Argention woke up in the dark.

An unpleasant feeling is felt all over his body

It was proof that the madness had developed.

‘This soon……..’

Argention’s eyes sunk low.

He knew why.

He dropped his handkerchief at the mansion when he stopped by to check Roselina’s letter.

Upon learning of it, Argention immediately contacted the butler and said that he had left his belongings in the mansion.

Upon receiving his call, the butler sent back his handkerchief.

But the handkerchief was not from Roselina.

But he couldn’t ask again.

Catalina, who has a keen sense of finding other people’s weaknesses, will find it strange.

She will take all the handkerchiefs in the mansion and use them as a weapon against Argention.


Argention went to the bathroom with a chuckle.

After pouring cold water on his head one after another, his memory returned, albeit hazy.

The clearest of all………… It was Roselina’s face in horror.

She has nowhere to escape

Roselina was trembling in front of him.

“H, Help me………. Please………….”

Over her sobbing and pleading voice overlapped the cries of the monster.

Soon Roselina’s pink eyes reflected the face of the monster.

Argention’s eyes froze.

It was his face.

“Damn it.”

Argention left the bathroom swearing.

“Master? Where are you going………….”

“Get out of the way.”

Argention moved forward frantically past Morris.

He didn’t have time to care about anything else.

He has to make sure Roselina was safe.

Unable to overcome the curse that is passed down to the family from generation to generation, he faced Roselina.

Her safety would not have been guaranteed.

It was just Roselina’s tear-streaked face that remained in his memory.

The moment he recalled it, Argention’s heart throbbed.

“Why on earth…….”

A monster appeared before her without knowing the subject.

Argention drove his horse with his teeth clenched.

Right now, he has to go to Brighton.

Soon after, he arrived at his destination.

But he couldn’t get in easily.

‘If Roselina got hurt…………….’

It was terrible just to imagine.

But the reality before his eyes will be harsher.

Roselina’s chances of surviving are extremely low when confronted by him as a monster.

“Who are you?”

Then, the guard at the main gate came out and spoke to me.

His green eyes felt similar to Roselina’s, although they were different in color.

‘It’s Leodor Brighton.’

Argention quickly looked at his clothes.


Fortunately, it wasn’t mourning clothes.

That alone made him feel like breathing.

But he wasn’t sure Roselina was safe yet.

“Are you a guest of the Brighton mansion? My name is Leodor Brighton. Because of my father’s instructions that I should know the lives of the servants, I was in charge as the daily gatekeeper for the successor class. You are….”

“……………It’s Palesdon.”

Leodor’s face hardened when he heard Argention’s answer.

It was a matter of course.

“Go back. We’ll open the door next time you make an appointment.”

“………… I want to see Roselina.”

“If you want to see her, you should have made an appointment in advance. But there is no name for the Duke of Palesdon on the visitor list at Brighton’s mansion today.”

“Then I’ll wait until she comes out.”

Leodor frowned as if he were ridiculous.

“My sister is out now. We don’t know when she’ll be back, so you’ll wait for her? I told you to go home.”

“It doesn’t matter how long I wait.”

“Then do as you please.”

Leodor, who shot back, went back to his place and stood.

They stood there for a long time in uncomfortable silence.

Even while Leodor rested or drank water in between, Argention remained motionless.

Even under the scorching sun, he kept cool without sweating.

“…………Drink some water.”

“It’s all right.”

Argention refused even when Leodore offered water.

Not a drop of water could be put over his throat until he sees Roselina.

“……………It’s already evening. When my sister comes back, I’ll let her know about the Duke’s visit, so go home today.”

“It doesn’t matter even if I wait a few days or even years.”

Leodor was astonished to hear Argention’s answer. He could see him thinking, “Isn’t he crazy?”

Argention found Roselina on his face.

Because of that, this moment became more bearable.

“My shift is done. I’m going in now. Are you sure you’ll keep waiting?”

“My answer remains the same.”

Even after Leodor left, Argention stood there.

And after a while, he could feel a sign of people approaching the main gate.

“The duke is holding out, and the servants are having a hard time because of the discomfort. There’s nothing we can do, so please come inside.”

Leodor said what he had to say and turned around and strode along.

“Thank you.”

“The decision was made for the servants, not for the Duke!”

However, there were no servants that passed by.

Argention did not bother to talk about it and moved along with Leodor.

Thinking that the strange thing is that the siblings resemble each other.

The moment he entered the drawing room, there was a slow debate again.

“I asked you to go back.”

“I can’t do that.”

While repeating the same thing without getting tired of each other.

Argention felt a carriage entering the Brighton mansion.


It was her return home.

And the memories that come to mind at that moment.

On the day of the hunting competition, it was the moment when he and Roselina were together in the forest.

“When do you like it?”

Roselina asked for a divorce.

“What was I thinking then?”

Argention’s eyes shook.

He couldn’t be sure because his memory was blurred, but it seemed as if he was falling into a pit with no end.

“……………three days later. Three days will be fine.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Maybe that moment was the beginning of this madness.

The next memory came to Argention.

“Take over the restaurant right away.”

“What? I understand. Master.”

Argention ordered Morris to buy the restaurant.

The building was knocked down as soon as the procedure was over.

“M, Master?”

“Remove all traces.”

But he still didn’t feel better.

“Our relationship ended here.”

Roselina’s voice keeps ringing in my ears.

“Since this place is gone, our relationship isn’t over yet.”‘

Argention constantly muttered as if it was a lifeline.

In fact, he knew.

What he’s doing right now is pure nonsense.

But he couldn’t stand it.

Instead, he changed his mind.

Since when.

He started to listen to her voice.

Argention suddenly remembered the night he told Roselina about the divorce.

It was a day when he almost lost his reason because of the intense madness.

His desire to kill came up impulsively, and what just happened to catch his eye was–.

“Argention, you’re finally back. You’re here to meet me, right?”

It was Roselina.

Argention quickly pulled out his sword.

Then Roselina turned pale.

“What? What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, you didn’t.”

“Then you don’t like me? Do you hate me so much that you want to kill me?”


Argention felt nothing for her.

He was just trying to kill her because she stood out.

It didn’t matter who.

“Oh, no……. That’s impossible. You saved me that day. You’re the one who saved me from the monster that attacked me. Argention……… Argh!”

Roselina, who was stepping back, fell.

Argention tried to swing the sword in silence.

Then, she, who was silent for a moment, looked up.

Her blurred eyes opened and closed several times.

Roselina didn’t seem to recognize it, but their two eyes met.

At the moment of eye contact, Argention could not say anything.

A few seconds in a flash felt eternal.

After a while, the desire for murder that had engulfed him was extinguished instantaneously.

It was after his sword was put far away.

‘Did I go mad again?’

Argention thought the madness had blinded him for a moment.

And then, he had to get away from Roselina right away.

“Tonight, I’ll just fill out the divorce papers and leave the mansion, and I’ll give you a lot of alimony. Hope for that.”

So he asked for a divorce.

He suddenly lost the pain in his chest, but he thought it was the aftereffects of the madness.


It occurred to him that it might have all been a delusion.

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