19. An ominous premonition always comes true

While the emperor was calling for a break, the grand hall was being prepared for the presentation.

The nobles gathered in clusters and took their seats in the prepared chairs.

Of all of them, Catalina stood out, along with the crowd that had gathered beside her.

“Godfather Palesdon, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you!”

“I’ve been sending letters of greeting and gifts to the Palesdon manor. I wonder if they’ve been received?”

“A great deal of time has passed in the interim, but somehow Godfather Falesdon did not seem to age.”

Despite the ruckus she’d caused earlier, there were plenty of voguish compliments at Catalina’s side.

“Godfather Palesdon. I’ve sent a few business proposals to the Palesdon mansion, but I haven’t heard back from you, so I was wondering if I could ask you to review them?”

“I would most certainly like to have Godfather Palesdon’s investment.”

“I don’t see how you can’t at least lend us your name……….”

Catalina listened to it all, letting it all slip out of one ear.

‘This is why I cut myself off from socializing.’

She clicked her tongue.

No matter how hard she tried to shake them off, these leeches squeaked and clung to her again.

‘They’re nothing like my child*.’

(T/N: She refers to Roselina as ‘my child’)

Catalina’s eyes flashed as she remembered Roselina.

‘She doesn’t ask me for favors, she’s frugal and upstanding, and apparently, she’s a bit friendly when it comes to dealing with adults.’

Frugality and integrity.

Words that would never come to mind for anyone who knew Roselina.

‘The fact that she even bothered to come back to the mansion to make sure I had my meals…………. Phew.’

But Catalina’s grievances against Roselina grew thicker by the day.

“The Godfather has softened her expression?”

“She liked my business proposal, that’s for sure!”

“Of course not, she’s just remembering the gift I sent to Palesdon Manor the other day and is pleased with it.”

There was a small murmur as they saw Catalina’s eyes soften.

‘She’s small, young, and beautiful, so of course she’s compassionate.’

Actually, Catalina was thinking of Roselina.

“Well, then, let the presentation begin.”

And just then, the Emperor announced the resumption of the presentation.

As if on cue, Roselina walked to the front of the room.

At that moment, the corners of Catalina’s mouth twitched upward.



The people who witnessed the scene exchanged glances.

“Are we on the wrong track?”

“Wasn’t she reviewing my business proposal?”

Soon, their speculation turned out to be true.

“I had learned that the curse of the rose could be cured through the Rose of Harmony. I needed more proof, so I got some clinical experimenters to do a study……”

Catalina’s complexion brightened as Roselina continued.

Catalina listened intently, nodding and occasionally clapping as Roselina shared her findings.

The nobles near Catalina exchanged glances, stunned.

“Wait. Shouldn’t we be taking a different route?”

“I’ve already switched sides. The leader is the Duchess of Palesdon.

In the past, for them to target Catalina, they had to praise Palesdon.

But not anymore.

‘I had to praise the Duchess of Palesdon………!’

The nobles realized this too late.

“Different symptoms require different lengths of time to heal. I’m making steady progress, but I still need to take suppressive medication, which will continue to be studied.”

When Roselina finished, Catalina jumped out of her seat.


“Isn’t this a bit out of character?”

“Why is she doing this?”

The nearby nobles stared at each other in disbelief.

“That! That’s my daughter-in-law!”

Catalina shouted.

“By the way, she’s already my daughter-in-law! Have you all seen what my daughter-in-law can do?”

Catalina then looked around in a boastful manner, laughing heartily.

“Yes! I saw it! The Duchess of Palesdon has made the discovery of the century!”

Among the stunned nobles, someone broke into a standing ovation.

“The Duchess of Palesdon has not been given the title of Hero of the Empire for nothing! I am in awe!”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that from now on, everyone living on this continent owes a debt to the Duchess of Palesdon!”

Finally catching the mood, the nobles stood up and clapped as well.

Soon there was a baptism of applause that seemed to drown out the Grand Hall.

‘What is this all about?’ (Roselina)

Feeling like I was being praised too much, I shrugged slightly.

The Head of the Magic Tower was the next speaker, but he didn’t seem to get a chance to speak.

“If there are no questions, I will conclude my presentation on the Rose of Harmony.”

“Very well, then everyone, give a round of applause to the Duchess of Palesdon.”

With the Emperor’s conclusion, I stepped down from the podium.

The first to run to me was Catalina.

“I couldn’t help it, so from now on, you are forever Palesdon to me.”

