I hesitated for a moment because I didn’t know what to say and nodded.

“Of course I am.”

“Then I’ll go.”

Calix, who answered nicely, rose from his seat.

“Okay, but we need to be ready to get you out of the cage. I’ll come back tomorrow…”


Calix shook his hand lightly and the ball that held him by the wrist fell off.

Tuduk- Tuduk- Tuduk-

The same was true of the restraints tied to his ankles and neck.

As if there were no restrictions on restraints from the beginning.

Then he stood in front of the entrance.


The lock broke weakly when Calix struck.

“I’m going out with Rose now.”

Calix smiled.

“What is this……….”

Mumbling in embarrassment, Calix slowly opened our door.

And step by step approaches me.

‘He’s bigger than I thought.’

It was the first thought I had when I saw him in front of me in an instant.

‘It’s a little scary looking at him like this.’

His flesh and his eyes, which were covered by darkness, poured into me without filtering.



“My legs don’t have strength.”

Calix collapsed on top of me.

“Now, wait a minute….”

Unlike his slender appearance, Calix was quite heavy.

Eventually, he couldn’t bear his weight and fell back.


I closed my eyes tightly, but the shock I had been waiting for didn’t come.

When I opened my eyes carefully, I found Calix’s face in front of me.

He seemed to be picking me up and supporting the weight of the two of them.

“Rose, it’s scary out there……….”

Calix whispered with round eyes.

That’s what the Calix I knew looks like.

I thought it was a little cute, but I felt strange for a moment.

“Calix, you……….”


“Your eyes have changed color.”

He reached up and grabbed his cheeks.

It was the same again.

His eyes, which were dark enough to appear black, had faded.

As if inside a wall reminiscent of a blue sea.

‘Blue eyes are a symbol of the royal family.’

A gentleman’s words came to mind.

It is said that the color of the eyes or hair may change as a side effect even if the animal poison is detoxified because it is too strong.

Usually, your hair is white.

‘I guess it’s a case like this.’

I summoned something in a hurry.

“You have to keep doing it. Got it?”


It was when I was looking at Calix’s eyes again.

“What are you doing here?”

A cold voice came in.


Henness Guild Headquarters.

Morris couldn’t control his trembling body.

“She went to Memento Mori again?”

“Yes, she’s been visiting continuously.”

“Why did the report only come to me now?”


Morris closed his eyes tightly in the master’s anger.

‘I’m finally going to die today.……!’

Until now, Henness has been busy with the artificial rose launch business. Morris also couldn’t afford to pay attention to other things because he’s stuck to the documents day and night.

But even so, this was clearly his mistake.

I knew the master was especially interested in Roselina, but he didn’t report it.

‘Please cut me with a single knife………….’

Everything had to be under the master’s control, and anything that didn’t was kicked out.

So will my destiny.

Morris clenched his fist in anticipation of the end.

Nothing happened after a long time.


Morris opened one eye cautiously.

The master’s seat was empty.

“I’ve seen this before…………?”

It was a scene where I could feel a sense of frustration.

At that time, Argention headed for Memento Mori.

The moment he found out she was in Memento Mori, his body moved on its own.

“What the hell is she thinking?”

An unbearable anger gushed out.

It was all the more so when I remembered the conversation of mercenaries who made fun of Roselina.

“It’s all because of her. I had to get the healing artifact.”

“If you run into me on the road ahead. I’ll kill you.”

“I won’t let you go. Let’s make you a Memento Mori a slave.”

Memento Mori was full of embargoes who only saw people as means of making money.

Roselina, which was fluffy like cotton candy, could be trampled at any time.

“Show me your ticket…………Ugh!”


Argention knocked out the sentry in an instant and stepped inside.

The bottom of the Colosseum, which even he, who runs the best information guild on the continent, has never been here before.

“Roselina came here on her own?”

It was an incredibly dirty place.

The dark interior was full of cages, and each of them was trapped with fierce beasts.

The stench from everywhere disproved that this place was not properly managed.

Standing in the middle of it………….


Argention stopped breathing for a moment.

Someone was grabbing her by the back of her neck.

