Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 205 Recording A Teaching Video Can Make Ancient Fans Popular!

Invite Su Yuqi and the others to form a team! Then they came to Luft Hanging Harbor together.

As a hidden map, the task of doing [Ghost Train] is relatively complicated.

But since it is the main mission, just follow the mission.

It took a while for this map to be opened.

Lin Yufeng completed the task of making tickets again.

Like other ancient maps, tickets are required to play the ghost train.

The name of the ticket is [Ghost Compass], and you need 10 [Hero's Fate] and 40 small blue crystals.

Lin Yufeng himself had completed the task. After waiting for a while, Su Yuqi and the others completed the task one after another.

Before playing, Lin Yufeng didn't record a video.

He led the team to enter the ordinary level of [Ghost Train] for the first time.

As soon as you enter this map, the first thing that catches your eyes is the mist coming from the left side of the map.

The mechanics of this map are rather special.

That gust of wind will have been from the first room to the boss's room.

If you stand in the mist, the player will lose blood all the time.

However, the speed of these fogs is relatively slow.

In addition to the mist, there are also a bunch of evil mermaids.

Lin Yufeng turned on the berserk, bloodthirsty and two-knife style, and with a small bang, those evil mermaids were all killed in seconds.

Ouyang Tian and the others were stunned for two seconds because of this.

I'm such a handsome guy: Huh? Is this the legendary ancient map that is difficult to farm?

Village entrance, vegetable seller: It's hard to farm, that's just compared to ordinary players, you don't even look at our Fengge's equipment.

Like regaining the Western Front, this map is also a long map, and you have to run from the left all the time.

The monsters in the first room were easily solved, and they came to the second room.

In contrast, the difficulty of this room has increased.

The first thing that catches the eye is a black bamboo.

A bunch of puppets ran out from inside the pillar.

Lin Yufeng handed it over in a burst of anger, all the monsters died, and the blood on the pillar also turned.

Then a priest doll slowly appeared at the top of the room.

Lin Yufeng didn't hit the puppet, Ouyang Tian and Cunkou rushed up to hit the puppet.

They are also considered to be the top group of players, and their damage is not low, but their damage cannot be compared with that of Lin Yufeng.

Then several dolls appeared, namely fighter dolls, ghost swordsman dolls and magician dolls.

Lin Yufeng threw a big crash and cleared the screen directly!

After the 350 family members of the fighting family died, they turned into the ultimate move of female qigong, and turned into a flower emitting golden light.

Besides, there was a hurricane following them and trying to do them harm.

The three quickly rushed to the third room.

The far left of this room is a bunch of ghosts, easy to solve, come to the right, the green name monster is the train conductor Rabin.

In this room, although Ouyang Tian and the others have read the strategy in advance, they are not very flexible in standing.

If it weren't for Remy Duoduo and Lin Yufeng's high damage, they would have died several times.

I rushed to the fourth room, where a bunch of monsters holding shields appeared.

If you hit them head-on, even Lin Yufeng couldn't cut them.

But hitting from behind does more damage.

The fifth room, leader Sass!

This room is actually not easy to mess with, and it also has a colorless induction mechanism.

It can only be forcibly killed, and the colorless induction mechanism can be ignored by Lin Yufeng!

Four people came to the boss's room!

The boss here is the giant spirit Bru, an undead boss with a huge body and cannot be grabbed.

And this boss also has colorless induction.

Lin Yufeng swiped the map too fast just now, and the big collapse has not recovered, so he can only slash at the boss.

The blood volume of the boss is dropping at an exaggerated rate.

Its invincible state is direct, and it roars forward!

Lin Yufeng reacted flexibly and jumped up directly.

Then the ground shook.

It was the first time Ouyang Tian and Cunkou swiped here, how could they know this, the three of them were directly shocked to death!

Lin Yufeng cleared the four bamboos around the boss with a small avalanche, and the boss's invincible state was released.

He used another burst of anger, and the giant spirit Bru was killed in seconds!

I'm such a handsome guy: This boss is a bit powerful!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: The mechanism is quite complicated, and the name of the garden is shocking to death

In general, brushing here is too easy for Lin Yufeng.

He chose the dungeon again, this time challenging the adventure level.

