
When the demon and I locked eyes, I felt a sense of unease.

‘Something feels off?’


The demon swung its arm and hit the ground.

But there was no need to dodge.

It attacked far to the side of where I was standing.

It was different from earlier when it attacked like a ghost, pinpointing the location of the knights.


The angry demon howled, having missed its prey.

“It has no focus in its eyes.”

And then I realized the source of my unease.

While the demon’s eyes glimmered and shone, there was no life in them upon closer inspection.

“Is it blind?”

Then how did it know where the people were and attack them?

I cautiously approached the demon.


“Roselina! Wait, I’ll come with you!”

I sensed someone running towards me from behind.

“Don’t come!”

I shouted urgently without looking back.

And then, the next moment.


Thud! Kuung-!

The demon swung its arm towards us.

The sound was so loud that it felt like the wind was tearing apart.

[You are unaffected by the demon’s attack due to the effect of the skill 〈Walk on the Flower Path!〉]

Fortunately, we were able to avoid the demon’s attack with the Flower Path buff.

“Does it react to sound?”

But it didn’t seem to be the case as the demon missed.

As the monsters threw and smashed anything they could, the entrance to the Grand Hall was blocked.

The people huddled in corners to avoid the monsters and remained silent.

Even so, the monsters attacked places where people were present.

‘Unless the monsters don’t respond to sound…’

When the monster, once again, missed its prey, I pondered the information about the monsters.

The monster’s cry echoed through the Grand Hall.

“How dare you put my wife in danger! I’ll take you to the Magic Tower and turn you into an experiment!”

In the meantime, the Master of the Magic Tower gathered his magical power and attacked the monster.

A giant fireball appeared in the air and struck the monster’s stomach directly.

“Wow, this is magic…!”

“I can see such large-scale magic. He’s definitely the Master of the Magic Tower!”

“Thanks to the Master of the Magic Tower, we can survive.”

Even in the midst of the possibility of death, the instincts of the spectators kicked in, and the nobles gasped.

However, their expectations were quickly crushed.


The giant fireball stuck in the monster’s stomach disappeared without any damage.

Not only that, but the monster attacked the Master of the Magic Tower without hesitation.



“Honey! Honey, wake up!”

Although the Master of the Magic Tower was the leader of the wizards, he was nothing more than a mere human in front of the monster, where magic did not work.

Upon seeing the Master of the Magic Tower fall from the monster’s attack, I tried to run towards him.

“Are you crazy?”

At that time, Argention took me to a safe place and grabbed my shoulder.

“Wait here. I’ll take care of it…”

But Argention couldn’t finish his sentence.

Thump! Woong!

Strange sounds came from the floor, and more demons appeared.

“Oh, God…”

“Oh, God, save us…”

Some began to pray with tears.

The demons leaped and landed in the grand hall, just like the first demons did.

They immediately swung their arms at the people nearby.

Fortunately, the ether shield that Argention had created was still effective, so no one was hurt.

Crack! Quakwakwak!

However, the floor and walls broke apart.

“Get behind me.”

Argentina stood in front of me and pulled out his ether sword to strike the demons.


Argention’s attack was successful, and the demon with a large sword wound on its back fell to the ground, screaming.

“D, Duke Palesdon!”

“It’s okay, we’re saved now!”

The people cheered, but it didn’t last long.


The demon got up as if it had never fallen, and its back, which had been wounded, looked as if it had never been injured.

The demon, who had recovered from its injuries at an unbelievable speed, began to rampage.

Argentina attempted to attack the demon with his ether sword several more times, but even after being struck by the sword, the demon continued to jump and bounce.

“….Darn it.”

Even Argention, the people’s last hope, cursed in frustration.

“We’re done for!”

“Helios has surely abandoned us!”

“Save me! I don’t want to die!”

The Grand Hall became increasingly chaotic with people screaming and monsters rampaging.

It was a volatile situation, but I remained calm.

‘If I lose my composure here, no one can change the future.’

I stared intently at the monsters with fire in my eyes, gathering information.


Suddenly, I felt the uneasiness I had felt earlier return.

As several monsters came into view, their attack patterns began to emerge.

“They’re only attacking people within range.”

If not visual or auditory, then the only sense left was…

‘Sense of smell.’

The monsters may have been attacking based on the scent of those within range.

I looked down at the slingshot I held tightly in my hand.

