But in the next few rounds, Shendu, the lucky girl, did not favor Lin Yufeng no matter whether it was killing green monsters or bosses.

Only when fighting the abyss, every time there will inevitably be an epic or a fan, but it is a pity that it is not used by myself.

This is completely different from before.

Lin Yufeng remembers very clearly that when he used to brush the Sorrow Cave, because of the super high explosion rate, he used to explode the magic sword!

And the real wild boar map can produce more ancient powder outfits than the Sorrow Cave!

Lin Yufeng can only attribute all this to system problems.

This cheating system is unreliable and it's not a day or two!

After brushing a few times, Lin Yufeng appeared in Scar Rat's room again

A burst of anger was handed over, and finally another fan pretended to burst out: 【Fear Specter】.

The Dread Specter is a level 68 auxiliary equipment, which is of little use to Lin Yufeng, not even as good as 【Bellmar Royal Armband】.

But the price, 100% exceeds 1 gold coin.

After fighting the boss, 30 minutes will pass like this.

Lin Yufeng feels that this is just a blink of an eye.

Back in the town, he opened his backpack. His harvest today was pretty good.

The only pity is that there are a little less ancient fans.

He first disassembled all the epics that were useless to him, and then searched the auction house for the two pink outfits he exploded.

[Elf Horn], I can't find it! [Fear Ghost], the auction house doesn't have it either!

The real wild boar has only been on the shelves for a day, and it didn't surprise Lin Yufeng that these two pieces of equipment couldn't be found.

He searched for other powder outfits that can be exploded from the real wild boar map, and finally found a [Black Double-word Ring-Electric]!

The price of this ring on the auction house is 3E gold coins.

Lin Yufeng thought in his heart! He is really stealing money!

Even the most expensive blood! It’s not that expensive!

But he changed his mind, if this equipment was cheap, it might have been bought by someone.

Lin Yufeng originally planned to give this equipment to Su Yuqi directly.

But this is a scarlet letter equipment, is it possible that she has to wash off the scarlet letter herself?

He still decided to get busy on his own and wash away Hongxue.

Washing off the scarlet letter is the power of another dimension, but it won't work!

Lin Yufeng spent tens of millions of gold coins to turn the power of the scarlet letter into the intelligence of the scarlet letter.

But it seems that this is the first time for me to give Su Yuqi a gift, a weapon with a boost of 0, which is a bit unreasonable!

He decided to increase it.

buzz buzz․ ....․ thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+1 Horn of the Elf] succeeded!!

buzz buzz․ ..․ thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! The boost [+2 Horn of the Elf] succeeded!

Lin Yufeng planned to boost this equipment to 10 before giving it to Su Yuqi.

But his luck began to take a turn for the worse! After that, no amount of increase would work

He spent an E gold coin! This level 68 powder wand was only increased to 10 by him.

Sure enough! Amplification is difficult! Just like love!

In order to fiddle with [Elf Horn], I spent a few E in game coins.

Including the value of the weapon itself, thousands of dollars are gone!

It is basically perfect now, waiting to be given to Su Yuqi.

Lin Yufeng was just about to go to Su Yuqi to give this weapon away, when he suddenly remembered that this seems to be a good subject!

He patted his head, feeling more and more that his thinking was limited by the game before!

In the past, he always thought about what videos to upload to attract more attention, but he never thought about increasing his popularity through other aspects.

As a game video host, uploading a video showing affection from time to time will definitely attract attention.

Most importantly, don't let Su Yuqi know.

Sometimes, unexpected surprises are the most pleasant surprises.

If it is arranged deliberately, there will be no such taste.

Lin Yufeng, who has always done things vigorously and decisively, decided to start recording now.

But when he turned on Aipai, the familiar system voice sounded: "Ding! The host has been online continuously for 5 hours, and within the next 15 minutes! The success rate of host strengthening and boosting any equipment will increase by 50%"々 . "

Unexpectedly, at such a critical time! The booster reward was suddenly triggered unexpectedly!

Lin Yufeng is still in a daze!

Is the system implying that it will increase its power?

All the equipment in his backpack that can be used to increase his strength are not ordinary equipment!