“What? But………….”

“Whether you get a divorce from that freak or not, you’re Palesdon to me.”

I paused, thinking about what Catalina had said.

To her, Palesdon was her pride and dignity.

As such, Catalina had an infinite amount of affection and support for anyone who belonged to Palesdon.

So, this means………….

“You’re going to fully support and cheer me on no matter what?”

It was the most meaningful gesture of affection Catalina could have given.

The thought of Catalina’s blind affection for me, when I hadn’t done much for her, made my nose turn up.

“Thank you, Catalina.”

“Hmm. You’re welcome.”

I stare at Catalina’s back for a long moment as she turns and walks away.

I turned and stared at her back as she walked away.


“I told you not to come, why are you here?”

My words came out bluntly.

But my father and brother smiled, unperturbed.

“I tried to sneak in so you wouldn’t see me, so I almost missed the presentation. It’s a shame the presentation started late. But I’m so glad it did.”

“Hart was begging to come, but I thought he’d be better off at the mansion for now, so I left him behind.”

“Thanks for coming …………….”

I advised my family that they should never come to the palace and stay at the mansion, just in case.

But I was stunned when my father and brother came to congratulate me.

“This is……….”

“A bouquet of flowers is a must on a day like today.”

“It’s only because of you that we can give you this.”

He handed me a bouquet of artificial roses.

I felt surrounded by roses as I held the bouquet, which was so plentiful it covered my upper body.

“I’m sure there are many people who would like to speak to you, so we’ll excuse ourselves.”

“Okay, but let’s go back to the mansion together.”

My father and brother stepped back, leaving me sobbing and unable to speak.

“Lady Roselina, you were so wonderful, I forgot I had my husband next to me.”

“You. You forgot I existed? I’m shocked.”

Then Countess Maria and the Master of the Magic Tower approached.

“Countess Maria, you may speak more freely now.”

“Oh, no. How dare I do that to you, Lady Roselina?”

“Well, thank you, Countess Maria, for your kindness.”

“I’m glad I could be of service to you, Lady Roselina, and if you need me in the future, please don’t hesitate to call on me.”

Countess Maria smiled shyly and flushed her cheeks.

You’d think that now that I was the apprentice of the Master of the Magic Tower, she’d talk more comfortably now.

“What do you do now that the Master Mage’s presentation is now done?”

“I was originally a substitute for the Duchess of Palesdon anyway, so it’s fine. It’s a master’s joy to watch his pupil grow.”

I turned to greet the Master Mage next to her.

“Duchess of Palesdon, I heard your announcement just now. I have a matter I would like to discuss with you if you would be so kind as to listen.” (this is spoken by a random person)

“I have an inquiry of my own. From now on, will the Rose of Harmony be supplied only through the  that the Duchess of Palesdon founded?” (this is spoken by a random person)

“Will the price be kept at its current state, and if so, how will the commoners be able to obtain the Rose of Harmony? I don’t mind the nobles, but isn’t it too much for the commoners?” (this is spoken by a random person)

I would have liked to talk to them more, but the crowd was starting to gather.

“First of all, we’ll take inquiries in order, so please be patient, and let me tell you about the price: we’ll distribute the Rose of Harmony for free to commoners.” (Roselina)

“What? What does that mean?” (this is spoken by a random person)

“I know that many of you here have purchased the Rose of Harmony through the Rose House, so there are many of you who are showing your faces in social circles today for the first time in a long time. But is this possible for commoners?”

I said, looking around the crowd.

“So we’re planning to set a quota for each estate and send them a rose. We’ll give the roses away for free, but we’ll also be responsible for selecting the recipients and distributing them.”

“So why would we do something like that to…………!”

“The Duchess of Palesdon is speaking of the Noblesse Oblige.”

A lanky old man interrupted.

‘Who is that?’

I’d never seen him before, but from the looks of their astonishment, he must be an extraordinary man.

“When you’re born a noble, you have many privileges, but you also have many duties. Even the god Helios said so.”

“Alas, the High Priest…!”

The High Priest?

Such an unexpected identity.

‘What kind of day is this? The reclusive masters from every corner of the Empire are popping up all of a sudden?’

What a surprise, so many of the Empire’s leading figures in one place.

“I see the old senile man is still holding on for dear life.”

Even Argention, whom I don’t know where he’s been, suddenly pops up.

‘If someone blows up the entire Grand Hall at this rate, the Empire will be destroyed in an instant.’

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