At that time, the Brighton mansion.

The Duke of Brighton and Leodor were having tea.

“I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had this kind of time.”

“It’s all thanks to Rose, isn’t it? I feel grateful to my sister every time I go about my daily life.”

“So am I. It’s been a while since we had peace in our mansion.”

The Duke of Brighton, who swallowed his words that it seemed to be the first time since Beatrice left, had a sip of tea.

“Now that I know how much joy this small daily routine is, I’m getting old, too.”

He smiled bitterly.

For a while, the Duke of Brighton was unable to drink tea because of his trauma.

‘I can’t believe I’ve been drinking poisoned tea all my life.’

It was none other than the Duchess of Brighton who fed him the tea.

Although they were not enthusiastic about each other, he thought they were comrades in arms. He didn’t love her, but she was a trustworthy partner.

So the Duke of Brighton no longer could trust other people.

At the same time, he didn’t blame others.

‘It’s all my fault.’

The Brighton family was almost wiped out because of his dark eyes.

And Roselina and Leodor suffered unnecessary hardships.

‘I couldn’t do anything for them as a parent, and I almost died first.’

He almost became the worst father for Roselina and Leodor.

He’s been a disgrace enough so far, but he couldn’t get any more disgraceful here.

So he decided to live with his teeth clenched.

‘So let’s just hang in there until Leo takes over.’

It was Roselina who came to recognize the Duke of Brighton’s mind.

“Father, I think you only drink water during tea time these days.”

“········· I heard it’s better for my health.”

“Really? It’s good if father is healthy.”

The bewildered Duke of Brighton muddled out an excuse.

Roselina smiled without further question.

Then she picked up the cup and took a sip of the tea.


The Duke of Brighton pushed the teacup unknowingly.

As it was, the tea cup fell on the floor, broke, and the tea splashed.

Fortunately, the tea was cold enough, so Roselina did not get burned.

“Ro, Roselina! Are you okay?”

But the Duke of Brighton could not contain his misery.

‘And I’m not good enough to show my ugly side again………… Roselina, who was sitting still, was in trouble.’

Even my daughter is calm, but what an ugly trick is this?

In the midst of lamentation, the Duke of Brighton’s hands trembled.

Then, a small white hand reached out and wrapped the hand of the Duke of Brighton.

“Father, I’m fine. Nothing happened.”


“I don’t care what happens in the future. Our family can work together to get through it.”

The Duke of Brighton was saved by her words.

After that, he was able to drink tea again as before.

“But there’s something ominous.”

The Duke of Brighton, who put down his cup, squinted his eyes.

“Why do I feel this way?”

Brighton’s intuition, which followed the fairy’s blood, was usually on point.

“Maybe something happened to your sister………….”

So the Brighton men’s face hardened.

☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆

“What is this cliché………?”

I couldn’t help but be embarrassed.

After all, this place is a cave.

It was raining heavily outside.

And next to me, there was Argention standing with an air of awkwardness.

A man and a woman who rush to seek refuge into a cave because of the rain during a hunting competition.

It was a cliché that I’ve seen so many times that I’m tired of it.

How did this happen?

It was perfect until I used the monster to find Argention.

The situation changed rapidly, as if someone had cast a magic.

The moment I tried to question Argention, a heavy rain fell. The protective barrier made of ether by Argention was also useless against the rain.

Eventually, they got here because they were rushing to avoid the rain.

“Do you want to sit down?”

“It’s all right.”

I clicked my tongue at Argention from a distance.

“Who’s going to eat you?”

“What do you mean……!”

Argention, who heard me, was stunned.

“It’s a joke.”

“Ah, yes…”

The air became colder.

I looked at the wall again for a long time in silence.

“It’s a little cold.”

Perhaps because of the rain, my body cooled down slowly.

I thought I was going to catch a cold and keep coughing.

‘No. If I keep coughing here, it’ll just freeze the mood even more.’

It was then.

Something flopped and covered my shoulder.

It was the top that Argention was wearing.

“Put it on.”

“It’s okay. It’s not cold.”

“……………It’s because I’m hot.”

The earlobes of Argention, who turned his head, were strangely red.

“Wow, that’s really old.”


“No, I like it.”

Smiling silently, I tucked my arms into his robes.

Argention’s remarks were very outdated, but he was pitiful with that face.

“Argention I have something to say.”

While I’m at it, I’ll talk to him.

Argention turned quietly and stared at me.

Surprisingly, it was him who opened his mouth first.

“You don’t have to tell me, I know what you’re going to say.”


“I heard that you took the check from the Imperial Bank.”

Argention indirectly referred to their divorce.

‘So you received my letter and ignored it?’

The nuance is strangely different to say so.

‘But it doesn’t matter now.’

I nodded silently.

“Yes, that’s right. All we have to do is to sign the papers.”

“……………Yes, I understand.”

“When is it a good time for you?”

Argention closed his mouth again.

I thought I knew why he did that.

‘Is this a cliché trap?’

I’ve read a lot of Ropan novels.

“I can’t break up because I’ve come to like you”, is probably what he’s thinking.

So I knew exactly what situation I was in now.

I’ve seen it so many times.

The most common situation in possessed characters, especially in women who transmigrated.

The male lead candidates have a good impression of the villain when she looks different from before.

The magic of cliché is now happening to Argention.

The person whom he hated so much that he wanted to divorce for 50 billion won suddenly changed, so he suspected that she might be acting at first.

So he would have had a good feeling while watching her.

And I was trapped in a cave with him on a rainy day.

‘This is how you fall in love.’

This situation was so special.

And in other words, even if it was someone other than me, Argention would have been shaken, given this environment.

‘I can’t say anything else.’

Because it’s the same for me.

Argention was the Northern Grand Duke with black hair and red eyes and he is exactly my type.

Of course, he is handsome and has a fantastic body.

Recently, especially his words and actions seen today have mysteriously penetrated my mind.

‘But no. I don’t know about Argention, but I can’t do that.’

Even if I changed the development of the original, the basic setting of the original could not be changed.

Here, the wind was the basics and the affair was a bonus.

‘Love is the shortcut to unhappiness here.’

Of course, if I tried to avoid this situation, I could have avoided it.

I could just not allow us to divorce, and I can just hang on to him and when the heroine appears I will leave.

Moderately, I was the only one who could escape while allowing the original work to proceed as it is.

‘But 50 billion was too much money for that.’

Anyone in that situation would have made the same choice as me.

A hard-won spiritual victory, I did not urge Argention to answer.

Instead, I waited until he break the silence himself.

“… Three days… three days later would be good.”

“Okay, I understand.”

Finally, Argention has set an appointment date.

That concludes all I have to say.

‘It’s a bit sad.’

I didn’t speak to Argention any more.

We remained silent as if we were not together.

‘I can do this much.’

I looked imploringly at the white window.

Warnings have been popping up since earlier.

[A sudden change occurred!]

[The time spent in close distance with Argention Palesdon continues.]

[Quest ‘s failure penalty is the enforced fate.]

[Are you sure you want to fail the quest like this?]

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