87. They might call the police! My taste buds were amazed!

He is the father of my child.

A word that struck a chord

Fortunately, there were only four people in the luxurious box, Shen Muyan, Ouyang Lin, Manager Wang, and Ouyang Lin’s secretary.

Otherwise, the whole of Orei will be full of gossip tomorrow.

Manager Wang felt that Mr. Shen’s words contained a lot of information, and he dared not digest it, fearing that he would be silenced.

Ouyang Lin’s expression became strange. This couple was so strange. One was the president of a five-star hotel chain, and the other was a street vendor. The contrast was too great.

However, he didn’t have time to gossip, so he put away his smile:

“Mr. Shen, let’s talk about some business.”

At this time, Manager Wang and Ouyang Lin’s secretary both left.

Ouyang Lin got straight to the point:”Mr. Shen, my old man is having his birthday next weekend and we are going to have a birthday banquet at Wangjing No. 1 in Hai City. The dish that the old man often talks about is liver paste soup, so the one dish that must be at the birthday banquet is liver paste soup. We need to make 50 servings of liver paste soup by then. I hope your husband will go to Hai City to have a birthday banquet.””

Ouyang Lin just added 20 million yuan in investment. Shen Muyan couldn’t refuse this request.

“I’ll ask him.”Shen Muyan couldn’t answer now.

“As for the reward, just ask.”Ouyang Lin couldn’t ask for help for free.


Bauhinia Restaurant Kitchen

Lu Qin came in a hurry, made the liver paste soup, and left in a hurry

To outsiders, he looks like a knight who draws his sword to help others.

But the truth is, there are hungry diners in the penguin group. If they don’t set up the stall in the afternoon, they might call the police and report someone missing or something.

On the table, there are two servings of liver paste soup.

“Uncle Mai, try this liver paste soup.”

In the kitchen, Mai Dejun was the oldest and most prestigious, so he was the first to taste the food.

Mai Dejun was not polite and took a spoon to taste it.

Everyone is looking at him

Just one bite, and Mai Dejun’s taste buds were amazed

The liver paste is dense, tender and melts in your mouth. The soup is fresh and soft, which is a perfect match with the liver paste. The two complement each other and bring out the taste and texture of this Sichuan dish that is neither spicy nor numbing to the extreme.

Is this the master-level liver paste soup?

Mai Dejun feels that at his age, being able to taste such wonderful liver paste soup is enough for his life.

Mai Dejun couldn’t help eating two more bites, and then he noticed that there were quite a few people in the kitchen.

He put down the liver paste soup for everyone to taste.

So, everyone took a spoon and tasted the liver paste soup.

“Wow! Is this the liver paste soup? How can the soup be so delicious?”

“This paste really melts in your mouth! What a great knife skill this must have!!”

“The taste is fresh and delicate. After taking it in one mouth, the aroma of the liver paste continues to spread slowly, and it also has a refreshing and mellow taste. It must be a top-notch cooking skill to make such a delicious liver paste soup!”

After Hu Zhijun tasted it, his taste buds were shocked. He compared it with the liver paste soup he made himself, bah, what the hell!

Shen Muyan and Manager Wang returned to the kitchen, and the two servings of liver paste soup were divided up by a group of people.

Even the soup in the pot was divided into bowls for each person.

Shen Muyan couldn’t help but feel pain. A bowl of liver paste soup cost 110,000 yuan, and she didn’t even get to drink a mouthful of soup.


Lu Qin rode his three-wheeled motorcycle back home and prepared the ingredients for the afternoon stall. It was already 4:30.

The Penguin group was muted, Lu Qin lifted the ban and sent a group notification

The stall is located on People’s Square Pedestrian Street

The group immediately started to receive messages, many of which were pictures of people starving to the point of being pale and skinny.

Lu Qin thought it was funny, put away his phone, and set off on his three-wheeled bike.

