Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 105 He Hasn't Reached The Full Level Yet, But He Has Already Graduated...

Cunkou and Ouyang Tian, ​​one is a godly tyrant, and the other is barely a local tyrant.

Stronger than the two of them, after brushing for such a long time, they still haven't exploded the Slaughter Blade, which shows how low the explosive rate of this weapon is.

As for the Shadowless Sword, it already existed at the entrance of the village.

Although Ouyang Tian is a sword soul, he had also brushed out a shadowless sword from the ice dragon before, but he had never used it.

It's Fairy Qi: It seems that my luck is pretty good.

At the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller: Is this just good? This guy is really against the sky, okay!

It's Fairy Qi: It's okay! Keep on fighting the abyss, I believe you will burst out the slaughter blade.

At the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller: Alas! It would be great if you can also exchange [brilliant cosmic souls] for slaughter. I have already saved 1,000 cosmic souls.

Back to that day Xia Tian: Village entrance! You must not have recited the formula when you brushed the abyss. After watching my video, you will know how to do it.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: I believe your evil!

I'm such a handsome guy: Hahahaha...

The few people chatted for a long time, and the familiar system voice sounded in Lin Yufeng's mind: "Ding! The host's online time has reached three hours, and in the next half hour, if the host swipes any map by itself, the burst rate will increase by 50 times."

It is another 183 system reward that increases the burst rate by 50 times!

Lin Yufeng has never used a trumpet to trigger a reward.

I don't know what equipment will be released if I use this mechanic to brush the abyss.

Without thinking too much, Lin Yufeng came to the entrance of Dark City.

He opened his backpack, drank a bottle of 50-point fatigue potion, and directly challenged Neupera's king-level abyss!

Enter the first room, open [Silver Bullet], [Mechanical Improvement], throw the chaser robot, self-explosive robot...

He only used a wave of small skills, and he swiped over.

This is not much slower than him brushing here with Fairy Qi.

Two minutes later, he reached the fifth room where the abyss pillar was located.

After smashing the Abyss Pillar and solving the flower-growing madman Ogros, several exorcists APC appeared.

Lin Yufeng re-added [Mechanical Improvement], the level 40 skill [Airdrop Support] and the level 45 skill [Interceptor Factory] were lost together, and these priests were dropped in seconds

A bunch of equipment burst out, Lin Yufeng only focused on one of the epics: [Soul Hunter]!

His eyes lit up instantly!

The mechanic's main pile of magic (bhdi) damage! And the soul hunter +20% attack power! Both physical attack power and magic attack power are added.

With this necklace, the attack power of the robots he summons will be greatly improved!

This is many times stronger than his previous [Mani Beast Necklace]!

Picking up the Soul Hunter, Lin Yufeng put it on.

He also no longer greeted Di Ruiji, but returned directly to the town.

One advantage of playing the ancient map is that you will not enter the state if you return to the town or get disconnected halfway.

The second one, just by brushing the first one, Lin Yufeng found that his damage has improved qualitatively!

A chaser robot and a self-explosive robot are bombed, and all the minions that are bombed will die!

The soul hunter imagined it was even worse.

The only downside is that this equipment consumes too much soul spar.

Swipe a picture, if you do it slowly, you will consume several soul crystals.

Now the soul spar is close to 3000 gold coins a piece. If ordinary civilian players broke out such a necklace, they might not be willing to use it.

Lin Yufeng has played dnf for so many years, and even met a few players who are reluctant to use colorless skills.

Of course, Lin Yufeng doesn't need to think about the soul spar.

He came to the abyss room faster than the first one.

Once all kinds of great skills were lost, the abyssal monsters were all killed before they could counterattack.

A level 55 artifact [Great Green] burst out.

This is the weapon used by qigong masters.

As long as it is an artifact above level 55, no matter which unpopular profession it is used for, the price will not be lower than 10 million gold coins. This is the minimum respect for a level 55 powder equipment.

After returning to town, Lin Yufeng continued to swipe Neupera's abyss.

Thirdly, he exploded a level 55 epic again: [Thunder God's Flash Crossbow].

Hand crossbows are generally used by ammunition experts. The penetration of this weapon is +50%, which is very scary.

For ordinary sharpshooters, this version, no matter which profession it is used for, can burst out a level 55 epic, so it is absolutely straightforward to equip it.

Lin Yufeng is a mechanic, so he can equip this hand crossbow, but for him, this thing is useless for remapping. It's better to save enough brilliant and go to Glantis to exchange for a level 50 epic weapon.

In the next two hands, Lin Yufeng became popular one after another, and time passed quickly.

When it came to the last one, there were still more than ten minutes left before the burst rate failed.

Lin Yufeng doesn't keep any skills in the first few maps, and throws out as soon as possible, as long as he can quickly pass the map.

After all, he is not playing a big player now, no matter how high the damage is, it is impossible to compare with his Berserk.

When he came to the room of Abyss Pillar, although he didn't have much hope, he still quickly solved the Abyss Monster.

An epic burst out: [God of Guns - Blitz]!

Lin Yufeng picked up this equipment and looked at its attributes:

[God of Guns - Flash] Automatic pistol 18500 gold coins

Extremely fast take-out speed top-notch

Can be used above Lv55

sharpshooter can use

Physical attack +468

Magic attack +688


Hit rate -1%

【G-1 Corona】Skill IV+2

[Modified G-2-Thunder Spinner] Skill Iv+2

[Modified G-3 Predator] Skill IV+2

Since the update of Chapter 5, Light of Evolution, Mechanic has added G-series skills.

These few skills, Lin Yufeng has been using, very convenient.

And [God of Guns - Flash] is undoubtedly the strongest mechanic weapon in the current version, and it only took a short time to kill him with [Curry Ou's Inheritance].

At this time, the time for the burst rate to increase has just ended.

Lin Yufeng found them at the entrance of the village.

At a glance, several people saw that Lin Yufeng had changed to a new weapon.

One shot kills your dog: level 55 epic automatic pistol? This is for mechanics! It’s perfect!

I'm such a handsome guy: Brother Feng is awesome!

At the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller: He has not yet reached the full level, but he has already graduated... I have reached the full level, but I have not yet graduated...

I'm such a handsome guy: I feel sorry for each other, brother!

PS: Thank you for the 1000 point reward for traveling! Thank you for the 588 reward for being arrogant and ruthless!.

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