Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 19 Fear Of Being Dominated By The Abyss!

Lin Yufeng was brushing alone when he suddenly felt someone patting him on the back.

Looking back, Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao had already come behind him.

Ouyang Tian saw the uniqueness of Lin Yufeng's weapon at a glance: "I'll go! This sword of yours is a crack? It doesn't look like it!"

Lin Yufeng silently opened the equipment bar, and then put the mouse on the +10 [Cross Slasher].

The expressions of the two were a little puzzled at first, but slowly their eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

Xie Hao: "Fuck! Is this the legendary epic?"

Ouyang Tian: "Cross knife? Oh my god!"

Obviously, Ouyang Tian still has a certain understanding of this epic.

As for Xie Hao, he obviously didn't pay much attention to the ghost swordsman's weapon.

Lin Yufeng smiled and said, "Don't be so excited, keep a low profile."

Ouyang Tian moved his head closer again, carefully looked at the attributes of the Taidao, and kept muttering in his mouth: "God against the sky! It's really against the sky!"

In the early days of version 60, the attribute of the cross-cutter is truly worthy of the word against the sky.

The two of them stood next to Lin Yufeng and were excited for a long time before they calmed down.

All this is just because epic equipment is too rare!

Even if there are some gods, they may not have epics, most of them are inheritance and powder outfits.

Ouyang Tian quickly switched on the phone, and he looked at Lin Yufeng and asked, "Where did you brush this weapon from the abyss?"

Xie Hao said: "You are Sword Soul, this weapon is useless to you."

Ouyang Tian: "Are you stupid? This is not the only epic! I know that there is a lightsaber called [Skywalker] that is epic!

"Is there an epic hand cannon?" Xie Hao also showed an expectant expression.

"Of course! Any character has epic equipment! Although the level is relatively low, the attribute is definitely the strongest!" Ouyang Tian said.

Ouyang Tian has obviously studied such things as epics carefully.

In fact, it is indeed as he said.

Before the fifth chapter of dnf came out, each character had dedicated epic equipment.

And after the fifth chapter comes out, there will be a level 55 epic with the same name as these equipment.

At that time, Lin Yufeng's [Slaughter Blade] and the [Cross Slasher] in his hand will inevitably add one (old).

But Lin Yufeng doesn't care, after all, there is still a whole year before Chapter 5 [Light of Evolution]!

Ouyang Tian's Sword Soul has reached level 51.

The maps that are more suitable for him to brush now are the entrance to the dark city, the mechanical cow, and the mourning cave.

Even the maps that Lin Yufeng was very familiar with in his previous life, such as Ice Dragon and Hamulin, the Village of Confusion, haven't appeared yet.

Because Lin Yufeng broke the epic, Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao obviously didn't have the heart to upgrade the picture.

In Ouyang Tian's backpack, there are many [Invitation Letter of Burning Demon], [Challenge Letter of Burning Demon], [Challenge Letter of Blue Ice Demon] and [Invitation Letter of Blue Ice Demon].

He also went to Galantis to exchange several [Steam Breaking Magic Stones].

Then prepare to brush the [Second Spine] of the Skyveil Behemoth.

This is the most advanced far-reaching map currently available to players.

As for other higher-level maps, the abyss mode has not yet been opened.

Ouyang Tian, ​​who is level 51, does seem to have this capital.

When Ouyang Tian was about to upgrade the difficulty to [King Level], Lin Yufeng stopped him: "Don't play King Level! You can't beat it!"

"Are you kidding? I am a mighty level 50 sword soul, but I can't beat Abyss? Then I can delete my account!"

The abyss mode has only been opened not long ago. Ouyang Tian has never played in the abyss before. He directly challenges the second spine king level: abyss mode.

His idea is very simple, Lin Yufeng, a 30th-level little mad warrior, can beat the abyss, how can he not win?

Entering the map is still [very difficult].

There is still a big difference between [Difficult] and [Very Difficult].

The biggest difference is that very difficult is more difficult to farm, and the burst rate is also higher.

It is very difficult to see the pattern, Lin Yufeng shook his head helplessly, some people just don't believe in evil.

Although the second spine is difficult to brush, Ouyang Tian is level 50 after all, and the full body equipment is not comparable to that of ordinary civilian players.

In the first few small maps, Ouyang Tian played very easily. After splitting the abyss pillar, the fallen guardian and the flame demon Brands appeared, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

I saw that Ouyang Tian was accidentally hit by a meteorite summoned by Brands, and the flames instantly filled his whole body.

His blood volume dropped instantly, even Remy couldn't stop it!

In just a few seconds, Ouyang Tian was instantly dropped by that meteorite!

A reminder also appeared on the screen: Please press the "X" key to use the resurrection coin, the number of use of the resurrection coin: 3/3.

Time has started counting down.

Before he had time to think about it, Ouyang Tian was resurrected directly! But he still didn't break away from the meteorite.

The invincibility time after the resurrection ended, the flames spread all over his body again, and the flame demon Brandz also attacked him, and he was second again!

Not reconciled, Ouyang Tian used the resurrection coin again, and soon fell down again.

In just a few seconds, his resurrection coins have been used up, and the blood volume of the flame demon Brandz is still full!

Ouyang Tian turned around and looked at Lin Yufeng with a bewildered expression. This level 51 sword soul felt the fear of being dominated by the abyss for the first time!

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