any shortcomings!

Chang Wei looked at the comment area again, trying to find some inspiration, but when he saw it, everyone was confused.

"Mom, I'm a man in my thirties who cried

!" "I'm a woman in my twenties and I'm crying!" "I'm a teenage baby

crying too!" "I'm a tadpole who is still swimming, and

I'm crying!"


This song really surpasses "It's a pity it's not you", Xuezhou is amazing, and he does what he says. "

I want to ask the trolls to tell me, which songs are similar to "Ordinary Road"?"

"Trolls: You force me to death!" Chang

Wei felt that his heart rate was abnormal.

His current state is exactly the same as what he said in the comment area, he is going to be forced to death by

this song! Grass! I really can't think of this song that can be black!

However, Chang Wei thought about it, I can't find a black spot, it's because I'm not professional enough.

The hot search on Weibo, Su Qingmei and Xuezhou, who have so much energy, will definitely be able to find a place to spray, and I will follow up when the time comes.

Haha, I'm so smart!


At the same time, Linjiang, in a nanny car.

"This song..."

Shen Yao put down the mobile phone that had just finished playing "Ordinary Road" and looked at Chen Jue.

Today, Shen Yao also has an activity of a clothing brand, but this brand belongs to the second tier, and it is much less well-known than Su Qingmei's big brand.

This kind of endorsement usually matches the celebrity's coffee position and popularity, Shen Yao is a second-tier artist, so naturally she can only receive endorsements from second-tier brands.

debuted at the same time, in the same company, people are high, resources and endorsements are top-notch, and I am two grades worse than everything, this comparison is sometimes quite heart-wrenching.

Shen Yao didn't want to watch others being watched by the public anymore, and she could only stand aside like a minion.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to divorce, maintain her pure personality, and then slandered Su Qingmei by all kinds of means that could not be put on the table.

The "Xuezhou plagiarism" incident is a good opportunity to continue to crack down on Su Qingmei, and Shen Yao will naturally not let it go.

So just after participating in the event this morning, she didn't even have time to eat, so Shen Yao couldn't wait to enter the amateur station, and sure enough, she saw that Xuezhou really released a new song.

She immediately clicked play on the nanny's car, and the volume was turned up to the maximum.

It's not to enjoy the original music, but to let the water army better criticize Xuezhou's plagiarism later, and then firmly lock Su Qingmei and the plagiarists.

However, after listening to the song, the people in the car were silent.

At this time, in addition to Chen Jue, there were three assistants in the nanny car.

Although these people are not professional singers, they are exposed to music all day long, and their ability to appreciate music is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people.

They were stunned after listening to "Ordinary Road", and wanted to talk about the shortcomings of this song, but they couldn't think of anything.

Especially Chen Jue, she is the oldest, and she has been in the circle of agents for many years, and has experienced many changes and tribulations.

"Ordinary Road" touched her very much.

At this moment, hearing Shen Yao's words, Chen Jue hurriedly raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes, and said with a wry smile:

"Shen Yao, you are a professional singer, what do you think?"

Only the guitar can show the charm of this song, it should be piano and orchestral instruments... Huh?"

Shen Yao said for a long time, and when she saw Chen Jue and the others looking at her strangely, she immediately reacted.

Aren't you looking for

the black spots of this song? Why am I still helping him think of how to be better

? And the single accompaniment is not a black spot, as long as the guitar playing is so shocking, doesn't that show the excellence of this song even more?

It also shows that Xue Zhou is not plagiarism!

Shen Yao did not give up, clicked play again, and watched Xue Zhou's playing and singing again.


Chen Jue suddenly frowned.

"What?" Shen

Yao thought she had found some black spots, and hurriedly asked.

Chen Jue pointed to the man covering his face on the screen: "Shen Yao, don't you think this person

is a little familiar?" Shen Yao looked at it again, and also frowned: "It seems that you say this a little, but I can't remember who it is for a while."

Chen Jue said in a low voice: "Does it look like

Lin Zhou?" Shen Yao was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "Lin Zhou?!! How is it possible, if he can write songs of this level, I will divorce him? Besides, if he can write songs, how can I not know?"

Chen Jue looked at the phone screen again and nodded: "Probably I think too much." Several

people watched the singing video of "Ordinary Road" again, and once again determined one thing: the level of

this song is too high, and it can't be black anymore.

As for the re-rumors of Xue Zhou's plagiarism?

That is no longer possible.

It's very simple, the current Chinese music scene has not surpassed the same type of song in "Ordinary Road", you say that people copy it, but he is the best, who is he going to copy?

Chen Jue looked at the major entertainment websites and Weibo, and sure enough, the wind direction has changed greatly at this time.

"The Ordinary Way. The

title of this song directly ranked 50th in the hot search, and the praise in the comment area was all lamenting that this song reminded people of the regrets and ups and downs of the past.

You must know that Xuezhou is just a newcomer video master at the amateur station, and it is already incredible that he can be on the hot search.

It is difficult for even those gods with millions of fans at the amateur station to be on the hot search, and Xuezhou has been on the hot search for three consecutive days.

It can only be said that this guy is too fierce!

Not only fans, but also several well-known music critics couldn't help but get off the stage and expressed their opinions on "Ordinary Road".

The ear emperor of Weibo's 5 million followers: "A gentle melody can make your heart fluctuate and be stunned, this is the power of music!" Music

professor Xu Yizhou: "A typical trip-hop chord breakdown sings the voice of mortals, it is sincere and frank enough, and it deduces an extraordinary journey of life." Penguin

Music's full-time music critic I am crazy about songs: "This is a new new folk style, the lyrics are faintly warm and sad, so that the listener can enjoy peace, reminisce about youth, ordinary is not the end, but the direction!

These three are all pure musicians, and their comments on songs are extremely objective and fair, and they have also criticized Su Qingmei, so there is no possibility of speaking for Su Qingmei.

This also makes their evaluations more authoritative and persuasive.

No one mentioned Xuezhou's plagiarism anymore.

Now everyone knows that the person who can write "Ordinary Road" cannot be a plagiarist at all.

His level is already higher than that of most songwriters, who can he copy?

Su Qingmei's fans, who were suppressed two days ago, were excited, and they jumped out to speak: "Su Qingmei cooperates with excellent musicians, and some people just can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour!"

"What about the people who say Su Qingmei sings plagiarized songs

?" "Come out, didn't you have a very happy call two days ago?"

Thank you Xuezhou for returning our Qingmei's innocence!"

At this time, Su Qingmei had just finished the brand activity and walked off the stage, and the first thing she said was:

"How about the song?"

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