DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 142: 0 Lingcheng has great opportunities

As a legendary mage, Vernia returned to the Fairy Forest in the southern part of the mainland in only half a day.

It has the largest virgin forest in the entire continent, which was named after being occupied by the elves. The forest of elves was originally full of vitality, and all kinds of rare and exotic animals lived here, but since the appearance of the abyss of monsters, the forest of elves has also appeared large and small enchantments, making the forest's vitality drop a lot.

The appearance of the Demon Abyss is a global phenomenon, appearing in various places in the mainland, even the extremely vitality of the fairy forest can not be spared.

In the depths of the forest, there is a huge towering tree, the crown of which is as large as ten miles in radius! This big tree is the totem of the elves, the ancient tree of life.

There is a green palace made up of vines on the trunk of the big tree. This is the palace where the Queen of the Elves lives.

Tree houses have been built on the various trees surrounding the ancient trees of life. This is the dwelling place of the elves.

Vernia, who came back from Thousand Spirits City, rushed into the queen's palace eagerly.

"Your Majesty! I'm back!"

Wearing a crown on her head and a green dress, the queen with blond hair and waist was holding a pen to write. Vernia suddenly broke in, causing the queen's pen tip to tilt a few times.

The queen sighed heavily, raised her head and scolded angrily: "Vernia! How many times have I told you, can you knock on the door before you come in? Pay attention to your image at home too!"

After returning home, Vernia seemed to let herself go, rushing to the queen, hugged her, and rubbed her face against the queen's face.

"Oh, your Majesty is so cute! I haven't seen you for two days, but I want to kill me!"

The queen kicked away disgustingly: "Don't make trouble! Talk business!"

Vernia chuckled, squatting on the ground, and said: "Your Majesty would never think of how mysterious things I have encountered this time!"

The queen said with a cold face: "Hurry up and finish your business, I have to be busy!"

"Well, let's talk about my mission this time. I heard that there have been some changes in the abyss of monsters over there. It may be...Chapter 142 Qianling City has a great opportunity (page 1/4). Destruction of the enchantment. Other mages are not available, and I am also forced to investigate. But when I was investigating, I did not see the so-called "purple eyes" , It seems that there is no danger, but... I feel a very evil aura brewing in the Abyss Crack. Look, your Majesty, what do you need to do with this problem?"

The queen frowned and asked, "How evil is this evil breath?"

Vernia tilted her head to think, and gestured: "It feels...for a moment I will feel cold all over."

The queen's face changed a little, and she could not understand Vernia's strength more clearly. It could make her react so strongly, indicating that the source of that evil force must be stronger than her.

"This matter is very important. We must always pay attention to the Monster Abyss near our Fairy Forest. If there is any change, we must promptly remedy it!"

Hearing that the matter was so serious, Vernia nodded solemnly.

"However, I haven't finished telling the story yet! When I was investigating in the Demon Abyss, I saw that the mercenaries could use a magical card to summon all kinds of strange monsters to help them fight, so I was curious. Next, I asked. The origin of the card is from a mysterious card shop in the Matthews neighborhood of Thousand Spirits City. Then guess what?"

Vernia patted her hands and laughed loudly: "Haha! I found a great opportunity to shock the sky!"

The queen tugged at Vernia's sleeve: "You give me some restraint!"

"It's okay, I added sound insulation magic to this palace, no one heard it!"

The queen had no choice but to shook her head: "Oh, forget it, you should keep talking!"

"This great opportunity is the cards, I also bought some cards, and I will show them to you right away!"

Vernia summoned Rommel, the elf knight, and Rommel knelt on one knee involuntarily when he saw two such beautiful and thoroughbred elves.

The queen was startled when he saw Rommel with dark skin, silver hair and pointed ears suddenly appear in front of here.

Vernia hurriedly repeated the story told by Li Wuji.

After listening to the Queen Shen...Chapter 142 Qianling City has great opportunities (page 2/4). After a moment of silence, nodded: "I will approve them to purify their blood."

After talking about the dark elf's cards, Vernia took Rommel back.

"Although this card is amazing, its strength is not strong, and it is not a great opportunity."

Vernia patted her chest proudly: "I also bought two platinum-level peak monster cards here. These are the most expensive cards there!"

"This is okay. Let the elves who perform the task carry it, and it can have a surprisingly winning effect."

"Your Majesty, do you think this is over? If I say, I have a way to cure the root of the disease that the Lord Prophet has fallen, surely you don't believe it?"

The queen really didn't believe that their prophet was an elf that had survived for a long time. No one knew his exact age. It is said that he was once the favored one of the goddess of life. The prophet has the ability to predict, but every time he makes a prediction, he has to pay a heavy price. The prophet can no longer make a prediction now, because his body has been dilapidated and cannot support him to complete a prediction.

This is an unacceptable result for the elves. The prophet’s predictions are very accurate and can lead the elves to avoid many risks~www.ltnovel.com~ Lost the prophet’s predictions, now the future of the elves is planned by the queen herself .

The queen hurriedly said: "Vernia, don't lie to me. If you lie about this kind of thing, I will be angry even if you are my good girlfriend!"

Vernia took out a sheet of Remy's aid, handed it to the queen, and explained the method to him.

"You can tell if I lied to you with just one use."

The queen watched Remy's aid in front of her. After using it, a burst of holy light flashed on her body...

After a while, the queen's eyes widened, and she clearly felt that her vitality and magic power were rising at an extremely fast speed!

The life value is a very abstract thing in the real world, because it may contain various factors such as injury, hunger, and hidden injury. But the definition given by "Remy's Aid" is to restore 30% of health and mana, which is a 30% restoration in various senses!

Seeing the queen was shocked...Chapter 142 Qianling City has great opportunities (page 3/4). With a sluggish look, Vernia said triumphantly: "How is it? I have bought a lot of consumables like this!"

"This...this must be particularly valuable, right?"

"No, no, the one you just used is only sold for 300 gold coins!"

The queen's face was ruddy and her breathing was short.

"Great opportunity! Great opportunity! You are stupid! You have to buy more of this kind of good stuff! The money usually given to you should be spent in this place!"

"You are stupid! I'm smart! I bought all the consumable cards there!"

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