DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 131: Let it be honest

"Boss, you didn't tell me that it will become scary after changing jobs!"

Li Wuji spread out his hands innocently: "I don't know, but I feel like you are a little more handsome now than before!"

Daniel looked at himself in the mirror, trying to grin, the half of his face shrouded in darkness became very evil.

Although half of his face was ruined, it was indeed a bit more mysterious in temperament than before.

Taking a look at the weapon in his hand, his long spear has completely changed, becoming his exclusive weapon-the dark spear.

But Daniel didn't feel distressed, because it was not a high-level weapon, and the dark spear now turned into is unknown how many times stronger than its predecessor!

"It should be okay now? Does that abyssal breath still affect it?"

Daniel shook his head and said, "It's all swallowed by Dark Spear."

Li Wou-ki walked out of the shop and asked, "You should have some dark gunner moves in your mind, let's try it!"

Daniel asked blankly: "How to try?"

"Come on, hit me! Don't hit my shop, otherwise the gods won't be able to save you."

"No, no, no, boss, you are my benefactor, how can I deal with you?"

Li Wuji smiled and said, "Do you think I am weak? Ha ha, I am not afraid to hit you. All of you here are not my opponents if you go together!"

Having said that, Li Wuji took out his long sword to "store thunder", his eyes focused, he held the sword in both hands, and a strong sense of oppression was pressing on Daniel's body like a landslide and tsunami. This sense of oppression could no longer distinguish whether it was evil spirits or sword intent.

Daniel's face turned pale in an instant, he felt that his whole body was surrounded by sword power, as long as he moved, he would be pierced by a thousand arrows!

Everyone was stunned.

They have never seen the boss make a move, but just by looking at the momentum, they know that the boss is definitely a master.

"Come, attack!"

Daniel swallowed nervously, and said, "I... boss... I definitely can't beat you. Let's not fight anymore, right?"

"Let you hit you! Afraid of being an egg? It hurts you medical expenses...Chapter 131 Let it be honest (page 1/4 ),.I pay!"

Seeing Li Wuji insisted, Daniel was ashamed to refuse.

He clenched the dark spear tightly, and the black thunder and lightning continued to gather.

The two core abilities of the Dark Gunner are one undercover and the other is Black Thunder, and all his skills are divided around these two factions. Under the eclipse state, the enemy's physical resistance will be reduced, that is, you can increase your attack power. The black thunder system will have special effects on enemies in the darkened state.

"Dark spear penetrates!"

The dark spear surrounding the black thunder and lightning was thrown out by Daniel and attacked Li Wuji.

This spear looked very powerful, but Li Wuji's long sword slashed towards the flying dark spear, and the dark spear flew out.

"It's a bit weak!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, the boss didn't use any moves, just a light stroke of this imposing dark spear was thrown aside.

Daniel lowered his head and said with shame: "The boss is really good, I'm not an opponent."

Li Wuji frowned, he didn't let him fight against himself just to pretend to be in front of Daniel.

"Come again!"

"It's not coming, boss, don't look at my jokes!"

The corner of Li Wuji's mouth raised, and he said provocatively: "Then you are really a trash. I'll stand here and let you fight. You can stand it? What's wrong with my strength than you? Did I fight back? It's here. Letting you hit you didn't cause me a little bit of harm. It's too insulting to the profession of the dark gunner!"

Daniel was said to have turned blue and red, and no one wanted to be called rubbish. Moreover, he said that he insulted the profession of dark gunner. Even if Li Wuji was his lifesaver, it was hard not to be angry!

"Boss, you want me to fight this, so don't regret it!"

The black half of Daniel's face turned strangely red, and he raised his hand, and the dark spear that had been thrown out before turned into a black light and returned to his hand.

He shouted violently, and once again gathered the Dark Spear.

"The Eclipse Spiral Gun!"

The dark spear spun rapidly in his hand, and the black thunder continued to condense, and then threw it out fiercely.


......Chapter 131, let it be honest (page 2/4),. #Spiral flying over the dark spear was easily picked up by Li Wuji. Li Wuji smiled contemptuously: "That's it?"

Daniel's face became gloomy. What he didn't realize was that his black half of his face became even more weird because of his emotions, and a hint of anger appeared in his red eyes.

Without Li Wuji reminding him, Daniel held the Dark Spear in his hand again and threw it towards Li Wuji!

"The Spear of Corrosion!"

"No way, too weak."

"Black Eclipse Funeral!"

"It's a funeral, I don't even need to move a step!"


When the magic power was exhausted, Daniel gasped, feeling a deep sense of frustration and powerlessness.

Everyone looked at the maddened Daniel, showing unbearable expressions.

At this time, the dark spear in Daniel's hand seemed to feel his emotions, and conveyed a thought to Daniel: despair? Want to gain power?

Sweat dripped from Daniel's forehead. Under Li Wuji's verbal stimulation and the temptation of Dark Spear, he became more and more manic, and the black mist rose up over his body.

He had a thought: to kill Li Wuji!

As soon as this idea rose up, he couldn't contain it anymore. He even forgot that this was an ordinary discussion. He felt that the man holding the sword in front of him was damned!

Li Wuji stood still on the spot, never leaving.

"What's wrong? Can't it work?"

quite a while.

Daniel raised his head, his eyes filled with astonishing killing intent, and the black half of his face became like a hideous evil spirit. The whole person is like a demon who has lost his mind!

Li Wuji raised his brows slightly, it seemed that Dark Spear had affected his mind, and of course he also had his own responsibility.

Daniel has a hideous face~www.ltnovel.com~ a double voice came out from his mouth: "I want you to die!"

Then he raised the Dark Spear high, and the black thunder and lightning entangled the Dark Spear. This momentum was several times stronger than before!

Kenneth saw that Daniel seemed to be out of control, and just wanted to stop him, but Li Wou-ki waved his hand at him, saying that he was in his palm...Chapter 131 Let it be honest (page 3/4). Under control.

"Undermine the storm and kill!"

The surprisingly powerful Dark Spear whizzed towards Li Wuji, this time making him a little more serious, and put on the "Storm Thunder" weapon.

When the dark spear carrier's strong dark aura came in front of him, Li Wuji looked like a sword, and slashed down with all his strength.

Dark Spear let out a stern cry, and Li Wuji stepped on the ground.

Then the long sword hovered above the dark spear, and Li Wuji said indifferently: "Honestly, or I will cut you off directly!"

Dark Spear was shrouded in sword power, and he dared not move at all.

Li Wuji sneered and ordered: "Let him return to normal!"

Dark Spear was silent for a while.

"Pretend to be stupid?"

Li Wuji took the sword down without pity, and Dark Spear let out a mournful cry, and the darkness aura dimmed a lot.

Afterwards, a black figure separated from half of Daniel's face and entered the dark spear.

Daniel trembled, his eyes cleared, and he asked blankly: "What happened? What happened to me just now? Boss, why are you stepping on my dark spear?"

Li Wuji smiled and said: "Let it take a lesson, and be honest in front of you in the future!"

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