And a notification appeared as if waiting.

[There’s information about the beast you are taming. Do you want to check?]

[Today is the beast’s birthday]
[To celebrate his birthday, strengthen your relationship with the beast!]

‘Today is Calix’s birthday?’

I felt like I was struck by lightning for a moment.

According to the original story, today is the first time that Calix and Daisy meet.

But they didn’t meet because I helped Calix escape.

‘But will the heroine still appear somehow?’

It was the first time I felt the force of the original.

‘And Daisy is a saint.’


Is it because I changed the original randomly? Daisy became a saint earlier than the original.


“Oh, my God. The saint’s the one in danger, not anyone else.”

“I didn’t believe in the Duchess of Palesdon.”

“That’s right. People say that people don’t change easily.”

The influence of the saint was great.

People changed their tune and began to curse Roselina.

Strangely fast-formed public opinion grew bigger and bigger.

“No, this rose is safe.”

Among those people, only Countess Maria was different.

‘This is for sure. I felt it.’

She had more symptoms than Rosellina, who is known for her severe symptoms of rose curse.

Before the wedding, Countess Maria almost died. A rose petal that someone scattered while going out touched her cheek.

She collapsed as it was.

“Hey! Wake up!”

If it wasn’t for the maestro who was passing by nearby, Countess Maria would have lost her life.

After that, the Countess of Maria was reluctant to go out and rarely went out of the house.

It is also paradoxical, but she became the wife of the count.

‘You can’t tell what fate will bring.’

Countess Maria recently felt a strange phenomenon.

The longer you have the rose of harmony in your body, the less the curse symptoms of roses are.

She’s sure because no one in the Empire has more severe symptoms of rose curse than her.

Therefore, even if the symptoms were alleviated a little, the feeling reached the skin.

‘It’s a rose that can cure the curse of roses.’

But someone was framing Roselina.

“You can’t do that.”

The weak Countess of Maria gave a determined look.

“So many people………….”

Countess Maria was embarrassed.

Many people were already staging a sit-in in front of the Brighton mansion.

“The greatest evil woman threatened the saint! Cure the saint right now!”

“The wicked woman will have to pay the price of risking the saint’s life!”

“We must judge the wicked woman! She must be a witch!”

The saint was meant to capture the hearts of the people, so it seemed like a crowd of commoners came.

‘I have to come forward and resolve the misunderstanding.’

Countess Maria raised her voice.

“No! This is a misunderstanding. Please listen to me!”

But all that returned to her was a cold stare.

“Who are you? Why are you siding with the evil girl? Are you on the same team?”

“You look like a lady who doesn’t know anything. Get out!”

“Or you save the saint!”

People were mad and complained to Countess Maria.

She was taken aback when she saw the men flocking to her.

“Huh? There’s the wicked woman!”

Someone in a hood pointed toward the mansion and shouted.

“What? The wicked woman appeared?”

“Where is she? I’ll kill the evil girl and save the saint!”

“Catch the Devil! The one who catches it first is the owner!”

The men who had flocked the house left in a stampede.

“I’m alive.”

Countess Maria bit her lips in relief.

But I didn’t do anything. Lady Roselina is still in crisis

It was then.

The hooded man spoke to her to see if she’s alright.

“Are you okay? You must have been surprised.”

“Oh, my.

Countess Maria was dumbfounded.

The owner of the pink hair that leaked through the hood must be -.

“Ro, Roselina?”

“Shh. We’ll be in trouble.”

It was Rosellina.

Countess Maria, who had been dumbfounded, hurriedly spoke to her.

“Well, this is all a conspiracy! There’s no way the curse’s symptoms will appear.”

“Thank you for trusting me.”

“They’re driving people for nothing. We have to break it up now!”

“But I don’t do that. I’m quite gentle, right?”

Roselina then grinned.


Countess Maria uttered an involuntary slumber.

It was a refreshing smile, but somehow my heart melted.


Roselina and Countess Maria escaped and entered the Brighton mansion.



Two men in front of them.

The Duke of Brighton and the Prince of Brighton.

“Are you alright? Don’t worry about people’s eyes. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yeah, she didn’t even sell roses to people. It’s not my sister’s responsibility.”

The two seemed to soothe the surprised Roselina and ease her guilt.

“Summons have been issued.”

Roselina spoke calmly and they were furious.

“That’s ridiculous! How dare they make my daughter go to trial! I will immediately complain to His Majesty, so you don’t have to worry.”

“I’ll write a protest too. This is an insult to Brighton. If you leave the people who created this situation alone, they’re stigmatizing Brighton.”

“Thank you for your concern. And for coming to see me. I just happened to have something to tell you.”

Countess Maria looked at the three people standing together and thought.
‘What a warm family.’

The affection felt from the two men warmed Countess Maria’s heart.

‘I can’t believe I saw such a good family and talked about Brighton’s disaster.’

Countess Maria felt sorry for Roselina.

‘I don’t have any sympathy. How dare I……’

Roselina was not the object of sympathy for the Countess of Maria.

“Don’t worry for now. Because I’m fine.”
Rather as you two said, this is not my fault. Someone set me up.”

She was an object of admiration.

Roselina was so confident that the three looked at her in a daze.

“And you all know my temper, right? I can’t live with it. I need to return this ‘favor’ several times to relieve my heart.”


I want to be like this woman.

Countess Maria’s heart beat fast.

“So I’m going to accept the trial.”

“Roselina, what are you talking about? Why do you have to go through that?”

“Why do you want to go to trial when you did nothing wrong?”

The Duke of Brighton and the Prince of Brighton fluttered.

Fair enough, the aristocracy was not subject to trial if possible. As such, it was a great disgrace to be put on trial.

“No one dares put you on trial! As long as I have my eyes open and I am breathing, that’s nonsense!”

“Yes, sister. Even if it’s not a trial, I can prove my sister’s innocence.”

“Thank you for what you said. But I have to go to court.”

Roselina grinned.

“The ringleader of this case will appear there. He’s a tough guy. Don’t you think we should catch him and kill him?”

“Well, yes……?”

She seemed not to be at all flustered by the series of situations.

Rather, she responded calmly as if she had waited.

“Yes, so I want you to believe me. You know me. My hobby and specialty is revenge.”

“…………… I see. If you need my help, feel free to tell me.”

“I have one too, sister.”

Eventually, the Brightons surrendered to Rosellina.

“Then we’ll be on our way.”

Countess Maria blushed as Roselina walked with her hand.

Her heart beat more violently.

‘Read this.’

Roselina handed her a note when I arrived at the drawing room.

‘Oh, is it a confession of love?’

For a moment, many thoughts crossed Countess Maria’s mind.

Yes, a duchess can throw away her husband.

Just in time, the Duchess was getting divorced, so the timing was appropriate.

This is destiny.………?

Countess Maria opened the note carefully with a trembling touch.

I can’t crumple the first letter we’ve exchanged.

‘What does it say?’

Countess Maria scoured the note quickly.

The written phrase was short.

<Help me.>

Oh, it wasn’t……………

Countess Maria nodded wildly, as if to shake off her disappointment.

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