At the adventure level, they actually played faster than the normal level! This is mainly because Ouyang Tian and the others are familiar with the mechanism a lot.

After playing the adventure level, the next step is the warrior level.

Except that the monster has a little more blood (bhea), in fact, there is not much difference between the two levels.

After Lin Yufeng finished the Warrior class, he finally unlocked the King class.

Ancient maps are different from ordinary maps.

The ordinary level above 60 has a hero level, and the ancient map is at most a king level.

If there is another hero level on such a map, I am afraid that too many people will be discouraged.

At that time, I was young: I was going to make a teaching video.

I'm such a handsome guy: shoot!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Brother Feng, let’s take a picture! I haven’t been on camera for a long time! Those fans probably miss me too!

I'm such a handsome guy: Don't! No one will miss you, and they may not even remember you.

After playing and playing, Lin Yufeng turned on Ai Pai and started recording the video soon.

"Hello everyone, I was young at the time. The game was updated today, and a new ancient map came out. I believe everyone is also very interested in brushing the ancient map. So today, let me show you the map pass strategy of the ghost train."

Before Lin Yufeng finished speaking, he had already clicked into the ghost train king level.

"First of all, you can find out! The first room is a group of evil mermaids, there are only a few short blood, one hits the mountain, um, it's all gone."

When he came to the second room, Lin Yufeng said while brushing the picture: "This picture has no mechanism, just break it one by one."

The four of them easily dealt with the monsters in the second room, and then came to the third room.

"The monsters in this room must pay attention! Don't be glued to these ghosts floating in the air, otherwise people will be haunted by bleeding."

"When their transparent state disappears, they can solve it by throwing their skills vigorously.

"Okay! After fighting these ghosts, let's continue to the right and come to the train conductor Rabin. We must pay attention to the station..."

Lin Yufeng's drawing speed is relatively fast, and the speed of commentary will naturally not be slow.

Soon, came to the leader Sass.

After a big collapse eliminated the leader Sass, a fan turned out unexpectedly.

Lin Yufeng, who was explaining, was a little surprised at this moment: "What? You actually became a fan? Today's character is so good!"

The name of that pink outfit is: [Goddess of Wind].

The fan rate of the ancient map is definitely higher than that of the ordinary map, because every elite monster here has a specific pink outfit.

I’m such a handsome guy: Fuck me! Can you even pretend to be a fan here?

At the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller: Could it be because she was in the same team as Fairy Qi, and got her favor?

I’m such a handsome guy: take a screenshot first! This is the first time I’ve become a fan besides Abyss, can you understand my mood?

Playing the teaching video can explode into a powder suit, which is beyond Lin Yufeng's expectations.

Lin Yufeng said into the microphone: "Here, let's popularize science with everyone. This is an ancient pink outfit, which is very valuable."

As he spoke, he picked up the equipment directly.

There was a sound of throwing dice, and Lin Yufeng looked at the prompt in the upper right corner: The player (it's Fairy Qi) got the [Goddess of Wind].

I'm such a handsome guy:??

Village entrance, vegetable seller: I knew it was impossible for this equipment to reach me! Unless the sun came out from the west.

I'm such a handsome guy: Su Yuqi, do you know what to do?

Su Yuqi didn't speak, but manipulated her small summoning, walked briskly to Lin Yufeng's side, and then threw the [Goddess of Wind] down.

At that time, I was young: what are you doing for me?

It's Fairy Qi: You can sell it later and distribute the money to everyone.

At that time, young and young: okay.

Lin Yufeng didn't refuse either, and picked up [Goddess of Wind] directly.

He knew Su Yuqi's character, and since it was a piece of equipment that was revealed by swiping pictures together, it was impossible for her to enjoy it exclusively.

It's just that she doesn't know how much this equipment costs, and giving it to Lin Yufeng is undoubtedly the best choice.

The recording of the teaching video revealed a powder outfit, which is just a small episode of today.

Several people rushed directly into the boss's room.

Lin Yufeng continued: "Everyone should pay attention to this boss. It has a colorless sensor. Once you use colorless, it will be invincible and will turn into a ghost to hit you, but it is still easy to dodge. .”