“Could it be…”

A thought flashed through my mind.

“No way.”

But I had no time to waste on futile thoughts.

Without hesitation, I raised my slingshot.

The words of the Master of the Magic Tower came to mind.

“Although his magic and Argention’s attack didn’t work, maybe this will.”

Then a strange feeling washed over me.

I filled myself with magical energy and fired my slingshot at the nearest monster.


With a powerful sound, the slingshot pierced through the monster’s torso.

The monster fell backward without even a scream.



The fallen monster’s hand trembled.

It wasn’t completely dead yet.

“I’ll take care of this.”

Argention, who had been fighting the monsters, approached the fallen monster.

At that moment, words popped up in my vision simultaneously.

[The monster you attacked has died.]

[If you kill a monster, you cannot complete the special quest, 〈Save the Life of Enok Joffrey, the High Priest!〉]

[If you fail to complete the special quest, Enok Joffrey will suffer the wrath of the angry god and lose his life.]

[Do you want to fail the special quest?]

“What? What should I do then?”

I was taken aback, but I couldn’t just stand there.

If I did, the High Priest would die.

“Argention! Hold on a minute!”

Fortunately, I was able to stop Argention from unleashing his ether just before it pierced the demon’s neck.

“Wait a minute. I need to check something.”


After hearing Argention’s response, I looked around.

“There are still four demons left.”

First, I needed to immobilize the demons’ feet so I could do something.

“I can do this.”

I took a deep breath.

Then, holding my slingshot, I approached the nearest demon.


The demon swung its arm wildly, making a menacing sound.

Despite getting close, the demon did not notice me.

“Of course, it doesn’t know that I’m approaching.”

I gripped my slingshot tightly.

[Summoned enhanced slingshot from the unknown world

-Grade: B

-Item Description: A slingshot that operates using the user’s magic. Its power can be adjusted.

-Enhancement feature: The accuracy of the item is increased when used. It includes a feature that eliminates the user’s foot odor.]

I figured it’s because of the item’s effect.

It was intentional that I said “because of” instead of “thanks to”.

‘I’m not grateful for a feature that eliminates my foot odor even if it helps me approach a demon!’

Perhaps sensing my thoughts, the noble audience in the distance roared with excitement.

“Even the Master of the Magic Tower and Duke Palesdon couldn’t do anything, but Duchess Palesdon defeated a demon!”

“Look, even when she approached so closely, the demon didn’t notice her at all!”

‘Stop, stop it…!’

They continued to marvel without realizing that I felt embarrassed.

“Ah, enough. Let’s just do our job quickly.”

I charged the slingshot with magic and shot it at the demon.

After shooting three more shots in succession, all the demons had fallen.

[The breath of the demons that received your attack has been cut off.]

The warning came up again.

“Ah, I get it.”

I approached the first demon that had fallen quickly.

Argention was waiting to cut off the demon’s breath at any moment.

“Thank you for waiting.”

“It’s nothing.”

After a brief conversation with Argention, I carefully observed the demon.

‘I’m not supposed to kill them? Then what should I do?’

I should tame them and make them play in the fields or something.


As I grumbled to myself, I fell silent upon seeing the letters that appeared before me.

[You have discovered a tamable life form. Would you like to tame it?]

‘Oh, come on, don’t be ridiculous.’

Why on earth would I want to tame demons?

But the sky was indifferent.

[The demons you’ve attacked are dying.]

[Will you fail the special quest like this?]

I saw the threatening notification and eventually gave in.

‘Is it right to take human lives hostage and threaten others?’

I finally surrendered.

[Would you like to tame the life form that is turning into a demon?]

A strange notification appeared as I tried to tame the demon.

‘Turning into a demon? Then what were they before they became demons?’

I wondered, but I attempted to tame them anyway.

Then a white light that only I could see enveloped the demon.

[Taming success!]

[The life form turning into a demon has been tamed.]

[You can use the skill 〈Check Detailed information about the Tamed Life Form〉 and the skill 〈Nurture the Tamed Life Form〉.]

As I read the notification that provided information I didn’t need, I swallowed hard.

The system didn’t mince words.

‘I have to know their identity.’

Maybe this was what the High Priest wanted.

‘Well, I guess I have no choice but to use my skill.’

But soon after, I learned the demon’s identity without using my skill.

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