When Argention stepped up, people kept their mouths shut.

Daisy spoke to me again.

“Lady Roselina.  Did you make a fuss because of me last time?”

It seemed that she’s referring to the Duke of Blake who sued me as her representative.

“I’m sorry. I was surprised when I heard about it later. I didn’t expect them to use my name like that.”

“I see. I thought you knew.”

“No, I didn’t! I was so pathetic that I didn’t even know that Duke Blake was that kind of person.”

Daisy added tears in her eyes.

“I was on a pilgrimage to a nearby kingdom at the time, so I was late to hear the news. I want to apologize now.”

Daisy seemed to be talking to me, but her eyes were glancing at the Argention.

It was an act that showed that she didn’t want Argention to see her as a bad person.

“Yes, then be happy. I’m going to go now.”

“What? Lady Roselina?”

I hurried away from my seat.

‘What’s the point of being involved with Daisy?’

Apparently she didn’t like me.

I didn’t have to deal with Daisy either.

‘It’s not like a quest is coming out.’

To waste energy for no reason, I was too busy.

‘Now that I’ve become a monster of the system, I can’t move without a quest.’

But it was then.

[A new quest has occurred. Do you want to check?]

The long-awaited notification came to mind.

I clicked OK right away.

[Reverse the hindrance of the disruptor] (5)

This is the appearance of a group of saboteurs following Count Molzigat.

Daisy is manipulating public opinion with a few words to drive you.

It’s not a big problem right now, but if you leave it like this, it’ll come back to being a big problem in the future.

But now that we have been fighting the disruptors, it’s time to reconsider.

Is it really the only answer to get rid of the disruptors?

Wouldn’t it be a real victory to turn their minds around and persuade them to be on your side?

There are 2 conditions to complete this quest.

The quest will be completed even if either one of them is fulfilled.

I’ll watch your choice!

Conditions: Eliminate the lower-level disruptor Saint Daisy or have Saint Daisy on your side

– Reward: 10 Fate Energy]

“What is this?”

I frowned at the quest.

‘Why is Daisy a disruptor?’

Does that make sense? Usually, the original heroine will be a friend of the possessed heroine or a villain who interferes with her?

“And why are there two requirements for the quest?”

This has never happened before.

I had a hunch that the future would change depending on the choice I chose.

‘Am I a fool? Let’s choose the latter.’

If the sabotage quest has come down, wouldn’t it be better to fight it off?

“Lady Roselina. Why are you ignoring me? Did I hurt Lady Roselina’s feelings? Then I’m really sorry……………”

“Yes, you should be sorry, Saint.”

I smiled at Daisy.

“Oh, Roselina. As I thought, you’re upset…………”

“No, I meant that you should apologize to the Crown Prince, not me. Saint.”

“What? I don’t know what you mean.”

Her complexion changed a little when I cut off her words that were trying to make me seem like a sensitive person.

“The Crown Prince has just entered the Imperial Palace. That means he doesn’t know yet that walking arm in arm with an unmarried woman could lead to an imperial scandal.”


“What, was that so?”

Calix frowned and loosened Daisy’s arm.

“You said we have to cross our arms to cure people. But it’s not it.”

“Well, it’s……….”

When Calix asked, Daisy panicked.

“As a saint, you have to show proper manners.”

When I added a word, Daisy’s eyes sparkled.

‘This is the limit of the public opinion battle, pretending to be nice and innocent.’

Do you think someone can’t do it because they don’t know?

When I whispered in a low voice, Daisy’s lips twisted slightly and returned to normal.

But she couldn’t refute anything.

“Where did this nonsense come from that she can heal people only by putting her arms around the Crown Prince?”

“Actually, when the Crown Prince was away, the attitude of the Saint has changed a little.”

“Was she lying and trying to be close to the crown prince?”

The murmur that had been directed at me a while ago was directed to her this time.

I blinked when I saw people’s reactions.

‘What is this?’

I felt something was wrong.

‘People’s eyes become cloudy for a while and then clears up again.’

It seemed strange.

‘Let’s find out later.’

Now, it was more important to take the initiative that was handed over to me.

‘It’s best to finish the quest.’

I took a rose-gold rose from the inventory.

People didn’t think it was weird because I pretended to take it out of my arms.

“That’s…………! The Duchess of Palesdon has brought a new rose again.”

“It’s so beautiful. It’s different from the previous rose of harmony, but it has a new look.”

“That rose will be the prize for today’s hunting contest, right?”

On the contrary, people were busy admiring.

I smiled and stepped forward.

“Yes, that’s right. His Majesty has given me the right to award the winner, as well as the opportunity to prepare the winning prize.”

“Should we celebrate a winner in this situation?”

Then, Daisy cautiously questioned.

Like the hyenas on the hunt, Daisy didn’t miss an opportunity.

“Look, they’re still in pain. My heart aches and I can’t bear to be happy in front of them.”

Daisy’s eyes were teary, pretending to be good.

And at that moment, people’s eyes became slightly cloudy.

“Saint Daisy is right. There are people right next to us who are sick, so what’s the point of picking a winner right now?”

“Saint Daisy is thoughtful as expected. If I was the one who’s lying down with an injury, I’d be thrilled with Saint Daisy.”

Daisy seemed to be using a method to manipulate public opinion.

‘It doesn’t mean much, though.’

I continued with a smile.

“Yes, I agree with you, too. I also think it’s hard to pick just one winner.”

I noticed something else that is strange.

When I speak, people’s clouded eyes become clear again this time.

‘I didn’t do anything.’

Rather than thinking that I have a hidden power, it’s right to think that Daisy’s power is still weak.

In fact, unlike her strong voice in the original work, her voice today was weak.

“I think all of you here are winners. Then it’s right to share this product, right?”

When I lifted the rose-gold rose slightly up, people’s eyes were on me.

“But since there is only one rose-gold rose, I think it would be good to receive the effect of this rose-gold rose altogether.”

“The effect of rose-gold rose?”

“I’ll show you right away, so please look forward to it.”

Curiosity rose in the eyes of the people.

I was sure they’d be appalled in a moment.

‘Because even I was surprised at first.’

The explanation came to mind when I gave a little strength to the hand holding the gold rose.

[Rose made from rose gold crumbs from the unknown world]

-Grade: Grade F

– Item description: It is possible to realize wishes within a small range.]

[Do you want to use <Rose Made from Rose Gold Crumbs from the Unknown World>?]

[The effect of the item is activated. Tell me your wish!]

I looked around the crowd and said.

“Let’s wish all the injured people recover from today’s hunting event.”

Light gushed from the rose-gold rose and surrounded the wounded.

After a while, the light went away and people began to be shocked.

“Huh? It really healed all the wounds!”

“The pain was killing me, but now I’m not in any pain………!”

I smiled at Daisy, who was standing in a daze.

Her eyes met mine and clenched her fist unnoticeably.

‘A public opinion is a war of words that is something that only minions do.’

It was a perfect victory for me.

[ <Defeat Daisy, the low-level intruder> has been confirmed]

[Quest <Reverse the interference of the intruder> ] (5) has been completed >.]

[10 Fate energy will be given as a reward]

As if to prove it, a notification came to mind.

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