DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 137: Big customer

Vernia looked at the three areas on the Li Wusi counter.

When I saw some dark elves with dark skin and long ears on the card above, I frowned and asked, "Are these elves?"

Li Wuji shook his head and explained: "These monsters are all sealed from another world, that world is called the Arad continent. What you are talking about, the race is called the Dark Elf, which was originally a normal Elf because of a God’s curse has become so ugly."

"The elves of another world? They must be living very hard, right?"

"It's really bitter. After being cursed, they can only live in the dark underground world all year round. I lived there for a few days. There is no sun, no moon, no plants, only dark underground tunnels, and many more. A powerful monster."

Vernia widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "This is too miserable! What kind of gods have they provoked? Why are they so small?"

"This involves a love triangle story. To put it simply, a woman of the elven tribe falls in love with a human, and then the **** Venus also loves that human, but the human chooses the elves, so he is jealous of the **** Vener. Si cursed the clan that the elf girl belongs to, and just like that!"

Vernia said angrily: "This beauty Venus is really not worthy of being a god!"

Li Wuji nodded unexpectedly. Venus, the goddess of beauty, has a high probability of being one of Herder's vests. This period of dark history has indeed made the second sister's compulsion much less.

"The story is over, is there anything I need under the crown?"

"I want to give the miserable dark elves a home. I have bought all the dark elves cards here!"

Li Wuji's eyes lit up and he was refreshing!

A total of less than 20,000 gold coins were spent, and all these dark elf hero cards were handed over to Vernia's hands.

After getting a few dark elf heroes, Vernia tried to explore these cards with her magical powers, but what made her puzzled was that no matter how she studied, these cards did not have any particularity in her eyes. Pieces of paper.

......Chapter 137 Major Clients (page 1/4),. You won't be deceived, will you?

Li Wuji explained: "This is not so useful. Just communicate with your mind and say'use' silently."

Vernia nodded, and after doing this to the first hero elf knight Rommel, she was surprised to feel that a mysterious contract had begun to be concluded. As a legendary mage, she had no resistance at all.

Under her dull gaze, the card flashed a stream of light, and the elf knight Rommel, riding on a war horse and wearing armor, appeared in front of her.

When he saw Vernia, Rommel was stunned for a moment, then jumped off the horse, kneeled on one knee and buried his head and shouted respectfully: "Master!"

Vernia looked at Rommel who had emerged from the card incredibly, and she had become alive! Even she couldn't compress a life form into a card that didn't seem to be special at all.

"Get up, don't be so polite."

But Rommel still knelt on the ground, buried his head and refused to get up.

Seeing Rommel's low self-esteem, Vernia ordered angrily: "I'll make you stand up!"

Rommel just stood up, but still did not dare to look up at Vernia.

"Look up."

"The subordinate looks ugly and dare not stain the eyes of the master."

Vernia was about to get angry, Li Wuji explained: “Don’t get angry under the crown. Rommel was once an elf. It was because of the curse of Venus that he became like this. In order to get rid of the curse of Venus, he had He promised Venus to complete seven impossible tasks, but after he did it, Venus did not keep his promise, and eventually died of serious injuries. This is just the soul of Rommel who has come back to life, seeing the noble beauty under the crown. The fairy standing in front of him, it’s normal to have a low self-esteem."

After listening to Li Wuji finishing his story, Rommel's head dropped lower.

Vernia's angry expression turned to distressed, and she felt deep sympathy for the dark elves of the Arad continent. Although they are different worlds, they are all of the same race!

"It's okay, there is an ancient tree of life in our Fairy Forest, and I will give you a cup of life...Chapter 137 Major Clients (Page 2/4), The dew of life can purify the blood!"

Li Wuji was taken aback when she heard Vernia's words.

"System, is this okay? Changed the race of the card!"

"Of course it is possible, as long as the strength does not exceed the card limit, no matter how to toss it."


In the end, Vernia took Rommel back into the card.

"Then what is this material card?"

"There are some consumables that can restore health or mana, and there are also some magical materials, such as ore and the like. Aoen said it was good after reading it!"

The consumables for restoring health and magic power are not very attractive to Vernia, because she feels that nothing is more effective than her own fountain of life. In terms of pride, the pastor of the Bright Church is not as good as an elf. Of healing. After all, the **** the elves believed in was the goddess of life!

As if seeing Vernia's disdain, Li Wuji took out a special cool drink of Celia and said with a smile: "You can try it under the crown. This one only costs 300 gold coins."

After Vernia paid the gold coins, she took the card.

Then turn the card into a drink.

He opened the cap and put the drink in front of his nose and sniffed it.

"It seems that there is some magic power, isn't it poisonous?"

Li Wuji said silently: "Mianxia said and laughed~www.ltnovel.com~How can I, Hode, have the ability to poison a legendary mage?"

Vernia smiled far-fetched: "Boss, you are also joking, if it wasn't for a legendary mage next door doing hard work, I would believe you."

"Don't tell me, the old woman next door has become seriously injured and dying after sneaking on me. It might not be possible to heal for ten and a half months, but after using a similar consumable card, She stood up vigorously again, do you think she is healthy now?"

Vernia did not respond to Li Wuji, but she still felt that he was bragging.

But when she drank the drink, her eyes stared like copper bells!

She trembled and said, "This...Chapter 137 Major Clients (Page 3/4). This...this is unscientific. !"

The magic power that a legendary mage can hold in his body is huge. Although they absorb magic power very quickly, it may take half a day to recover if they rely on absorption alone!

And this bottle of unknown drink can recover nearly one-third of its magic value in a few seconds. This is terrible. When you fight with others and consume almost the same amount, take out a bottle of drink. Not invincible?

Li Wuji was very satisfied with Vernia's appearance that she had never seen the world before, how rare is it? There is a vampire who is holding it as a daily drink every day!

Vernia "slapped" the table and said excitedly: "Boss, you have all the consumables here. I have all included! Money is not a problem!"

Li Wuji took a breath, big customer!

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