Turning back time for a bit, at the Grand Hall.

“Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is entering!”

The room erupted with excitement at the Empress Dowager’s unexpected entrance.

“What brings Her Majesty to the banquet hall?”

“Well, there are a number of people who are showing their faces in social circles today, including Godfather Palesdon.”

“She’s not…. coming out to hear about the Godfather of Palesdon, is she?”

There was a moment of silence as someone spoke.

Ophelia Sylvester.

She was the one who had come into the Emperor’s household at a young age, and had eventually become Empress Dowager.

She had a reputation for feuding with Catalina, who was close to her age.

As powerful women in the empire, they clashed whenever they met, and each time there was a victim.

Eventually, it was said among the ladies that there were no two suns in the sky.

When Lady Sylvester and Lady Palesdon were in attendance, there were many who didn’t show up.

“I’m just here for the research presentation, what’s all this about…………?”

“If I’d known I was going to be in the same room as the two of them, I wouldn’t have come out today at all.”

“I’m going to be sick to my stomach tomorrow, so I should probably go back to the manor.”

The nobles who knew those days whispered in fear.

Then, the Empress Dowager appeared.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you all, and I can’t wait to hear that you’ve found a cure for my ailment, the Curse of the Rose. I hope I’m not a nuisance.”

“No, I’ve always been concerned about the health of Her Majesty the Empress Dowager, and I’m so glad to see you!”

“Today is a day for Her Majesty the Empress Dowager. Who would dare turn down a visit from Her Majesty the Empress Dowager?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, and you’ve become even more beautiful!”

At the Empress Dowager’s words, everyone was busy putting on fake smiles.

“Someone’s seeking attention again.”

Except for only one person.

It was Catalina.

“Who was it that said that?”

Frowning slightly, the Empress Dowager turned her head and spotted Catalina.

“Oh, is it you again?”

“I admire how you’re the same as always, not a bit changed.”

“You’re the same, too.”

Sparks flew between the Empress Dowager and Catalina.

Catalina looked at the nobleman who had flattered the Empress Dowager earlier and spoke.

“Today is the day my daughter-in-law, Roselina, presents the results of her research, so it’s a day for her, isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes, it is!”

Catalina’s fierce glare made the nobleman sweat.

Then the Empress Dowager interrupted.

“If it’s true.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m saying that I must see its authenticity with my own two eyes. After all, she has given a personal presentation here in the sacred palace, so she’s not going to come back with false results, is she?”

Catalina retorted.

“Bringing false results! Are you insulting Palesdon?”

“Of course not. As one who has the Curse of Rose, perhaps my eagerness is a bit overdone.”

“This is the first I’ve heard of the Curse of the Rose manifesting itself on Her Majesty. Are you not always as well as you were on the day of the hunting tournament twenty years ago?”

People sucked their breaths here and there at Catalina’s off-the-cuff remark.

Twenty years ago, the Empress Dowager had been caught faking an attack by a demon to get attention.

Catalina referenced the incident to attack the Empress Dowager.

“The health of the royal family is always kept secret, so there are other things I’m interested in.”

Here and there, nobles’ complexions turned white, but the Empress Dowager remained unaffected by the insult.

Her cold gaze swept inward.

“So, where is the ‘main character’?”

At the same time, in a secret library reserved for the imperial family.

I read the notification that followed.

【Quest 〈Discover the name of the forgotten being〉 has been confirmed】.

【Quest 〈Uncover the secret behind the Curse of the Rose!(4)〉 has been completed】.

【You have received 50 Fate Energy as a reward】.

A spirit had indeed been summoned.

‘What’s going on?’

The spirit took the form of a girl, a little more mature than before.

– I was actually worried that you wouldn’t remember me forever, but you were right.

Whether I was surprised or not, the tearful reunion had begun.

– I can’t believe you found me so quickly, I’m so impressed.


– I thought you were sick of my nickname, but you weren’t! Rose, I’m so happy you said my name again!


“You want me to call you by name?”

I was puzzled.

“Okay, wait a minute………….”

I rolled my eyes desperately.

“What did I say?”

Until the spirit appeared, all I wanted to do was slap Felix.

So I said……………

“Of course I’m going to beat you! I’m going to beat you up!”

“What the hell, I’m going to beat you up!”

I was silent for about three seconds as I realized what I had said.

‘No way………….’

But if I’m not mistaken, there was a distinctly overlapping pronunciation.

– Was it my imagination………? Was I just calling her randomly, not because she liked the nickname, and responded………….?

The spirit’s words were accurate.

But I couldn’t say yes to her with tears in my eyes.

“Of course not. What are you talking about?”

-Then call me.

The spirit’s pleading eyes made me open my mouth.

“Pe, pe……?”

And then I wanted to die.


A million thoughts followed.

‘No way. Can this be real?’

‘But I’ve summoned the spirit and completed quests.’

‘There’s no way this is possible.’

But the spirit smiled broadly, as if pleased.

– Yes. It’s Pepe, your friend Pepe!

Oh, it’s Pepe………….

My face burned hot.

It was then.

“Roselina, what are you doing?”

Felix looked up, tears streaming down his face.

‘That’s right. Other people don’t see spirits.’

In his eyes, I must have looked like I was suddenly talking to myself out of context.

‘I’m glad I didn’t say much.’

Briefly relieved, I turned to the spirit.

“Let’s just get this out of the way.”

– Okay.

Seeing the spirit nod, I turned to Felix.

“What, you’re apologizing, why are you suddenly saying something else?”

I said shamelessly.

But Felix shook his head.

“No. I was asking what that thing is that’s floating next to you right now.”


– What? You, do you see me?

Pepe and I were puzzled by Felix’s words.

“Yes. I can see you. Hi.”

– It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a human this fierce. Hello.

He can hear their voices as well as see them?


【The freshly tamed beast says hello to Pepe, the spirit】.

Looking at the notification, I can guess why.

‘The unbelievers have corrupted the system.’

The tainted system forced Felix to be tamed.

Putting aside the question of what the unbelievers were up to.

What if there was some assimilation between the system and Felix in the process?

‘It would explain why Felix, who was partially assimilated by the system, can see and hear spirits.’

This happens even though he’s been cleansed, like an after-effects like with an illness.

Hearing the commotion, Violet approached.

“Ms. Banker. What’s going on?”

“Violet, Felix says he sees something beside me, can you see it?”

“Yes. I see it, or more accurately, I feel it.”

Violet nodded.

“Am I wrong?

Now that the spirit had been formally summoned by invocation, would they be visible to everyone?

“Yeah? What do you feel?”

“Gold. I sense an aura that tells me I’ll be guided, if I follow Ms. Banker.”

“Anything else?”

“What? Is there anything else? Oh, I can also sense that I’ll be loyal for life!”

Violet winked, trying to sell herself.

“You don’t like winking? I’m good at other things, too! Want me to show you a handstand? I can do a handstand and clap my hands with my feet!”

“No, thank you.”

“But I want to prove my loyalty to Ms. Banker.”

“Then keep looking for the book about the curse of the rose.”


After Violet scurried away and disappeared among the bookshelves, I stared at Felix again.


It was then.

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