The scarlet letter [+10 Horn of the Elf], the scarlet letter [+12 diamond fragments], and some jewelry he wears.

Even his Scarlet Letter 16 Slaughtering Blade, as long as it is taken off now, it will increase immediately!

Lin Yufeng temporarily gave up the idea of ​​recording a video.

When the sound of the system sounds, whatever you are doing, you must, quickly increase!

Because even a second of delay! That's money!

buzz buzz․ … thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+11 Horn of the Elf] succeeded!!

Lin Yufeng dared to boost this weapon by 11 directly, so he had great confidence.

But after 11, he will have to think about whether to continue to increase by 12.

Although the chance of breaking is low, it is not impossible.

Lin Yufeng decided to take it easy.

He looked at the other equipment in the backpack, and used a purification book to wash away the alien breath of [Bell Mar Royal Armband].

This time it was not so unlucky, this equipment was randomly assigned the power of the scarlet letter. ,

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! The increase [+1 Bellmar royal armband] is successful!!

Buzz, buzz, buzz, boom, boom, boom! Congratulations! The increase [+2 Bellmar royal armband] is successful!!

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! The increase [+3 Bellmar royal armband] is successful!!

Lin Yufeng's hand never left the Enter key, and kept clicking OK.

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! The increase [+11 Bellmar royal armband] is successful!!

Both of the two crucial pieces of equipment have been boosted to 11 by him.

Lin Yufeng's backpack didn't have any pads inside.

He didn't wash off the scarlet letters of those pink outfits that were released today.

If you wash it again, it will be clean in 15 minutes.

Lin Yufeng had no choice but to drag the scarlet letter (+11 Bell Markon armband) into the booster again.

Congratulations! The increase [+12 Bellmar royal armband] is successful!!

This is a success! He also has the confidence to increase the Horn of the Elf.

After all, a purple outfit is successful, and there is a high probability that there will be no accidents with the pink outfit.

buzz buzz․ ... thump thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+12 Horn of the Elf] succeeded!!

This gift that Lin Yufeng was going to give to Su Yuqi was increased to 12 in this way.

For its price, it should be a lot.

It would definitely be unrealistic for Lin Yufeng to stop here now.

It would be even more unrealistic to lose it directly. Although there is a guaranteed 50% success rate, such behavior, in Lin Yufeng's view, is giving away the head.

Seems like there's only one way to go in the end! Find a mat!

Opening the auction house, Lin Yufeng started looking for cushions.

The cheapest mat must be the level 55 purple mat.

But in this version, there are quite a few reinforced cushions.

As for the cushion with red letters, there is no such statement at all!

This is the 70th version! The scarlet letter equipment with the lowest level is level 55, since it can be used to boost! It is impossible to be used as a mat!

Under normal circumstances, purple equipment does not have much increase value.

Lin Yufeng searched for a long time before he found 3 scarlet characters [+12 Sea God's Soul] and 2 scarlet characters [+13 Steel Crescent].

The cheapest one here is more than 6000W

But no matter what, for Lin Yufeng, this is quite affordable

After buying the equipment, he only had less than 5 minutes left.

Time flies too fast! (Wang Haohao)

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+13 Sea God's Soul] succeeded!!

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+13 Sea God's Soul] succeeded!!

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+13 Sea God's Soul] succeeded!!

The three purple revolvers all increased successfully, Lin Yufeng was in an embarrassing situation, but he didn't stop.

Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing! Amplification [Soul of the Sea God] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 188 (colorless small crystal blocks, 80 (lower element crystals, 4 condensed pure beads) have been obtained!

After failing one, Lin Yufeng quickly dragged the Bell Mar royal armband into it.

In this way, even if this equipment fails, he can still amplify the Horn of the Elf, which can be regarded as a backup.

Buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! The increase [+13 Bellmar royal armband] is successful!!

Buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing! Amplification [Soul of the Sea God] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 210 [colorless small crystals], 100 [lower element crystals], 4 [condensed crystals] have been obtained. Pure Skeleton】!

buzz buzz․ ... thump thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Amplification [+13 Horn of the Elf] succeeded!!

Lin Yufeng smiled, he's getting better!

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