“Yes, you don’t seem to be surprised.”

“I thought so.”

“As you asked me last time, I’ve put a man on Duke Blake. I’ve also looked into all the people who came and went to the Duke of Blake’s mansion.”

“I have a hunch that the journalists who wrote the article will be on the list.”

“Yes, Lady Roselina is right.”

As expected, the culprit was clear.

“How are you going to handle this? It must be tricky because there’s a saint at stake.”

“The saint doesn’t matter.”

Daisy was not cursed with roses.

If the heroine had that trait, it would have been mentioned in the original.

‘This is a show.’

I don’t know how Daisy became a saint or why Duke Blake has her.

Then, Morris, who went outside, came back in.

“Master, I just heard that Duke Blake has requested an audience with the Emperor.”

“What is it about?”

“He has requested a trial against Lady Roselina.”

The atmosphere in the room hardened.

The master reassured me in a hurry.

“No matter how much the Duke of Blake requested, you cannot hold a trial against Lady Roselina. Don’t worry.”

“No, I’m fine. Rather, I think a good opportunity has come.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Don’t worry, Master. I’ll take care of this on my own.”

After leaving Hennes, I had a meeting with the emperor.

“Are you here to ask for mercy? Then you’ll have to go back.”

“No, Your Majesty. I’m here to ask you to hold a trial.”

“You want me to open a trial?”

The indifferent emperor looked dumbfounded.

There was a question in his eyes that seemed to say, ‘You’re finally out of your mind?’

“Yes, I want to prove myself innocent.”

“Why should I?”

It meant that if I dare to deceive the emperor, I should pay for it.

“How could I have come to Your Majesty? Now, Duke Blake is talking about opening a trial against me.”


“Your Majesty has not publicly mentioned the trial. This alone is no justification to keep Duke Blake in check.”

The gun became clearer in the eyes of the emperor, who was as cloudy as the eyes of Dongtae.

That’s why he’s interested in me.

“But if the trial is held and my fault is found, you can keep in check both Palesdon and Brighton, and vice versa, you can check Blake. Because there’s a justification.”

“I see…”

The emperor, who was having a difficult time to lead because the three families were so strong, seemed to be tempted.

‘It doesn’t end here.’

I was going to make an offer that the emperor couldn’t resist.

“And I will give you something precious that you lost a long time ago.”

“…………… What I lost? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything can be replaced.”

For a moment, the emperor’s expression seemed to shake, but he soon regained his composure.

‘You know about it, too.’

The emperor knew that Felix was not his own son.

I remembered the phrase on the quest.

[Felix was born the son of Duke Blake, but he was raised as a crown prince and have exceeded the expectations of the Empire.

Is the emperor unaware of this fact? He is more political than anyone else.]

The system has never been sloppy.

‘At first glance, it sounds like the emperor knows Felix’s splendor, but it also means that he knows Felix is the son of Duke Blake.’

Come to think of it, there was a suspicious part in the original.

At some point, the emperor gives Felix a cold shoulder. It was the heroine who comforted Felix.

There were comments criticizing the lack of probability setting for their love line.

‘What if the emperor found out that Felix wasn’t his biological son?’

But that doesn’t mean he can throw Felix out.

He needed a good reason to get rid of Felix, who’s doing his job perfectly.

That’s why I asked the emperor.

“Yes, then I believe Your Majesty is right.”

I looked him straight into his navy eyes.

“But if there’s a real one, isn’t there a reason to replace it?”

“What do you mean…….”

“All the more so when the real thing appears in front of people and they are recognized.”

The emperor’s face was finely hardened.

‘I will find your real son and prove him to the public.’

He understood exactly what I said.

“Well, I’ll be waiting for you to hold a public trial.”

And now.

I faced the emperor in the courtroom.

“Why, my dear, would I frame the Duchess of Palesdon who found my son? Isn’t that right, Your Majesty?”

The Duke of Blake appealed for sympathy, but the emperor’s face was cold.

He learned the whole story from the story of Duke Blake.

“Yes, Duke Blake is right. I recently rescued a man who was held in Memento Mori, a gladiator gambling house.”

“Right! Am I right?”

When I agreed, Duke Blake snapped at me if he thought it was an opportunity.

“But it is not true that he is the son of Duke Blake.”

“What? Hey! Why are you now spreading such rumors?”

Only then did Duke Blake react with a vein of blood on his neck.

‘Yeah, it’s too late.’

I smiled obnoxiously at Duke Blake, then stared at the Emperor.

“I request him as a witness. Your Majesty, may I have your permission?”

“………Yes, I allow it.”

The emperor’s permission has been granted.

Duke Blake’s heart sank.

‘I haven’t taken care of him yet.’

I planned to kill him after I threw Roselina in a dungeon at the court today.

But if it turns out that she knows that Calix is the son of the emperor………?

‘No, that’s not possible.’

The Duke of Blake made up his mind.

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

He was checking the color of Calix’s eyes every day.

It was the same this morning.

‘It was navy. I definitely checked.’

No one will doubt Calix’s father because he has the same color as my eyes.

‘My plan is absolute.’

Duke Blake was the most important man in the world. So he forced his sister into the seat of the empress.

His power consolidated as she became a part of the imperial family.

But he couldn’t be satisfied.

‘It’s not enough.’

Then one day, the Duke of Blake had a chance.

His sister, who is about to give birth, visited her parents’ home.

The Duke of Blake’s wife was also at the end of her pregnancy.

And like fate, the two gave birth on the same day.

The Duke of Blake was delighted to see the babies lying side by side crying.

“Maybe… my son could be emperor.”

He cheated the crown prince out of his son. The baby may die because of his weak body, so he left it to the clinic to receive intensive treatment.

Soon the empress took Duke Blake’s son back to the palace.

Shortly afterwards, the Duke of Blake announced that the baby who had gone to the clinic had been kidnapped.

And he killed not only the doctor but also the midwife and the maid who helped give birth.

The crown prince was sent to Memento Mori and was told to be kept alive until he came of age.

It was only he and the butler who knew all this.

‘Let’s stop him from appearing on the court.’

The Duke of Blake asked for a say.

“Your Majesty, may I say a word?”

“All right, I’ll let you.”

The silence before the emperor’s permission was on his mind, but the Duke of Blake continued.

“As the Duchess of Palesdon said, my child was kidnapped by a gladiator’s gambling house and has been a slave all his life.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes! How dare I tell a lie before His Majesty!”

Duke Blake chatted excitedly, not knowing he was digging his own grave.

“He needs to rest and heal his body and mind. I’m afraid he’ll get worse if we call him here. As a father, please understand my concern for my child.”

Duke Blake was confident that his performance was perfect.

‘He can’t even come anyway. How could a person staying in the mansion appear here?’


“No, you said you’d kill me once you come back.”

“H, how can you………!”

The Duke of Blake was surprised to see Calix enter the court.

Not only that.

“I’m here to see my father.”

Calix’s eyes, speaking in a trifling manner.

“Navy eyes…!”

“It’s a symbol of the royal family!”

It was the same color as the emperor’s eyes.

“I, what the………….”

Duke Blake’s eyes touched Roselina as his eyes wandered aimlessly.

‘Yeah, it’s all my work.’

Roselina smiled.

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