DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 140: Lilith

After three nights of rushing, Lilith finally returned to the hometown of the vampire, the city of the night.

I wanted to wave around for a while, but the family members urged her to go home every day. Now the Karen family has no leader, and many things are waiting for her to preside over the overall situation!

When Haoyue was in the sky, it was the favorite weather for vampires.

Jarvan with a serrated knife followed Lilith quietly. In the dark, his eyes flashed fiercely red from time to time.

"Go home!"

Looking at the feasting streets, the cold environment gave her a sense of intimacy. Pedestrians on the street were in groups of two, men in tuxedos and women in long skirts, all walking with a touch of aristocracy.

However, Lilith did know that most of these pretending vampires didn't have much money in their pockets, but they all liked to pretend to be aristocratic, and no vampire was willing to admit that he was a commoner.

Across the streets, Lilith came to a huge castle. Although this castle was very grand, it seemed to have a trace of depression in its grandeur.

Lilith said proudly with her waist in her waist, "I see, this is my home! Isn't it pompous?"

Jarvan's left hand trembled slightly, the red light in his eyes flashed by, and he replied stiffly: "Q... magnificent."

Listening to the tone feeling very wrong, Lilith frowned and asked: "Has Kazan syndrome happen again?"

Jarvan smiled far-fetched, and hid the trembling ghost hand behind him: "No...no..."

But the red light in his eyes betrayed him. Since he became a berserker, Kazan syndrome has basically occurred three times a day, each time it will be accompanied by great pain, and even made him want to cut off his ghost hand.

But he must endure and adapt to this state, because sometimes when the attack occurs, he can clearly feel that all aspects of his body's functions have been greatly improved, but he may lose control of his emotions. Fortunately, his soul is bound to Lilith, no matter how serious it is, he will never forget his master.

Lilith looked worried, and persuaded: "Why don't you go back to the card and rest for a while?"

......Chapter 140 Lilith Going Home (page 1/4),. #嘉文 still shook his head: "I have to get used to this pain, only then can I become stronger!"

Seeing him so persistent, Lilith couldn't forcefully take it back. After all, this was the path he chose.

When we reached the door, a rickety old man was sweeping the floor.

Lilith smiled and shouted, "Grandpa Makarov! I'm back!"

The familiar voice made the old man's body tremble slightly, then slowly turned his head, and saw the familiar girl, the broom in his hand fell to the ground with a "pop".

"Wow! Miss, you are finally back!"

Makarov suddenly burst into tears, and quickly ran to Lilith, stroking her face: "Miss has been away for so long, must have been very hard, right? Look at you, you are all thin!"

Lilith remembered the days when she had good food and drink at the card shop, her face turned red: "It was really hard outside, but fortunately, I met the noble person who helped me, so I can return here safely."

"Come in quickly, don't stand here!"

Makarov yelled at the castle: "Miss is back! Come out to meet you!"

This voice seemed to directly activate the silent castle, each room was lit up with a faint green light, and noisy sounds came and went one after another.

"Where? Where's Miss?"

"Ah! Great, someone will be paid in the future!"

"The old man Edward didn't lie to us, haha!"


Soon more than 30 people gathered in front of Lilith, and under the leadership of the old butler Makarov, they knelt on one knee.

"Welcome the return of Miss!"

Lilith licked her hair, a blood-red light shone from her body, and her temperament immediately became noble. Others are pretending to be aristocrats, but she is a real aristocrat! Regardless of the upbringing from childhood or the living environment, Lilith always looks like a noble queen at home.

As for the appearance of little girls at other times, they are only shown in front of the closest people.

"Are there any missing family members during my absence?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and someone raised their hand and said... Lilith coming home in Chapter 140 (page 2/4),. : "Miss, except for Angli, everyone in the family is here."

Lilith said coldly: "Angli is dead, but you don't have to take pity for his death, because he privately sucked human blood outside and killed several human women. This has touched our family rules."

Everyone trembled and bowed their heads, sighing for the poor young man.

"Can our wine industry still work?"

A slightly obese man replied: "Miss Hui, although our family has been hit a bit recently, all the small families we worked with have been disconnected, but without our investment, they have not been doing well recently. As long as we re-operate, our subordinates will be able to get all the lines back!"

Lilith frowned and asked, "So how much money is needed?"

"Five million...no, forty million is enough."

Lilith sighed slightly in her heart, she really eats money! He told Li Wuji before that he had more than one billion yuan in his family, but the money did not all belong to her, but to the entire family. Before being ruined by Edward for a while, many of the industries that worked with their family were forced to stop. If they want to re-operate, they must not only increase capital investment, but also pay compensation.

"Give you fifty million, and give more compensation to the small families that have been damaged by us."

"Subordinates take orders!"

"Where is the magic tool industry?"

A middle-aged woman replied: "Ms. Hui, because Edward compensated us for a lot of materials for making magical instruments, so we don't need much capital investment~www.ltnovel.com~ we can get back on track again."

"So 20 million is enough to operate?"

"Completely enough!"


After instructing the various industries involved in the Karen family, Lilith breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Then go back to perform their duties now, and in an hour I will ask the Makarov butler to send you the funds for the industry. There is still your compensation for this period of time. Thank you for being steadfast and unyielding during the days when you were captured, and the family will not let you down!"

After speaking, Lilith bowed heavily to everyone. #......Chapter 140 Lilith Going Home (page 3/4),.

There was a sense of pride in everyone, and they shouted fanatically: "Reinvigorating the glory of the Karen family, it is my duty!"

Then everyone ran away violently.

"Makarov, come with me and help me count the funds I need."


Lilith walked into a familiar home, passed a secret passage, and came to the treasure house in the basement.

The door of the treasure house must be opened with her blood. Just as she was about to open the treasure house, the pocket watch on her neck suddenly became warm.

Lilith's eyes suddenly lit up, ah! The boss called!

"Grandpa Makarov, let me answer the phone first!"

Makarov was still wondering what the "phone" was, but saw that Lilith had opened her pocket watch and was chatting with a strange man. What's more terrifying is that there was a sweet smile on the young lady's face.

Not good! Could any toad be attacking my lady?

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