DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 306: plan

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When Ariel said that she had bought Lotters for only 200 million, Lotters was trembling with anger, especially when she thought of Li Wuji's base on the Skyshroud Giant Beast, even more annoyed!

Good guy, my dignified ocean overlord, actually treats me as a commodity, and only sells it for 200 million?

But after thinking about it, Li Wuji had restored his full strength after all, and brought himself to the ocean of his heart, but he had completely compensated for his merits.

And he has nothing to remember about the Arad Continent and the Demon Realm, and he has to be calculated by the woman when he returns to the Demon Realm. The experience on the Skyshroud Giant Beast is a shadow of his life!

Rotes sighed and said, "Oh, that's all, didn't he say that I should save the world? Do you know how to save it?"

Ariel looked blank.

Emily walked out quickly and said solemnly: "Respected Lord Seagod, I can tell you what has happened to our planet today..."

After more than ten minutes, Emily said everything she knew from Li Wuji and expressed the hope that Lotters could save the gods trapped in the gods.

At the time of the story, a large number of marine life had gathered near Rotes, but Rotes delineated an area to keep all marine life away from it for the time being.

After listening to Rotes thoughtfully, it turned out that he was not the first **** on this planet. The original gods were trapped. No wonder he didn't feel the breath of the gods.

Looking up and looking through the layers of darkness, Rotes saw that the planet had a barrier that could block powerful enemies, but could not block weak ones.

"Is this the barrier left by those guys? So where is the God Realm?"

With the help of the power of the ocean, Rotes' gaze continued to extend but soon encountered obstacles, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward.

"What is this? The net? Although it's a bit hard, I seem to be able to break it!"

Rotes suddenly found a very powerful black creature with purple eyes, driving a very weird machine, and firing amazing cannonballs into the grid.

"Oh? This is the enemy of the Dark Continent, right? It doesn't look easy to mess with, and there are technological methods!"

Skreg is the warrior of the Dark Continent who is in charge of guarding the God Realm today. Since discovering that these indigenous gods are not easy to mess with, they have stopped fighting with them and used their technology to bombard them.

As long as it can prevent them from attacking the Void Isolation Net, the material of the Void Isolation Net will not stop the artillery shells that take away the breath of the dark continent.

Although this technology that can cause damage to the power of the gods is relatively expensive to use, the Dark Continent can now afford it. As long as the ticket is finished, all the consumption is worth it!

Today Skreg was suddenly surprised to find that these indigenous gods had begun to gather, and seemed to want to do something big, so he quickly manipulated a machine to bomb them.

"Hmph, I haven't given up on it yet. It seems that these indigenous people are in a hurry. The Void Isolation Net has already consumed too much, and I can't let them continue to attack!"

After this time, Skreg suddenly felt a strong sense of peeking, so he turned his head in panic, and it was strange that the sense of prying disappeared again!

"Huh? What's the matter? Someone is spying on me? Is it'secret' surveillance?"

In his realm, there is no such thing as an illusion. As long as you feel it, someone must be observing him in secret, and if he is not discovered, the realm is not lower than him!

After a round of inspection, Skreg did not find any suspicious people, and his inner worries were relieved.

"Go back and ask again, whose prank was it! I will be scared back another day!"

The gods in the God Realm saw Screg's panic, and there was a strong light in their eyes. After the Seagod's divine status was separated, all the abnormal behaviors of the enemy were very likely to be related to the new Seagod!

At the same time, Lotters had already retracted his gaze.

"That guy is quite alert. It seems that there are local gods in the net. If I launch an attack, it will definitely destroy the barriers of this planet. Then the enemy can launch a general attack. What should I do? ?"

Emily simply lost himself in thought, and asked cautiously: "Lord Poseidon, have you seen it?"

Rotes nodded and asked, "Does your boss really want me to smash that net? If I launch an attack, the barrier of this planet will also completely fail, and the enemy can immediately launch a general attack on us!"

Emily's face was a little pale, and she didn't know what to do.

Rotes continued: "And according to what you just said, the trapped gods are not in full bloom, so it feels like this offensive is not so easy to withstand, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you have prepared enough power of faith for them, so that they can quickly regain their strength the moment I break the cage!"

Emily said with an ugly face: "It's too late. It is said that the enemy has already arrived in two batches. It only takes a day or two for them to send more enemies through the cracks called the Demon Abyss!"

Rotes was silent for a while and said, "If this is the case, then I can only do it. Go back and tell your boss, let him be ready, and then tell me!"

Rotes always believes that Li Wuji, as the thirteenth apostle, must be as strong as him, and the strength shown on the Skyshroud Giant Beast is just playing tricks on him! As for why Li Wuji could kill himself, he thought that guy must have some special means!

Although she didn't know what Lotters thought, Emily also had a strong sense of trust in Li Wuji. After all, she even sold the gods.

"In that case, I will leave first, respected Lord Seagod!"

Emily performed a standard, imperial etiquette, to Rotts. She doesn't believe in sea god, so she doesn't need to kneel down like Ariel.

Lotters' eyes glowed with faint red light, and then Emily was surprised to find that there was a blue mark in her mind.

"This mark allows us to keep in touch, please go back as soon as possible!"

Emily expressed gratitude to Rotes again, and then asked Zero: "Are you going with me? With your strength, you should fight on the front line."

No. Zero frowned. He had no goals in the first place. It was only for Ariel to help Ariel, and he didn't have such a great sense of responsibility.

Ariel saw Zero's entangled eyes, stretched out her hand to hug him, and then whispered, "Master Zero, I know what you want, but I hope my man is a hero of the world. Let's fight the enemy together, okay? ?"

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