DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 100: Everyone here calls me Selia

The three gangsters in the lava cave refer to the three bosses of the lava cave-Titan, Goliath, and Atlas. These things are all life forms spliced ​​by the necromancers of the Dark Elf Kingdom, because the lava cave went directly to the entrance of the dark city afterwards, so the three gangsters were made to guard the lava cave.

When Li Wuji saw the Three Gay Guys, he was thundered by their appearance, and the game was far less scary than in reality.

The bodies of the three **** guys are stitched together with the bodies of various monsters, and traces of stitching can be seen at each stitching. It is also a guy who can frighten children in horror movies.

After seeing Li Wuji and Ruel, the three **** guys roared and rushed towards them!

When Li Wuji was about to go up and do them, Ruel stopped him.

"No, these three guys can't be killed. They were created by necromancers to guard the entrance to the dark city. Without their deterrence, the corpse thief inside might run out."

Seeing Ruel's firm gaze, Li Wuji was too embarrassed to be a strong action player, after all, he may not have been able to beat the three **** men alone.

So the two ran quickly toward the way they came, and the three **** men chased a certain distance and then went back. It seemed that they could not easily leave the exit of the lava cave.

Time flies extremely fast. Although Li Wuji and Ruel cut all the way and smoothly opened up the passage, it took nearly 20 hours. After all, when they came, they had to fight in addition to rushing, and the underground The world is quite big!


Because of the special status of Saran, she didn't encounter any difficulties in the Duchy of Belmar, and because of her relationship with Queen Maya, the soldiers in the Alphalia camp did not dare to continue to stop her.

Celia was following Saran, and no one dared to have an opinion.

Seliya was very curious about this place when she came to the underground world for the first time, and she kept looking around her surroundings with her big eyes.

Hearing the news of Saran's return, Krent quickly ran out of the tent, shook hands with Saran and said, "Ms. Saran, it's great to have your help!"

Seeing Krent so anxious, Sharan guessed that the current dark elf kingdom must be undergoing a very severe test.

"I am a member of the kingdom, and it is right to contribute to the kingdom."

Krent looked at the human girl behind Saran suspiciously, and asked, "This one is?"

Celia politely leaned forward with a warm smile: "Hello, my name is Celia, I am a good sister to Sister Saran!"

Sharan rubbed Celia's head and introduced to Krent: "Selia is a very talented person in magic. I like her very much, so I take her to have a look."

While Krent was chatting with Sharan, Li Wuji and Ruel also returned triumphantly.

Ruel shouted in a loud voice: "Krent! We have completed the task!"

Sharan was also attracted by the loud voice, turning her head to see a big dark elf man and a human holding a lightsaber.

Celia also poked her head from behind Shalan curiously...

Li Wuji also saw the young girl behind Shalan wearing a green shirt, white skirt and some long silver hair.

At this moment, a strong sense of familiarity surged in his mind, and Li Wuji felt a fetter that spanned time and space.

The heartbeat is speeding up, but time has stopped.

Ruel saw Li Wuji who was stupidly in place, and shook his shoulder: "Hey! Li Wuji? What's wrong with you? Why are you stupid?"

Li Wuji didn't speak, but looked at Celia with extremely complicated eyes.

Celia was a little blushed by Li Wuji's stare. She squeezed Saran's arm in fear, and asked Li Wuji cautiously: "Do we...know?" Li Wuji's brain fell ill for an instant, and he blurted out and replied: "Of course we do. Wife!"


Hearing this weird name, the eyes of Shalan, Krent, and Ruel all focused on Li Wuji.

Celia flushed, and said angrily: "Why are you talking nonsense? I don't know you!"

Li Wuji realized that he had said something wrong, touched his nose awkwardly, and explained stiffly: "Ahhhh...this...spoken mouth...This girl looks more like my wife, so she accidentally called the wrong thing. ."

"Oh~ So that's it~" Everyone looked at Li Wuji's eyes with some meaning.

"Ahem... The first time I met, it was so offensive, I hope the girl will not mind... Ah, I haven't consulted the girl's name yet!"

Celia smiled and replied: "It's okay, I don't mind very much, as for my name..."

"People here call me Selia."

Li Wuji suffocated his breath, the same lines, the same voice...

Ah, I'm wet.

I'm talking about eyes, tears!

Seeing Li Wuji stunned again, Ruel shook his shoulder quickly: "Hey! Why are you stupid again?"

Li Wuji quickly recovered, without feeling embarrassed at all, and said to Krent sternly: "Speaking of business, we have already opened up the passage to the entrance to the dark city. When will the study of this infectious disease become clear? We can go to the queen!"

Ruel continued: "Haha, I also have my share of the credit!"

Krent glanced around, and there were some senator's eyeliners peeking at them from time to time.

"Let's talk to a safe place."

As the magic ambassador sent by the Queen to the Duchy of Belmar~www.ltnovel.com~, Sharan is naturally from the faction of the Queen. She is also very aware of the plight the Queen is suffering now, but the Queen is not only a puppet who condones the Senate, sending her to the Principality is actually a political method of the Queen, but once the war starts, the Queen and her efforts will be in vain.

Li Wuji suggested: "I know there is a place to go."

So everyone led by Li Wuji to the spider cave, where the spiders have been cleaned up by Li Wuji and Ruel. However, in order to be safe enough, everyone came to the remains of the Spider Kingdom, which is secret enough, except for Ruel and Li Wuji, no one knows.

After reading Morgan's notes, Sharan felt a little heavy.

Celia was so touched by Morgan's desperate death to study infectious diseases that her eyes were moist. Li Wuji took the opportunity to pat Selia's shoulder to comfort her.

Saran took out the spider legs to do research. She constantly extracted the magic power contained in the spider legs and traced the source. Because the magic power was too weak, Saran failed many times.

Until the time the tracing magic was applied to Acroso's spider legs, a mysterious phantom appeared above the spider legs.

Everyone was breathing fast and their eyes lit up.

But I saw a black creature emerge from the black mysterious phantom. It has a long and narrow body, a slender face, and its scarlet eyes seem to be staring at everyone present, bringing infinite terror...

Celia was pale, and tremblingly said, "It's... the apostle... the black plague Dirich."

Shalan asked in surprise: "Do you know it?"

Celia shook her head: "I don't know, but I seem to have knowledge about it again in my mind..."

Li Wuji took a deep look at Celia. If Lao Chuan didn't guess wrong, Fei Sai should be the "one who knows everything".

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