Confidence that doesn’t yield to people’s gazes.

On the other hand, she is determined not to let people insult Palesdon.

She was persistent in sending her opponent to the end no matter what.

Catalina fell for Roselina.

‘My daughter-in-law!’

She had to be scolded for holding back her desire to show off in public.

Then a man approached.

“As you have heard, Palesdon never stands by an insult.”

Argention came and stood next to Roselina.


Catalina covered her mouth with both hands.

It was the moment she wanted to see so much.

The black robe and dress created an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication.

Both of their outfits have light pink cravats and red jewelry that seem to be intentionally matched to each other’s eye color.

People who saw this began to chat.

“What? It seems like the Duke and Duchess of Palesdon dressed up on purpose today.”

“They’re blatantly showing that they’re on good terms.”

Catalina was perfectly satisfied when she heard the conversation.


‘What? We look like a couple.’

When I saw Argention, I was embarrassed.

Looking sideways, Catalina smiled like a satisfied beast.

‘It was Catalina’s work.’

Catalina has been famous for not appearing in society since she became the acting head of Palesdon.

I guess the reason she came out today was to see this moment.

Suddenly, my eyes met with Argention.

‘I’ve never thought about it before, but pink suits him so well.’

Argention, wearing a black robe and light pink cravat, looked incredibly handsome today as well.

“Long time no see…………”

“Yeah. Long time no see. Hang on. I have something to do.”

After nodding to Argention, I walked out of the Grand Hall.

‘I’m sorry I couldn’t talk to Argention, but I don’t have time.’

I checked from time to time, and Felix’s position continued to change.

It means that he’s moving.

I used the location tracking item again.

【Do you want to use ⟨Location Tracker Summoned from the Unknown World⟩?】

【Are you sure you want to designate the target of the ⟨Location Tracker Summoned from the Unknown World⟩?】

‘I’ll designate Felix Blake.’

【⟨Location tracker summoned from unknown world⟩ will be targeted】

【Designated target: Felix Blake】

【You can check the location of the specified target.】

Fortunately, he was close by.

I used a communication mirror to call Violet.

“Ms. Banker!”

Violet seemed to have adapted to this place again, and she was like a child who was a maid of the royal palace from birth.

“All right, let’s go find Felix.”


I didn’t see the notification above my head because I was going straight ahead.

【The beast is calling you anxiously. Find the beast and tame it!】

When I entered Felix’s palace, the map changed in detail.

It seemed to update the information in real time as the target moved.

“Wait a minute. I feel like it’s around here.”


Violet and I entered the empty room for the moment while waiting for the map update to finish.

“Usually, the secret passageway was in an ordinary room like this, wasn’t it?”

“I guess you’ve seen a lot of secret passages”.

“I didn’t see it a lot, I’m just saying.”

I laughed and lifted the frame from the wall.

“Look. When you lift the frame like this, there’s always a sign that leads to a secret passage here.”

“I saw one.”


When I looked at the wall in surprise, there was a small mark.

“I guess I have a knack for finding secret passages.”

“I want to look at it, too.”

“Also, if you press hard on something like this, you can enter the secret passage with a door formed.”

“Give it a try.”

“Should I?”

I pressed the mark as I was chatting with Violet.

Surprisingly, nothing happened.

“I guess it was a dud. This time………… What?”

【The beast is calling you anxiously. Find the beast and tame it!】

The reason I was surprised was the notification that suddenly came to mind.

But a door started to form on the wall.

It’s stuck.

The sound was loud as if it had never been made yet never been used.

It was dusty inside.

“Heuk! The Duchess of Palesdon! You found me!”

Felix was sobbing hard with snot running down his nose.

“What kind of situation is this?”

It’s nice that I found him, but isn’t it too easy?

‘Isn’t this a trap?’

Then, the notification came back to mind.

【The beast called you out in hopes to find you! Responding to this, you found the beast!】

【Hidden conditions are met!】

【⟨Building a relationship by communicating with an untamed beast⟩ has been confirmed.】

【The beast that called you will automatically be tamed!】

【You can level up ⟨The beast trainer who tames any living creature⟩】

【Some of your sealed mana will be opened】

‘I can level up?’

But I had no choice but to listen then.

Felix’s life story, which he recounted in tears, began.

But why does the quest keep calling a normal person a beast?

I could understand when Calix was called a beast since he grew up like one.

But Felix was human.

‘As soon as he was born, he ate three meals at the palace, bathed in hot water, and lived as a prince.……?’

It’s a little ridiculous, but I’d appreciate it if I could level up!

【Characteristics ⟨A beast trainer who tames any life⟩ can be upgraded. Would you like to level up?】

I accepted a level up.

【Leveling up】……… 【Succeeded in leveling up!】

【Current grade: B】

【50 Fate Energy will be given as a reward】

My level was up, but I felt a gaze from somewhere.

“What is this?”

The owner of the gaze was Felix.

He looked at me anxiously in tears.

“The Duchess of Palesdon………….”

In addition to his tearful voice, a notification also came to mind.

【The beast that’s just been tamed wants your attention!】

‘What the…’

“Well, the Duchess found me, haha! You don’t know how relieved I was! Duchess, madam is my benefactor!”

“Oh, yes. Calm down and talk.”

“I’ve been hiding for a few days………… How much did I do? I was so scared………!”

Felix sobbed for a long time after telling the whole story.

“But why does the Duchess of Palesdon use honorifics to me?”

“It’s been a long time ago, but isn’t this a courtesy to the prince?”

“I see.”

Felix became sullen as if he had been stabbed where it hurts.

‘It’s really annoying.’

But when I had something to ask Felix, I pretended to give a sweet smile.

“Then shall we talk comfortably?”

“I like that!”

【The beast is so happy with your informal speech.】

What’s wrong with this? Why does it keep popping up?

The system seemed to have a bug again like last time.

I asked Felix, ignoring the system that’s sending useless notifications.

“I have a question. Can you answer me?”

“Yes, just say it! But………”


Felix wriggled his fingers.

‘That’s cute when Leonhardt does it.’

I frowned without realizing it and managed to open my mouth.

“Can I call the Duchess of Palesdon comfortably, too?”

“That’s why? Do whatever you want.”

I replied, suppressing my desire to hit Felix.

“I want to know about the curse of roses. Is there any information from the imperial family?”

In my words, Felix’s expression hardened and then returned to its original state.

“Am I wrong?”

“No. That’s right.”

Felix, who had been sitting down the whole time, rose from his seat.

“There is a secret library with hidden information or prohibited books. I’ll take you there.”

“All right, let’s go.”

But Felix was standing there.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.”

“Roselina, just you. No one else.”

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