41. Win attribute points through lucky draw! Tips for making chicken tofu pudding at the highest level!

Fang Ya is not stupid. She can roughly estimate the turnover of the stall at night based on the customer flow.

She was sure of one thing, that Lu Qin’s stall sales must have exceeded 10,000

And, just this one night

Good job!

No wonder Lu Qin didn’t go to his class. How could he earn more by setting up a stall than by working?

Besides, if Lu Qin went to work, those food-loving customers would probably block the company’s gate every day.

“Do you need us to take you back?”

Lu Qin pointed at his three-wheeled vehicle.

Fang Ya is only 1.7 meters tall, so it’s a bit unfair for her to ride in a three-wheeled dining car

Besides, Fang Ya’s home is in the north of the city, which takes more than 20 minutes to drive.

“I’ll take a taxi back”

“Okay, bye then.”

“Aunt Fang Ya, goodbye~! Good night~!”

The three-wheeled food truck disappeared at the end of the night market street

Fang Ya could still hear the little one’s joyful singing:

“On the other side of the mountain and the sea, there is a group of Smurfs”

“They are lively and smart”

“They are playful and sensitive”


In the eyes of Shen Muyan and Shen Hongda, Lu Qin’s stall with his baby is a very miserable story.

But the fact is not like this

They should see for themselves how popular the ground service booth is.

This night, the little guy was happier than going to the amusement park.

Fang Ya got into the taxi and turned on her phone

Number of missed calls from Shen Muyan 5

Fang Ya called back

Shen Muyan’s voice was cold and she was obviously in a bad mood.

“Mr. Shen~!”

“where have you been?”

“Eat fried noodles at the night market, you asked me to go but you didn’t go”

“What’s up with the little guy’s photo?”

“It was fate. The fried noodle stall recommended to me by netizens was Lu Qin’s stall. Isn’t that a coincidence?”

“You really should have come with us. Lu Qin’s fried noodles and twice-cooked pork are really delicious.”

“Didn’t you know that your ex-husband is such a good cook?”


On the other end of the phone, Shen Muyan remained silent.

Fang Ya chattered non-stop, describing to Shen Muyan the bustling scene at the stall in vivid detail.

“Mr. Shen! Your ex-husband’s daily profit from setting up a stall could be as much as 20,000 or 30,000 yuan.”

“Calculated this way, it’s higher than your salary as the president!”

Shen Muyan:”……”

Fang Ya returned to her home, threw away her phone, and went to take a bath.

After a night in the night market, I was greasy all over.

Shen Muyan was lying on the bed, holding her phone, wondering whether to send a message to Lu Qin.

But she didn’t know what to say

Type in the WeChat chat box: Your ice crystal cake tastes very good, I want to eat more…

After editing, Shen Muyan pressed the delete key again to delete the content.

She had a bit of insomnia this night.


9:30 p.m.

Lu Qin accompanies the little guy to wash up

“Yaoyao, use this toothpaste”

Lu Qin took out a tube of toothpaste, pink with a little white rabbit printed on it.

This is a children’s toothpaste that I won through a lottery. It can really prevent tooth decay, not the exaggerated ones in TV commercials.

The little girl’s eyes lit up. She likes the little white rabbit.

I squeezed a little toothpaste onto the toothbrush and the little guy started brushing up and down.

“It smells good, it has a fruity flavor”

“Dad, I like to use this toothpaste”

The little guy blew a breath at Lu Qin, then laughed.

Lu Qin sniffed and found his breath was fresh with a light fruity scent.

Lu Qin also smiled, wrung out the towel, and wiped it on the little guy’s fair face.

“Okay, go to bed.”

“Dad, I’m going to kindergarten tomorrow. Can I bring fried noodles and twice-cooked pork for lunch?”

Lu Xiyao jumped onto the bed and crawled into the thin blanket, revealing a cute little head.

“You can just go to sleep now.”

“I’m going to sleep now, hum~! Hum~!”

The little guy fell asleep in seconds and pretended to snore

Lu Qin smiled and shook his head. He patted the little girl’s body gently, and waited until she fell asleep before he quietly left the room.

Walking into the yard, the ground staff spent 20 minutes cleaning the dining car.

Before going to bed, Lu Qin put more than a thousand system points into the lottery

【Consume 100 points and draw a lottery to get attribute points: Stamina +0.1】

【Consume 100 points and win 20 mints in a lottery】

【Consume 100 points and win the full-level chicken tofu making skills in a lucky draw】

【Consume 100 points and win a Sunny Day Card in a lucky draw】


Lu Qin’s heart moved slightly. Every day, the points lottery will bring you rewards.

There are actually attribute points!

0.1 physical attribute point is equivalent to a fitness person jogging three kilometers a day for three months

Directly obtained by Lu Qin, but no obvious physical changes

This time I won a full-level cooking skill.

Chicken tofu pudding is a dish selected for state banquets and is not available in ordinary restaurants.

The production of chicken tofu requires a lot of attention to the chef’s skills.”、”Eat meat without seeing the meat”

Chicken tofu pudding is made by making meat ingredients into vegetarian shapes, that is,”using meat to support vegetarian food”.”

Lu Qin plans to try selling chicken tofu pudding tomorrow. Like twice-cooked pork, it will be limited in supply.

The next morning

Lu Qin got up, washed up, and prepared the ingredients for the breakfast stall

Lu Qin unbanned the Penguin group and issued a group announcement

【The morning stall is at 8 am, located in front of the Sunshine Primary School in the south of the city】

As soon as the announcement was made, there was an immediate commotion in the group.

“The battle location has been confirmed: in front of Sunshine Primary School!”

“Brothers, charge!”

“I’m in the west of the city, so it doesn’t matter if I’m late for work. I’ll take a detour to have a bite of Boss Lu’s fried noodles. The worst that can happen is that I’ll have half a day’s salary deducted!”

“Upstairs, you are a real warrior!”

“I had given up breakfast, let’s give Boss Lu some face.…”

“Hahaha~! My home is right across from Sunshine Primary School. I really made the right decision to buy this house!”

“Envy and jealousy~!”


Lu Qin glanced at the group messages. Although this group of customers was noisy, they were also very cute.

After closing the group chat box, Lu Qin clicked on the Penguin system message

There are more than a dozen new customers requesting to join the group

【So handsome that people cut him down] Request to join the group, PS: All daily wages will be contributed to Boss Lu’s stall!

【Don’t eat fried noodles] Request to join the group, PS: Please++++++

【Yaoyao’s stepmother] Request to join the group, PS: Husband, add me!


Looking at the various nicknames and messy verification information, Lu Qin couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

Add them to the group one by one

The number of group members has reached 468

The number of group members is increasing too fast. It will probably be full in a day or two.

We need to add new members to expand the Penguin group to 2,000 people

At this time

【Cough! Cough! Cough!】

There is a system prompt message

Lu Qin clicked on it and saw another new customer applying to join the group. penguin nickname is——【Thousand Mountains Dusk Snow】

Verification message: None

Lu Qin approved it, then clicked on the avatar and bought an SVIP Penguin membership.

There is a discount for the first month, only 8 yuan

After paying for membership, Lu Qin upgraded his customer base to 2,000 people.

Put away the phone and go to wake up the kid.

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