DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 321: Chaos is coming

Remember in one second【】

The difference between Michele and Maria is that he not only has auxiliary abilities, but he also has quite a strong combat effectiveness.

After this super foreign aid entered the field, it disrupted the rhythm of the entire battlefield, and the form began to lean towards the gods of the thousand spirits.

the next day.

A crowd of demons gathered in the sacrificial hall again.

"Listen! We will welcome a new **** soon! Soon we will have a second asylum!"

The high priest excitedly shouted to the demons, and then first prayed to their demon lord, Satan, to show loyalty and faith.

After completing a whole set of procedures, a colorful card is placed on the altar.

Kubayasi and Satania watched with dumbfounded expressions as a group of demons danced against Ozma's card players, muttering words.

It was the first time that they came to the sacrifice scene, because they were not qualified.

But because of bringing Ozma to the demons, and only they can use this card, they are brought.

Seeing this group of people talking so madly about a card, the sisters really hadn't seen this scene.

"We won't be like this in the future?"

"Ah? Do you want to be a priest?"

"I can't dance, I don't... Ouch!"


Suddenly, he slapped Kubayasi's head with a slap.

"Keep quiet during the sacrifice!"

Kubayashi clutched his head, looked up at his tall and mighty father, chuckled and stopped talking.

More than a long time passed.

The high priest found embarrassingly that he would not use this card.

"How is this used?"

All the demons were quiet, and suddenly they were embarrassed.

"Huh? Can't the high priest use it?"

"You won't be deceived?"

"This thing can really summon gods?"

"Today I saw the phantom of the Seraphim. I think it should be fine, right?"

"Could it be that our rituals are not religious enough?"

"I suggest to do it again!"


Hearing it again, Kubayasi couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm coming! I will use it!"

Although he only needs to dictate, Kubayashi is still a little selfish, hoping that he can be bound to Ozma. Relying on a **** in this way is of great benefit to their entire family.

Hum, everyone says I'm stupid, but I'm not stupid! If I get smart, Satania will avoid three-pointers.

Kubaiasi thought while coming down to the altar at the instructions of the other demons.

In full view, she picked up the card and said softly: "Summon..."

The card flashed a purple-black light, and then the terrifying coercion enveloped the entire city of demons!

All the demons felt a sense of suffocation, and the entire city was filled with purple-black mist.

All the demons in the hall even kneeled to the ground with their legs unwilling, except for Kubayashi.

A huge purple-black phantom appeared in the sky, and the demons saw an extremely handsome image with a pair of long demon horns on their foreheads, a pair of demon wings behind them, and arms like a scorpion. Teeth-like spikes, with purple-red lines painted on the naked upper body. …

The perfect muscle lines and handsome face have driven the female demons of the entire Devil City into madness!

Never before has such an image been so consistent with the aesthetics of their demons! This can be used as a permanent image spokesperson for the demons!

Although the great demon lord is also very stalwart, in terms of image, he is far worse than Ozma!

Crazy screams rang throughout the city of demons, male demons envy, female demons fall!

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! I can't do it anymore! Who is this? I'm going to give him a monkey!"

"Unbelievable! Sorry, dear husband, I love another demon!"

"I only hate myself for not being a daughter, and I can't give him worldly love!"


Ozma was a little daunted when he first came out. He subconsciously released his chaotic power, which made him feel a little safe in an unfamiliar environment.

Before he could react, a purple-black demon mark formed in the sky, and then penetrated into Ozma's body.

Afterwards, he felt the tremendous changes that had taken place in his body, and finally reacted.

"I'm a god?"

Then Ozma looked at the demons in this city. They all had a pair of horns on their foreheads, which looked a lot like themselves, not humans.

Then he heard the fanatical worship of those demons towards him, which was even fanatical than his pretender troops!

Ozma smiled, stretched out his hand and clenched a fist, like a king who controls everything, and said openly to all the demons: "Remember the name of this seat, Ozma, the **** of chaos!"

Ozma controlled his coercion and retracted the power of Chaos that he had just released to avoid harm to this new race.

Then he released his divine power in the air without concealment, and his phantom became more and more solid in the air.

Then let the demons admire their appearance, compared with Michelle, Ozma was more ostentatious.

His body had returned to the sacrificial hall, and then sat in the position that originally belonged to Satan.


^0^Remember in one second【】

The great **** of chaos! "

Kubaiasi hadn't reacted yet, so he looked back.

Ma! Why is there a handsome guy who is forced to sit behind me?

She stared at Ozma, and Ozma stared at her.

Kubaiasi asked nervously, "I... Am I going to kneel down too?"

Ozma took a close look at her body up and down, and shook her head: "You stand by my side, the inheritor of Bakkar."

Kubayasi breathed a sigh of relief, but did not refuse. Anyway, Ozma was summoned by himself, and he couldn't hurt himself.

And because she has Bakkar's blood, Ozma will give a little respect.

"you come up!"

Ozma pointed to Satania, who was kneeling on the ground and dared not move.

Satania raised her head in a panic, originally a little scared, but when she saw Ozma's appearance, she took a breath!

Hiss-so handsome! I can't hold it!

Then tremblingly walked to Ozma.

Kubayashi said anxiously: "Master Ozma, she is my sister!"

Ozma said indifferently: "I won't hurt her~www.readwn.com~ Then my fingertips touched her forehead and read many of her memories.

After a while, Satania retreated.

"The abyss of monsters... the dark continent... the monsters... it turns out to be like this..."

"You guys, stand up!"

All the demons didn't dare not listen, they stood up and looked at Ozma in the seat.


All female demons are a little bit uncontrollable, how can there be such a perfect demons?

At this moment, all demons felt that the demons should look like this!

"Oh sin and sin! Great Lord of Demons, I want to believe in other demons!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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