"Of course! This doesn't mean you can't use colorless. Colorless sensing also has a CD time. After using colorless, when it reappears, you can throw colorless skills like crazy."

"Also, when there are four pillars, you must clear the pillars, otherwise the boss will always be invincible! In addition, when the boss roars, the ground will vibrate, and the damage is very high, because everyone remembers to take off and it's nothing question."

Lin Yufeng handed over a burst of anger, triggering the invincible state of the giant spirit Bru.

Then a huge translucent ghost roared past, killing both Ouyang Tian and the village entrance.

The invincible state of the boss disappeared, and Lin Yufeng slammed over, taking away more than 20 bloody bosses.

Lin Yufeng did not forget to summarize: "In general, the map of Ghost Train is still very easy to pass, so today's video ends here, thank you everyone!"

After finishing speaking, he ended the recording neatly.

The duration of this video is 4 minutes in total, and a lot of time is spent on their explosive outfits.

After Lin Yufeng returned to the town, he searched for [Goddess of Wind], but the auction house hadn't found this equipment yet.

This is a level 65 pink necklace!

The more special attribute is that after wearing it, the movement speed in the dungeon can be increased by 10%.

This is definitely a rare artifact for players who are keen on stacking movement speed.

It's a pity that it is no longer the 60 version! It is not a version where everyone pursues speed!

Its price will definitely not be low, but it will definitely not be too high. It would be nice to be able to sell 1E.

I’m such a handsome guy: Hey! Brother Feng! Don’t forget to share the bonus when that equipment is sold!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Haha! Brother Sword Soul is right!

Teenager at the time: no problem.

In fact, the two of them just wanted to make a point, after all, they are not the ones who are short of money.

And such a good atmosphere is relatively rare.

It took some time, Lin Yufeng edited this video, and then

I uploaded it to my Ai Pai space.

The title of this video is: New Ancient Map [Ghost Train] Teaching! There are unexpected harvests in the back!

The windfall he was talking about was naturally the pink outfit that exploded.

After the video was uploaded, Lin Yufeng realized that since the ghost train will become popular in ancient times, so must the Village of Pain!

The pink outfits of the Village of Pain are all level 68! Just thinking about it makes people feel excited.

Lin Yufeng didn't look at the real-time data after the video was uploaded, but returned to the game, and Su Yuqi and the others continued to open up the village of pain.

Although these two maps are ancient maps, the difficulty is really not the same level!

The Village of Pain was later jokingly called "True Wild Boar" by many old players, and its popularity was so high that many old players would forget that the original name of True Wild Boar was


This is a map to dissuade local tyrants! It has the same taste as a mechanical bull.

However, compared with when the other world first came out, it is still slightly inferior.

This can be seen from the first room of the play.

As long as Ouyang Tian and Cunkou understand the mechanism, it is not a big problem to farm ghost trains, but it becomes more difficult to fight real wild boars.

The first picture can dissuade you without fire attribute attacks and salamander potions, which perfectly explains what is called "undead".

Lin Yufeng's boost of 16 Slaughtering Blade just hits the fire card, and swiping here is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

This also made Cunkou realize the gap between him and Lin Yufeng.

With Lin Yufeng, playing here is still very easy.

After opening the king class, they didn't continue, Lin Yufeng clicked on AI Pai.

At this time, just 20 minutes had passed since he uploaded the video.

[Ghost Train] The number of views of the teaching video has reached 30W, and the number of comments has reached 5W.

This data can only be said to be okay.

Lin Yufeng clicked on the comment below, and the first hot comment shocked him for a long time.

"Fuck! It turns out that Fairy Qi is Su Yuqi, the commentator of the Super Tournament!"

"I have always suspected that this summoner is Su Yuqi! I didn't expect it to be true! The young brother is amazing!"

"Young brother! Are you sure the ghost train is easy to swipe? My mother spent ten resurrection coins and couldn't swipe it!"

"Recording a teaching video can reveal the ancient powder costume! How dare you say you are not a dog!"

"Finally updated! I thought you were missing!"

"Sure enough! Brother Young will never be late for drawing pictures!"

"Young brother! Please come to a teaching video of the Village of Pain! It's easy for me to brush the other world! Only I can't win the Village of Pain."

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