DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 314: Collapse

At this time, Li Wuji in Qianling City, watching the card representing Soderros suddenly shattered, fell into contemplation.

   "Is the old man hung up? The old woman hasn't come back, is it..."

   At this time, A Jialu pointed out the window and exclaimed: "Boss, look at the sky!"

   Everyone turned their eyes to the sky, and Lilith said in shock: "This is... the power of the law!"

   Mai Na has complicated eyes. Although she has rebelled, her heart still faces the dark continent.

   After seeing this sword, Li Wuji took out his lightsaber from his inventory. The blade was trembling happily, suggesting a betrayal.

   "My sword moved, I won't play anymore..."

   The system calmly said: "He has become a god."


   "Your ancestor."

   Li Wuji squeezed his empty left hand, and said helplessly, "But this card is broken!"

   "This is not a colorful card. It cannot carry the power of the law. It is normal to break."

   "Didn't you say that you die when you break it?"

   "The host is a little bit overwhelming. When I reach that level, is it a category I can manage?"

   Li Wuji sighed deeply, isn't he a loss? Without the card, I can't control this ancestor!

   It might as well sell it to Lilith or an old woman!

   For a while, Li Wuji comforted himself: "It's okay, it's all good."


   Go back to Soderos who was fighting the enemy over there.

   Milaqi gritted his teeth: "This sword, you can't take it!"

   After he made up his mind, he wanted to avoid it, but there was sword energy in this area for ten miles, and he was completely locked in.

   After realizing that he could not avoid it, Mirage paled, but gritted his teeth and pressed a button on his glove.

  A black thunder and lightning emerged from him, and a frightening atmosphere brewed in his hands.

   "A new native god, I'm afraid of being an egg! I don't believe you can kill me in seconds!"

   Milaqi roared to embolden himself, raised his fist, and condensed the boundless black vortex. He took advantage of the storage power of this glove, which is nothing shameful!

  Or he thinks that it is Soderros's honor to die with this punch!

   Sword Qi seemed to cut the space apart, Soderros had an unrelenting aura, and the sword Qi that resembled a landslide and tsunami.


  Milacci's fist slammed down at the sword, and the loud sound made Emily, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help covering her ears.

   The power of this punch really collapsed the space. The waves swelled up to a hundred feet high, and small voids appeared around it, but the space was also repairing by itself.

   This sword qi was smashed. According to Mirage's idea, it should be destroyed, right?

   But let your space shatter, this sword aura still cuts everything, rushing towards Mirage.

  Milacci yelled out of control, "Impossible!"

   But Soderos has followed this sword aura to fly in front of him.

   Milaqi didn't care about being shocked, so he could only raise his arms and condense a shield!

   can't run away, can't break, can only fight hard!

   Sword Qi collided with the shield, there was no such scene as imagined to fight against each other's energy sputtering, the two had already misplaced each other in an instant.

   Soderos took a deep breath and retracted the sword into the scabbard.

   Milaqi stared at his hands blankly. Only he knew what happened at that moment. He resisted the sword energy, but the blade that followed...

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Both arms fell into the sea, and the wound was flattened as if it had been cut across the board.

   Mirage's body trembled uncontrollably, what happened to this world? Can a new **** be so strong?

   doesn’t mean there is only one new native god? What the **** is this newcomer? Under his nose, he was favored by the law, and then dropped his arms with only one sword.

  Milacci couldn’t stop thinking of fear and awe from the bottom of his heart: "This planet is not as simple as we thought! There have been great mistakes and omissions in these years of research. These impossible powers have appeared one after another. It's careless!"

  The flat wound was covered by black light, and then granulation gradually grew, and after a while, a new pair of hands grew.

   In fact, he didn't receive much damage, he just had his hands chopped off, and it was just a thought to grow out.

   However, he lost his glove. It was an artifact specially made for him by scientists in the Dark Continent. He wanted to go into the sea and pick it up, but this person would not give him a chance.

   Soderros said faintly, "Can you still fight?"

   Milaqi was silent for a while, and said, "If I say no, you shouldn't let me go, right?"

   Soderros thought of Li Wuji's commission, smiled and said, "That's not true, so let's fight."

  Milaki swallowed nervously, and asked tentatively: "You have a weapon, and my weapon has fallen into the sea. If you respect me, should you allow me to take it back?"

Soderos smiled jokingly, and said, "Although I am a staid-looking man, I am not a fool. If you are a swordsman, I am still a little interested, but unfortunately you are not... and, we were originally a fair duel, you Don’t you think we haven’t started the fight just now?"

   Milaqi's face turned gloomy. Although his request was a bit mentally retarded, he was also trying to win a chance for himself, not ashamed.

   So Milaqi was heartbroken and swept back with one leg, whistling black power.

   But Soderros, who had been prepared for a long time, withdrew a few steps, and his leg was swept away, except for the space that was slightly broken.

   Soderros has already noticed the changes in his body. Although he is a bit confused, he is always happy to break through to a new level.

   So a row of sword aura rose behind him, and then floated like wings.

   Ten thousand swords return to the clan!

  Milacci is very anxious. He has all his strength, but he can't hit this person, even if he gets a punch by himself~www.readwn.com~ He promises Soderos will be seriously injured.

   Soderros was dealing with Mirage like a cat and a mouse, and the sword aura he chopped out from time to time made him extremely uncomfortable.

   Every time Liuyun cuts across, it will leave disgusting sword energy on his body, and the raging sword energy makes it difficult for him to regenerate.

   It didn't take long for Mirage to retreat, because he would die if it dragged on.

   Damn, collapse and sell!

   While Kalki was still in a water fight with Lotters, he was also anxious. Soderros was so flustered by the variable that he was even distracted and shot by Lotters.

   After Mirage deliberately hit with a sword gas, he took advantage of the impact to directly burn his vitality soaring into the sky.

   "Kalki! I'll withdraw first, you hold on first, I'll go back and move the rescuers!"

   Kalki, who was fighting Rotts, turned blue. What kind of teammate is this?

   "WDNMD Kalki!"

   Soderos sneered: "Looking powerful, but he's a coward! But... did I let you run away?"

  Under Soderros's control, all the lightsabers hovering on his back flew out.

  Milacci was still cursing Soderros and Rotes, he burned his vitality, there was no reason why he couldn't run away.

   "I am not running away, I am trying to bring back important news to my brothers!"

   But he was flying, and he was horrified to find that he couldn't move his whole person, as if he was imprisoned by a mysterious force.


   The flying sword energy pierced into his body and lifted him up like a hoist...

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