50. Lu Qin went into the kitchen for the second time! The children were possessed by the spirit of drama!

Lu Xiyao’s girlfriend?

Lu Qin raised his eyebrows and glanced at the snotty little boy.

The little guy who was eating heard it, turned his head and rolled his eyes at the little boy.

“Li Junjie, stop talking nonsense~!”

“I don’t know you well~! I haven’t played with your robot toy dog ​​either~~!”

After saying that, the little guy turned around and continued to eat.

The children ran over and brought their own plates.

The three teachers had no choice but to take a few bites of food and then, together with Lu Qin, serve the food to the children.

“Everyone line up. Those who don’t line up or cut in line won’t get any food!”

Upon hearing this, the few people who were rushing over with greed stopped their cars and lined up obediently.

Seeing that the other children were about to share their food, Lu Xiyao quickened her eating speed.

Originally one piece of meat and one mouthful of rice, it was changed to two pieces of meat and one mouthful of rice

Lu Qin and Teacher Li both laughed

But there were about 20 children in total, and the three dishes made by Lu Qin were not enough to share.

Only reduce the amount

A child has a piece of twice-cooked pork, a small spoonful of tomato and egg, and some chicken breast

The main purpose is to satisfy the cravings of these children, and their plates are filled with food.

“Uncle, can you give me an extra piece of twice-cooked pork?”

Teacher Li said,”No, just satisfy your cravings. You have to finish your dishes.”

Some children took a spoon and scooped up the food from the ground guard and put it into their mouths.

“Wow! It’s delicious! This meat is so fragrant~!”

The child’s eyes sparkled

“Okay, next one”

It was Li Junjie’s turn. Lu Qin smiled.

“Come, eat more”

Lu Qin picked up a handful of garlic sprouts, tomatoes, and garlic, twice the amount.

Little Li Junjie said with a sad face:”Uncle, there is no meat.~!”

“This is meat!”

Lu Qin pointed at the garlic head

Because the sauce is dark in color, the garlic and chicken breast are mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish

“Really? Wow! That’s quite a few pieces of meat!”

“Thank you uncle”

Li Junjie returned to his seat happily

He took a bite of garlic and it felt wrong while chewing, but the soup was very fragrant.

However, I didn’t have the wonderful experience of the kid eating twice-cooked pork next to me.

The child who only shared half of Lu Qin’s three dishes had an empty plate.

Lu Xiyao leaned back in her chair, stroking her swollen belly, feeling satisfied.

“Ah~! I’m too full~!~!”

Lu Qin helped Lu Xiyao wipe her mouth

Teacher Li and the other two were in a dilemma. There were still a dozen children who didn’t get Lu Qin’s meat.

They lined up with their plates in hand, looking at the empty plates, and were about to cry.

Kindergarten management of children, whether eating or playing, must be fair and just,

Otherwise, those children who didn’t get to eat would feel very unbalanced.

I cry when I feel wronged

Sure enough, some children cried.

“Ah wuwuwu! The twice-cooked pork is gone! I haven’t eaten it yet~!”

“Uncle~! I want to eat your flesh~! Woo woo woo~!”

“Teacher Li~! I want to eat meat~! I want to eat meat~!”

“Li Junjie has eaten the meat, I want to eat it too~!”

A group of children came to sing a chorus

Teacher Li tried to persuade them for a long time, but some of the children cried even louder.

“Wang Xiurui, didn’t I just share the meat with you? Why did you come in and cry?”

Teacher Li was speechless, things were going to be a mess!

I can only ask for help from Lu Qin

“I’ll go to the kitchen again.”

Lu Qin stood up. These little greedy bugs must eat twice-cooked pork today.

Lu Qin came to the kitchen again. The chef and his colleagues already knew about the crying children in the restaurant.

Be good!

How delicious must the dishes cooked by Yaoyao’s father be to make the children so greedy?

The chef and his men were obviously much more polite to Lu Qin.

“Yaoyao’s father, are you still going to make twice-cooked pork?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The chef perked up, then said a little embarrassedly:

“Um, ahem… Yaoyao’s dad, can I record you cooking? I want to learn”

The chef took out his cell phone

“Yes, you can.”[]

Lu Qin has no objection to this.

He doesn’t have the spare time to teach people how to cook, but he won’t begrudge others watching and learning.

Lu Qin fried a garlic sprout and garlic chicken breast very efficiently, and the portion was still very large.

When the dishes were brought to the restaurant, the child’s crying stopped abruptly.

With shining eyes, they stared at the twice-cooked pork just out of the pot.

Teacher Li pinched the cheeks of several children and said speechlessly:

“You guys are possessed by a drama spirit!”

Without the teacher’s instructions, several children have already lined up

“Teacher Li, I’ll help serve the food too.”

Lu Xiyao volunteered to find something to do after eating.

Lu Qin felt that he could leave now. If he stayed here, he might have to go to the kitchen three times.

After kissing the little guy, Lu Qin left the kindergarten

A group of children ran over to send

“Uncle, will you come tomorrow?”

“Uncle, I want to eat your twice-cooked pork tomorrow!”

“Uncle, take care! I will take good care of Lu Xiyao, and I will give her half of my apple this afternoon!”

“Uncle, where are you setting up your stall? I asked my dad to buy your fried noodles and twice-cooked pork!”


The security guard at the gate was stunned, and Lu Qin forgot to open the school gate when he came over.

“Yaoyao’s dad, you are so awesome. You conquered all the kids in the kindergarten with just one twice-cooked pork!”

“These kids are cute.”

Security guard opens electric door

“Wherever you set up your stall, I will definitely go and patronize it!”

“The location is not fixed, join the penguin group”

The security guard was surprised:”What? There are already groups? I’ll join one!”

Lu Qin took out his phone and approved the request.

The security guard widened his eyes

“Five, five hundred and sixty-seven people?!”

“Wow! So popular?!”

The security guard thought about it and realized that it made sense. Lu Qin’s dishes were so delicious, it was strange that they were not popular!

Lu Qin rode the three-wheeled food truck back to the rental house to prepare for the afternoon stall.

Later, the stall added one more food: chicken tofu pudding

With a systematic fresh-keeping and insulated box, chicken tofu pudding can be made directly at home and sold directly as finished product

The taste will not change

The production process of chicken tofu pudding is complicated. Although it is a traditional Sichuan dish, few people make it now.

Those who can do it well are even rarer.

People rarely see chicken tofu in restaurants.

Many people don’t know what kind of dish chicken tofu pudding is.

Lu Qin prepared a big pot. The first step in cooking chicken tofu pudding is to make a delicious old hen soup.

Normally, it takes five hours to cook chicken soup.

Slow cooking is to bring out the essence of chicken and bones, reflecting the nutritional value of old hen soup

But now people’s living conditions are getting better and better, and they don’t have to worry about food and drink, so nutrition will only overflow.

Therefore, Lu Qin saved the long stewing time.

First fry the chicken skin to bring out the aroma, then add the chicken rack and seasonings and stew in a hot pot

The chicken soup cooked in this way has a richer aroma


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