Argention picked up the portrait album.

The gap in the open space shows a portrait of him as a child.

“Oh, I…….”

As he turned over the pages of the album, his portraits were revealed.

Argention were drawn on every side.

Argention blinked.

He had seen this portrait album in his distant memory.

Before his madness started to manifest, he saw it held by Catalina.

“Why does Roselina have Aunt’s things?”

In addition, Roselina dropped his portrait album.

Seeing the messy bag next to it, she seemed to have failed to hide the portrait album after she realized his presence.

Argention recalled yesterday that Roselina came here with Violet.

So this is—

He realized everything.

‘What Roselina wanted to have at Palesdon.’

She wanted to hire a pickpocket from the back street………….

And he brought out the realization.

“…………………That’s me.”

Roselina trembled as if he had hit the nail on the head.

“That’s not it.”

“What do you mean?”

Roselina avoided eye contact when Argention asked.

She seemed so shy that she couldn’t make eye contact.

‘Roselina is so…………’

Argention closed his eyes tightly as he felt the madness inside him.

Roselina’s heart was deep and hard enough for him to dare measure.

‘I didn’t know that.…… What the hell did I do to her?’

Then Argention realized it again.

Roselina didn’t accept the divorce because she was tired of him.

If she has feelings for him deep enough to sneak into the mansion and steal his portrait album.

‘She was trying to let me go.’

Argention was convinced.

There was only one reason why Roselina, who loved him so much, wanted the divorce.

Because she loves him, she’s letting me go.

Soon, Argention’s eyes become teary.

“That’s not it.”

“What do you mean?”


I hurriedly waved my hand to Argention.

This is a situation that he might misunderstand.

‘Oh, that’s not it!’

My heart felt stuffy, but I couldn’t communicate at all.

Argention seemed to have arrived at his own conclusion.

‘Forget it. Let’s just say what I want to say since we’ve met.’

Argention didn’t look so weird today.

I asked him because I thought we could understand each other.

“Argention, when will we divorce………….”

“We don’t have to do that anymore. I mean, you don’t have to put up with it.”

What? What’s wrong with him?

I take back saying Argention looks fine.

He looked more strange today.

Argention, whose eyes are moistened, has become more beautiful, but……….


I quickly left Palesdon’s mansion.

Fortunately, Argention didn’t go after me.

He was overwhelmed with his own thoughts, and he only had a faint smile.

A few days later.

When I came back after receiving lessons from the Master of the Magic Tower, a small box was in front of me.

The sender was Catalina.

‘I’ve heard she’s in a stable condition…………’

She seemed energized enough to send something like this.

I opened the box.

“It’s a recording device?”

I realized it as I spoke.

This is the present from Catalina.


And again, I admired her scale*.

(t/n: her feature that others don’t usually have)

When I checked, it contained a recording.

Sitting down, I turned on the recording device.

“A young lady needs to do something productive, yet you visited me? Don’t you have anything else to do?”

The voice of Catalina was heard.

She meant ‘Thank you for coming to visit me in the midst of your busy schedule’.

I kept listening to the sound of the recording.

“Ah, I have trash in the house, so I decided to give it to you, so take it! Don’t refuse! I already sent it to you, no, because I threw it away!”

She sent me a well-prepared gift?

“Where did she find the time to prepare another present when she was feeling sick?”

But anyway, it was a relief that Catalina seemed to have recovered her health safely.

“From now on, I should keep sending roses of harmony and perfumes to Palesdon’s mansion.”

Fortunately, Catalina’s treatment was very effective because it had not been long since the curse manifested.

“Lady Roselina, may I come in?”

“Yes, come on in.”

Then, Antonia spoke.

“Antonia, what’s going on?”

“Lady Roselina, a dress came from the Hyers boutique.”

“I’ve never ordered clothes there”

Hyers Boutique was a well-known dressing room, mainly responsible for the clothing of the imperial family.

The dressmaker there meticulously measures their customers’ social standing and worth.

Roselina, who has the best status and pedigree yet has a bad personality, was naturally eliminated from being a customer candidate.

Catalina sent me clothes from there.

Due to the nature of the Hyers boutique, which requires waiting even if they’re from the Imperial family, I thought Catalina might have given up her turn for me.

Hyers Boutique’s dress was beautiful enough to catch the eye of the particular madame*.

(t/n: she’s referring to Catalina)

“Antonia, can you get me a paper?”

“Yes, Lady. Roselina.”

I can’t pretend I don’t know when she sent me such an amazing gift.

I should write a thank you letter to Catalina.


Palesdon Mansion.

Catalina opened up and read Roselina’s letter.

〈Lady Catalina. These days, the weather is getting cooler

I’ve heard about your health recovery through the doctor, but I’d still like to ask you directly.

Are you feeling better? I’ve visited you a few times, but it’s a shame that I couldn’t see Catalina awake because the timing wasn’t right.

Catalina, who is supporting Palesdon, is sick, and this situation has come as a huge shock to me.

Lady Catalina, please don’t get sick. If Lady Catalina is sick, what about Palesdon? I don’t even want to imagine.

I received the gift that Catalina paid attention to. I was amazed by how you chose such a precious and beautiful item and sent it to me.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to pull off such clothes, but I’m going to wear the gift from Catalina to an important event that is coming up.

Then have a restful time.

Roselina Palesdon〉

‘Her letter is quite good considering it’s written by an idiot. Maybe she used a ghostwriter.’

Catalina wrapped up the letter with great care.

Soon her lips twitched.

She felt better after reading Roselina’s letter.

Roselina also carefully examined Catalina’s condition through the letter, but carefully cared for Catalina’s sincerity, which values Palesdon.

At some point it became natural for Catalina to handle Palesdon’s overall duties. That’s why no one ever thanked her or said thank you to her.

Only Roselina did.

“Hmm. What do you mean you can’t pull it off?”

Roselina wearing the clothes she sent will be very beautiful.

Catalina believed in her aesthetic sense.

Catalina hesitated for a moment.

She’s already read it more than a dozen times, but she wanted to keep reading Roselina’s letter.

‘It’ll wear out if I keep touching it while reading it.’

But eventually Catalina opened up the letter once again.

The only thing she could see was Roselina’s name as she opened it so carefully.

Rosellina Palesdon.

Roselina still used Palesdon’s last name.

Catalina’s heart was extremely pleased to see it.

“Yeah, who’s going to accept this stupid and dull thing? I have no choice but to accept her at Palesdon.”

She hoped that Roselina as well as Argention would be happy.

Not long ago, when Roselina and Argention were both in her room.

Catalina came to her senses, albeit vaguely.

And she found that Argention has feelings for Roselina.

For Palesdon, a crush isn’t just a crush.

He didn’t seem to recognize it yet, but it was Palesdon’s love.

Catalina knew what Palesdon’s love was like.

The seeds are still soft as if they are about to sprout, but they will soon grow and become larger than beautiful trees.

In regards to Rosalina’s heart, there was nothing to ask.

There was no one in the Empire who didn’t know Roselina loved Argention.

‘It’s a pity that she’s stupid compared to that freaking bastard. She must have had her nose pierced by that child*.’

(t/n: she’s referring to Argention)

It was such an involuntary thought that even Catalina herself didn’t realize it.

Despite her dedication to Palesdon, she immediately prioritized Roselina over Argention, a direct descendant of Palesdon.

This was the highest compliment and affection Catalina could show.

‘Anyway, Palesdon will take a long time to figure out his own mind.’

Catalina thought to herself.

‘Then of course I should help you.’

Catalina was delighted at the thought of the surprise she would prepare.

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