Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 207 Young Brother, Do You Call This Simple?

Come to the first room of the Real Wild Boar King.

Su Yuqi and the others stood aside very cooperatively.

After Lin Yufeng activated the two-sword style, he rushed to the far left of the map with the three-stage slash.

There are a total of 8 melting knights here, some of them are mutated, and there are many characters on the head that add attributes.

He used up a body armor potion, and then handed over Soul Eater Sealing Demon Slash.

The slow-moving melting knights were all sucked over by Lin Yufeng's big suction.

With a single slash, all eight melting knights were instantly killed!

But they didn't die, but dissolved briefly.

Lin Yufeng continued to slash flatly, and explained: "Brothers! Pay attention here when brushing "067"! These monsters don't need to be burned with fire, they will come back from the dead.

His Slaughtering Blade has its own fire attribute, and he cleaned up the monsters in the first room just like that.

The four of them came to the second room of the real wild boar.

The green name monster in this room is [Nazaro the Sorcerer].

"The most taboo thing in this room is ink stains! After entering the picture, don't let the monster finish chanting the spell and kill him in seconds, otherwise he will summon a lot of monsters, which will be difficult to clean up."

As Lin Yufeng said that, he rushed to Nazaro, the conjurer.

He handed it over in a burst of anger, and Nazaro, the conjurer with more than ten blood lines, was instantly killed!

Then come to the third room, the monsters that appear here are a bunch of red piglets.

Lin Yufeng threw a small bang, and those monsters fell down.

But here too, fire is needed.

Then came the fourth room.

Lin Yufeng didn't go to clean up the little monsters, but came to the side of the green monster Scar Rat.

At this time, the Scar Rat is invincible.

After waiting for a few seconds, the Scar Rat was no longer invincible, and Lin Yufeng was taken away with a set of small skills.

It is really not difficult for him to be a real wild boar king.

After dealing with Scar Rat and other mobs, the four of them walked into the fifth room.

Lin Yufeng continued to teach: "Besides the boss, this fifth map is not easy. Of course, it is different from ordinary players, and it is different for me."

"Come in! Good! This green name is red, so let's hit him with melee skills! For example, bursting out of anger! Good! Take it away!"

Lin Yufeng explained to himself while playing, and it felt pretty good.

The Green Named Duke Uris died at his feet.

The four of them didn't stop, and rushed directly into the boss's room.

As soon as he entered the picture, Lin Yufeng said: "Okay! Before the boss reacts! Give him a ghost cut!"

A ghost cut directly changed the attribute resistance of the boss into a dark attribute!

This also means that if you use the dark attribute to fight the boss next, there will be almost no damage.

However, if you fight the boss with other attributes, there will be a lot of damage.

Then Lin Yufeng started the rampage again, and before the boss turned into a tornado, he turned around and threw a big move.

More than 20 real wild boars with blood were taken away by Lin Yufeng with a big bang.

The whole process took him no more than a minute.

After turning over the cards, Lin Yufeng smiled and said into the microphone: "Brothers! This is today's real wild boar strategy, and it's still very simple."

After the recording ended, Lin Yufeng was actually a little dissatisfied.

The map of the real wild boar has too many details that can be paid attention to.

It’s just that his damage is too high, basically one skill can solve the monsters in one room, so that some details will be forgotten.

He himself is the kind of informal person, and he doesn't bother to record anymore.

After returning to town, it took Lin Yufeng less than an hour to finish editing the video.

At this time, it has not been more than a few hours since his last video was released.

Strictly speaking, these two new ancient maps have not been online for ten hours...

This video could have been posted tomorrow, but Lin Yufeng thought about it, and uploaded it directly to his Aipai space.

After the video was uploaded, he went back to continue the task of doing the real wild boar.

One hour after the video was uploaded, Lin Yufeng reopened AiPai.

The playback volume of the video is 60W! The comment is 8W!

The teaching video of the real wild boar is indeed more popular than the teaching video of the ghost train.

Because this is indeed the most difficult map for dnf so far!

As for the alien world, as long as you have gathered the alien world bulk and understand the mechanism of the alien world, it is actually not difficult to get there now.

Lin Yufeng opened the 0.4 comment area:

"Damn it! What happened today? The video host actually posted two videos in a row! Bonus!"

"A serious real wild boar teaching video! It is helpful to me! I must give the young brother a thumbs up!"

"Are you sure this is a teaching video? It's obviously a pretend! Which picture wasn't dropped by the video owner with a skill?"

"Young brother! You said that this picture is actually very simple, I damn believe you! I just brushed it for more than half an hour! The weapon exploded and I still haven't passed it! I'm going to throw up!

"Young man, do you call this simple?"

"Brothers! The young brother said it was simple, it was for him! You were deceived by him!".

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