DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 303: Only charge money

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There was no need to act at all. Ariel recalled her experience in the ocean again, and the whole person began to rain with pear blossoms. It could not be any more miserable, and the floor was soaked with tears.

Li Wuji fell into deep thought, and it was the first time he knew that the ocean had also encountered such a serious crisis.

"Well... Miss Ariel, get up first. Your problem can indeed be solved. This is also the meaning of my existence in this shop."

Ariel immediately bowed to Li Wuji with emotion. She didn't doubt Li Wuji's level at all. Zero said that he was a big boss!

Emily's face is also a bit ugly. In the corners they can't see, have the people of the Dark Continent already invaded?

Li Wuji stretched out his hand and said to Emily: "Give me Lotters' card first."

Emily naturally said what she believed to Li Wuji and handed it directly to Li Wuji.

Li Wuji showed Emily an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, I think this Miss Ariel may need Rotes more, after all, she belongs to the ocean too!"

Emily stared, looking at her empty palm, and said grievously: "I'm here first, and I... I can also go to the sea to summon!"

Li Wuji patted the old woman on the shoulder, and said to her seriously: "This is not the last colored card, the next one will definitely be sold to you!"

"Is there another one?"

"Yes! Just put ten thousand hearts!"


Li Wou-ki took Lotters’ card and explained to Ariel: “You’re from the aquarium, you probably don’t know what the cards I have here are for, but I can guarantee that as long as you buy this, Your ocean problems can be solved!"

Ariel wiped her tears and said aggrieved: "Boss, do you need me to pay any price?"

Number Zero also felt tight, and he was afraid that this girl would say something to her!

Li Wuji was surprised and said: "Did you not hear clearly? I said I was letting you buy it. You wouldn't have no money, would you?"

This time it was Ariel's turn to be stunned.

"Huh? What? Do you need money?"

She turned her head and looked at Zero, who was also shocked. Didn't she say that such a big man doesn't care about money?

"Then...how much does it cost?"

"Two billion!"

Ariel looked bitter, she didn't have that much money!

"Aren't you a princess? You can't get two billion dollars, right?"

Ariel grievedly asked for help from No.Zero: "Master No.Zero..."

Number Zero touched his pocket and looked helpless. Even if he sold himself, he couldn't make up two hundred million!

"Can I use a semi-artifact as a mortgage?"

Li Wuji refused very decisively: "No, I only charge money here, and the price of two hundred million cannot be more or less. Although I sympathize with your experience, I have a reason to collect money!"

Emily tangled for a while, sighed and then said to Ariel: "A semi-artifact is a priceless treasure. I can exchange it with you for 200 million gold coins. Of course, I will earn it. May or not!"

Ariel looked at Zero with a plea for help, hoping that Zero could help her make up her mind.

Number Zero asked Li Wuji earnestly: "Are you sure this can save the ocean?"

"If a **** can't save, then I don't know what else can be saved?"

No.Zero is in deep thought. If two hundred million can really buy a god, then it will definitely make a home! But is the force of a **** so low? Can you buy it with money?

"Is it a god?"

"You can ask the customers here!"

Number Zero glanced at the guests, and everyone nodded trustingly.

So his eyes flickered, and he said to Ariel: "Change with her!"


So Emily obtained the "Heart of the Sea" at the price of 200 million gold coins. This is a gem, but with some minor damage.

After being destroyed, it can release a shield that can block the full blow of the demigod. It lasts for one minute, and it can bring great affinity to the water element when carried around.

It's okay. If you run out of money in the future, you can resell it for money. It is conservatively estimated that it can sell for at least 500 million, and there is no market.

Ariel held Lotters' card, and her heart was empty.

Li Wuji said solemnly: "Go back to the ocean as soon as possible and summon Rotes out. You should have noticed that the black monsters have already invaded our planet. If you drag it down, it will be very serious. Please as soon as possible. Rotes is the key to breaking the game!"

"I know!"

"Oh, by the way, how long will it take you at least to get to the ocean?"

Number Zero was silent for a while, and said, "If I try my best, it will take at least a whole day!"

Li Wuji rubbed his eyebrows: "It's a bit late, don't you have a teleportation array or something? Old lady, would you do a teleportation array?"

Emily said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, boss, I don't seem to be so good. It will take several days to build a teleportation array."

Li Wuji looked at Emily, and suddenly his inspiration flashed, and he took out an orange eight-star monster card, Gaunis the Space Dominator.

They are all called space dominators. It should be no problem to make a space crossing?

Looking at the above skills, there really is room to jump this skill!

"Boss, this..."

Li Wuji smiled and said, "Don't you want to buy a card? This is a legendary monster card close to a demigod, 80 million gold coins, can you buy it?"

Eighty million is a bit expensive, but Emily did not hesitate to buy it.

"Summon Gaunis, let it take you to the beach, and then summon Rotes."

"Boss, won't you go and see?"

Li Wuji touched his nose awkwardly, waved his hand and said, "I won't join in the fun."

He is mainly afraid of being beaten by the complete Rotes, even if he can't kill himself, he must at least peel off his skin.

Emily knew from Li Wuji's tone that the situation was urgent, so she ran outside and skillfully summoned Gaunis, the master of space.

A monster with double horns stepped out of the void, with a very powerful aura, but as long as it did not reach the Demigod level, it would be restricted by the summoner.

Gaunis took the huge black sickle and stared at Emily and shouted, "Master."

Emily took a deep breath and said, "Use space jump to take us to the ocean."


Then Gaunis' huge sickle drew a sickle against the void ~www.ltnovel.com~A black space crack appeared.

Emily turned her head to Ariel and Zero and said, "Let's go!"

Ariel was a little scared, but Zero grabbed her hand and jumped into the black crack together...



Shaleouan suddenly felt anxious, and said to the giant snake next to him: "Brother, why do I feel such anxious?"

The giant snake said faintly: "Naughty, the natives do not have the lv10 ruler, we two are invincible here! Those natives who should be disturbed!"

At this time, a dark crack appeared on the coast...

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