
“Rose, where are you going?”

“I’m going back to my house now.”

“Don’t go. Don’t go….”

Calix looked more desperate than ever.

‘Was there not enough explanation?’

But I told him on the way here.

“Calix, You should go to your house now. Your father is waiting for you.”

“All right.”

Then Calix nodded in quick agreement.

“Calix, you promised to stay here from now on.”

“Something’s wrong. He’s touching my feet while telling me to wash up.”

“He’s trying to help you.”

Calix seemed unfamiliar with the bath.

As I soothed him, a notification window came to my mind.

[A new quest has occurred. Do you want to check?]
[Tame Memento Mori’s vicious beast!] (6)
It’s getting closer to beast-taming success.
The beast is obeying you, even if it’s something he doesn’t want to do. Communication with the beast was formed.
Now it’s time to build trust. You were trusted by him by treating and escaping the beast, but it’s still not enough.
Make an appointment with the beast. If you keep your word with him, the beast will trust you firmly.
– Conditions: Promising a Beast
– Reward: Timing index 30%, 10 Fate energy]

It felt like the difficulty of the quest was lowered.

‘It’s good for me.’

Patting Calix on the back – I wanted to pat him on the shoulder but it was too high.

“Calix, you have nothing to worry about. You’re back in the arms of your family. You must feel that way because you’re unfamiliar now. You’ll get used to it soon, so don’t worry.”

“If anything happens to you, I’ll come running. I promise.”

“All right.”

She reached out her little finger to Calix, who nodded gently.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a token of my promise. Stick out your little finger, too.

“……okay, I promised you!”

“Yes, of course.”

Calix seemed satisfied when they crossed each other’s little fingers and made a promise.

It was quite cute to see him smiling and touching his pinky given his large stature.

“Bye, I’ll be back again.”

“Is that a promise, too?”

“Yes, I promise.”

“Then we should do this, too.”

Calix grinned and held out his little finger.

She praised his application skills and promised once again with his pinky.

“Now, I’ll  get in the carriage.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Goodbye, Rose.”

And there was someone watching it from afar.

It was the Duke of Blake.

“What’s all this about?”

He exclaimed coldly after erasing his good natured face.

Smith bent down so deep that his head touched his toes.

“I’m sorry.”

“Do you think I’m asking because I want to hear your apology? So, did you check it?”

“I checked the mark on the soles of my feet. And Memento Mori also confirmed that “Carly” has disappeared. I think you’re right.”

The Duke of Blake grabbed the window frame in silence.


The pitiless grip cracked the window frame.

Argention, who was standing next to Roselina, raised his head, wondering if that small sound was wrong.

The Duke of Blake, who made eye contact with him, looked nice again.

But as soon as Rosellina and Argention’s carriage left,

“Bring that bastard away.”

The Duke of Blake’s face turned into a boorish look.


“I’m not going to keep selling Rose of Harmony.”

“Are you planning to increase its value by selling it on a limited basis?”

“That’s right.”

“Then it would be nice to use a day like the National Foundation Day.”

“Yes, I had that day in mind, too.”

While discussing the Rose of Harmony project in full swing, the master raised his head.

“Then we’ll have to figure out a way to promote it before then.”

“I have something in mind, let’s talk about it properly at the headquarters next time.”

“That’s a good idea. It’s about time you get off.”


After a while, the carriage stopped with a soft sound.

They arrived in front of the Brighton mansion.

“Master was right. I lost track of time.”

“I had a great time, too. Roselina is a great business partner.”

“I am.”

I got off the carriage while being escorted by the master.

“Then get home safely.”

“Yes, I’ll call you.”

When I returned to my room quietly, I finally relaxed.

“Phew. It was hard.”

I put down the Oricarcon vase that I cherished in my arms on the table next to my bed.

Looking at the golden roses that filled the vase, I felt full even if I didn’t eat them.

“This must be pure gold, right?”

I was thinking about biting the rose, but I thought of a notification.

[There are unverified alerts. Do you want to check?]

I thought you were talking about the quest you completed earlier.

[<Promise with the beast> has been confirmed]
[Quest 메Tame Memento Mori’s tenacious beast!] (6)> has been completed.]
[As a reward, 30% of the teaming index will be given]
[10 Fate energy will be given as a reward]

‘I’m glad I got Calix out of Memento Morey. Do I have to tame him?’

As I did what I was told, 50% of it was already done, but I didn’t feel the need to continue.

“We won’t see each other often in the future.”

I’ll go my own way, and Calix will go his own way.

After receiving all the backlog of notifications, the letters came to mind again.

[A new quest has occurred. Do you want to check?]

‘I’m a little tired.’

But the reward moved me.

[Run the Scenario <Blessings of Brighton>] (3)
Congratulations! You have succeeded in destroying the brand <The Brighton Disaster>.
For you to shake off the past and carve out a new destiny, the scenario “Blessings of Brighton” is a must-have gift.
Let’s open the gift and share the future together!
Conditions: Proceed with the scenario <Blessings of Brighton>
– Reward: 50 Fate Energy Skills <Random Preview of Disasters for the Brighton Family>

“It’s okay.”

However, it was questionable how to implement the scenario.

[Will you proceed with the scenario <Blessings of Brighton>?]

Fortunately, the system window told me right away, so I was less worried.

‘All right, let’s move on.’

At the same time, a group of white lights popped out of the notification window.

A group of light circled in the air and soon splashed around one by one.

‘Is this how it works?’

The handwriting came to mind as if answering a question.

[Scenario <Blessings of Brighton> has been confirmed]
[His influence on the family increases significantly]
[The approval rating of the Brighton family and other users increases]
[You have completed the quest scenario <Blessings of Brighton> (3)]
[50 Fate energy will be given]


They’re not going to be able to do that

[Skill <Random Preview of the Crisis in the Brighton Family>]

‘You can see the family crisis ahead of time?’

The explanation came to my mind when I pressed it lightly.

[Random preview of the crisis for the Brighton family]
No one knows what will happen. Therefore, the effect of this skill will vary widely depending on how you use it.
If you identify and prepare for the crisis in advance, your influence on the family will be solidified.
This skill is passive]

“It’s nice.”

Today was a fruitful day in many ways.

Finish several quests, get Calix, and discuss business with the master.


A corner of my mind continued to feel empty.

‘It’s probably because the spirit is not here.’

There was no longer a spirit that always stood by me.

The Spirit left on the day I first met Calix and returned.

The spirit hid my appearance and showed me the way, so I could go safely.

<t/n: flashback>

“Thank you. You made it easy.”

It’s nothing. I’m glad it helped you.

“What do you mean nothing? Huh?”

As I thank the Spirit, I found something strange.

As the spirit becomes more transparent than before, its presence has become lighter.

And a notification rose above her.

[The ancient existence falls back to sleep after a certain period of time] [2 minutes and 59 minutes left]


I knew I was going to say goodbye to the spirit soon, but the time left was too short.

“………… Are you falling asleep again?”

– Yeah, until you call me.

“Can I call you back?”

There was only one time she could call the fairy. And that one time is already over.

But the Spirit nodded.

– Of course. Next time, I won’t be constrained by time.

“What should I do?”

– You’ll find out soon enough without me telling you.

When asked urgently, the spirit smiled softly.

I was calm as if I really believed that we would meet again.

– Thank you for everything. Tell me your name… Ah.”

The moment I raised my head, the Spirit was no longer there.

Like it didn’t exist in the first place.

[The spirit’s existence fell asleep after a certain period of time]

All I had left was the inscription in the air.

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