The tendon-stretched forearm was threatening as if it would break Roselina’s neck at any time.

The beast that broke out came upon her.

Roselina had reached out her arms to the beast, pleadingly.

“What are you doing here?”

Argention caught Roselina’s eye and then flew a sword at the beast.

The beast let go Roselina to dodge.

Only then did Argention exhale.

He again put up a shield with ether so that the beast could not touch Roselina.

All this happened in a flash.

“………… Master?”

Pink eyes looked back innocently.

Roselina was surprisingly calm.

‘Are you relieved to see me?’

My heart ached somehow in the gaze.

Argention scoured Roselina from head to toe.

Roselina was wearing a dull gray dress, trying to keep out of sight.

‘The effort is fantastic, but useless.’

Argention swallowed a sigh.

Roselina was so conspicuous, overshadowing the dullness of the dress.

‘How did you get here safely?’

Memento Mori’s people must have sprained their eyes.

Seeing that they didn’t recognize her shining eyes.

Argention came to his senses with the tremor from her arms.

Roselina was shaking.

‘It’s must have been a terrible sight for her.’

She almost got eaten by a beast.

He had seen these on soldiers on the battlefield.

Faced with unbearable fear, soldiers were often panicked.

Argention took off his jacket and put it on Roselina’s head.

The solution was to create a cozy space and constantly talk to them.

Argention tried to say something to Roselina.

If it weren’t for the life that came to him from behind.

Argention instinctively hugged Roselina and hid her in his arms.

And his eye met–


It was a beast shining with blue eyes in the dark.

The one who threatened Roselina a while ago.

As soon as Argention, whose vision is red, was about to resume its attack.

“What are you two doing?”


There was a pain in my back.

Argention stood blankly at the moment, unable to grasp what had happened to him.

“How did the Master know about this place?”

“It doesn’t matter, but don’t interrupt me.”

Roselina, who spoke softly, approached the beast.


“Don’t make a fuss and be quiet.”

Roselina, who spoke to me coldly, spoke to the beast quite kindly.

In addition,


The beast nicknamed Roselina.

“Calix, calm down.”

Roselina said, and the beast pretended to be sullen and drooped its eyes.

It wasn’t enough, so he started pretending to be poor with a sound.

It was a very ridiculous gesture

“You must have been very surprised. It’s alright. I’m not gonna hurt you.”


Roselina was fooled by the beast’s abominable performance and soothed him.

“Don’t worry. We’re gonna get out of here for sure.”


A beast hiding its claws and teeth was acting up.

Argention looked at both in vain.

Unexpectedly, the way out of Memento Mori was quiet.

“All the sentries are gone. It’s not their shift yet.”

While muttering to himself, the master stared into the distance.

“What’s wrong with him?”

Calix, who was standing in the back, left Memento Mori for the last time.

As soon as he stepped on the ground outside, a notification window came to mind.

[Saving the beast trapped in the cage has been confirmed]

[Quest <Memento Mori’s Tame the Vicious Beast!(4)> has been completed]

[A taming window will be created as a reward]

[10 Fate energy will be given as a reward]

‘Right, there’s going to be a timing window.’

[Taming window]

[You can see how tame the specified beast is.]

‘Shall we check it out?’

However, letters continued to appear before I could check.

[The one who holds the axis of fate has changed his fate!]

[Scenario <Empire Hero> is created for a new destiny.]

[A new quest has occurred. Do you want to check?]

I was in agony for a moment.

‘I don’t want to be a hero.’

My dream was to live as a rich, unemployed person.

The hard routine of everyday suffering is now exhausting.

‘Let’s pass this one.’

First of all, I have to send Callix home.

“Master, I don’t know why you’re here, but it was nice to meet you.”

The master frowned as she said goodbye.

“What are you doing?”


As soon as Argention opened his mouth, Calix’s eyes glared.

‘They’re not even kids. Why are they doing this?’

Inevitably, I had to intervene between the two again.

“I’ve decided to take Calix to his parents. So we’re going to different destinations, right?”

“You mean the Duke of Blake?”

How does the Master know that?

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