When we arrived at the People’s Square Pedestrian Street, the penguin colony manager, the fat boy Zhou Weiwei, was waiting for the landing staff at the intersection. When he saw the three-wheeled penguin, he immediately ran over.

“Boss Lu, please set up your stall in a popular area. Our brothers are waiting for you!”

“Popular area?”

“Yes, one of the customers has connections with the Tourism Bureau, so they set up a temporary booth.”

Lu Qin was brought to the prosperous area by the little fat boy

Today’s line is particularly long, almost one-third of the entire pedestrian street

Passersby were confused and wondered what was going on.

“Hey, guys, what are you guys queuing for? There’s nothing in front of you.

“Just follow the queue, you won’t regret it, there will be more people waiting”

“Don’t talk to me. I’ve been hungry since this morning. If you say one more word, I’m going to have low blood sugar!”

“You have some bread here, would you like to have some first?”

“No, I’ll eat fried noodles first, then crystal shrimp dumplings, then twice-cooked pork, royal chicken wings, chicken tofu pudding, and finally iced green bean paste. I’ve thought about the order of filling my stomach. It’s just full and there’s no room for bread.”

What’s exaggerated is that many people don’t even know what queue they are in, and just queue up to join in the fun, resulting in a terrifying number of people in the queue.

This scene shocked other snack shops in the prosperous area.

The bosses came out to see this wonder.

Someone said,”Boss Lu is here!””


The team all looked in the direction of the ground patrol.[]

“Boss Lu, you are finally here! I am starving to death!”

“I’m craving for fried noodles, give me one portion quickly!”

“Boss Lu, look at me, my pants are falling down because of hunger. The beautiful lady in front of me thought I was going to be a hooligan and almost called the police.”

“Crystal shrimp dumplings! My crystal shrimp dumplings!”

“Imperial Concubine Chicken Wings, no chicken wings!”


Amidst countless complaints and urgings, Lu Qin set up his stall and started doing business.

“What? Even the fried noodles are limited in quantity?” The first customer glanced at the small plate and asked in surprise.

“Hey handsome guy, what do you want?”

“You are the handsome guy, I won’t compete with you. The quantity is limited, what else can you order? Fill up all the food!”


Lu Qin starts to stir-fry noodles and twice-cooked pork

Stir-fry five portions of rice noodles in one pot, and three portions of twice-cooked pork in one pot

Customers pay by scanning the QR code, and they calculate the money by themselves on their mobile phone calculator, so as not to distract the ground staff.

After the first customer left, the second customer was about to order, and Lu Qin picked up a portion of fried noodles and started eating.

“I haven’t had lunch yet, so I’ll eat a few bites first.”

At first, every guest was eager to see him, but when they learned that Lu Qin hadn’t had lunch yet, they all felt sorry for him.

“Boss Lu, you came to set up a stall for us even before you even had your meal. Wow, I’m so touched!”

“Boss Lu, eat slowly, and take a rest when you are full. Don’t get too tired. If anyone urges you, I will do a set of radio gymnastics, oh no, I will do a set of combination fighting punches!”

“It really isn’t easy for Boss Lu. He has to prepare hundreds of ingredients every time he sets up his stall. After the morning stall is over, he has to prepare for the afternoon stall right away. He is more diligent than the donkey in the production team!”

“Hey, why are you cursing? How can Mr. Lu be compared to a donkey? Ugh, how can a donkey be compared to Mr. Lu?……”

“Boss Lu is such a good man, he takes care of the kids and earns money to support the family by himself. Woohoo, if it really doesn’t work out, please raise the price a bit, so that I can feel good about eating this!”

Many people brought snacks and fruits, which were originally intended to feed the little ones. Now the fruits were piled into the empty basket in front of the ground staff.

There is also a little sister who thoughtfully helps to peel apples

The other young ladies couldn’t stand still after seeing this. Some were peeling apples in the front, some were peeling oranges in the back, and some were dicing dragon fruit in the back.

This scene is like a harem fight for favor


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