Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 22 So What About Snow Dance?

Lin Yufeng looked at Ouyang Tian: "Have you taken it now?"

Ouyang Tian gave Lin Yufeng a thumbs up: "I am convinced of you now! You are better than the Supreme 1 I met in the free practice field last time!"

Lin Yufeng smiled and did not speak again.

It's not good to bully his own people all the time, so he started inviting other players into the room.

Inviting and inviting, Lin Yufeng saw a familiar name: village entrance, vegetable seller.

Isn't this the full-level Berserker who was abused by him yesterday?

He directly invited this full-level Berserker into the room.

For Lin Yufeng, [the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller] obviously did not forget.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Damn! It's you! Young brother!

The last two characters of Lin Yufeng's game ID are "young", so the other party calls himself brother young, which is normal.

When I was young and young: ...

At the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller: Brother Young! I thought about it all day yesterday! I finally know why I can't beat you!

Youth at the time: why?

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Because my weapon is not suitable for PK! I spent five million on a new weapon! This is an artifact!

This is the first time Lin Yufeng heard that Meteor Fall is not suitable for PK.

But Lin Yufeng was relieved when he saw the new weapon in the opponent's hand.

The new weapon of the village entrance and the vegetable seller is called "Dance of Snow Snow".

If you want to mention Berserkers to play PK, Snow Dance is an unavoidable weapon.

This is a level 45 purple sword, similar in appearance to [Extreme Sword - Honglian Tianwu].

However, due to the attributes of Fine Snow Dance, it is destined to be more expensive than [Extreme Sword - Honglian Tianwu].

In addition to the beautiful ice attribute attack, it also has the most important attribute: when attacking, there is a 2% chance to freeze the enemy!

It seems that the 2% chance is not as good as the chance of triggering the blood cut with the cross knife. In fact, when the berserker opens the double knife style, almost a few flat cuts will trigger this extremely terrible freezing probability.

The attack frequency of the two-knife style is too high!

In this day and age, there may be no protection after the freeze is lifted.

Therefore, many players have the shadow of being killed by a set of Berserkers holding Snow Dance.

A high-ranking berserker can't justify without a handful of Snow Dance.

Lin Yufeng also laughed, it seems that the village entrance and the vegetable seller have mastered the promotion skills.

With eight people gathered, the ring battle officially began.

Lin Yufeng was one of the four acquaintances, and the village entrance and the vegetable seller brought the other three invited players.

As the owner of the house, Lin Yufeng was not in a hurry to fight. The first one on their side to fight was Ouyang Tian's Sword Soul.

Ouyang Tian was defeated by Lin Yufeng, and now he urgently needs to regain his confidence from other players.

His first opponent was the village entrance.

A level 51 sword soul fighting against a level 60 prison blood demon god is still very interesting.

Ouyang Tian made a successful move with a fluorescent falling blade, and a set of combos hit one-third of the blood in the village.

But he was too greedy, and he ran away when the opponent stood up and was invincible, and was blown away by the collapse of the mountain at the entrance of the village.

After a set of combos, the ice-attribute Xixue Zhiwu froze Ouyang Tian again.

He frantically pressed the up, down, left, and right keys until the frozen state was released, and he was sent flying again by the upward pick.

After finishing a set, Ouyang Tian's blood volume is less than one-third.

The two people who are very martial arts have a tacit understanding and did not lose colorless. It is just that the two-knife style is activated at the entrance of the village. In the PK field, the two-knife style is considered not to be colorless.

In the end, Ouyang Tian had no choice but to lose to the village entrance.

What's interesting is that after KO Ouyang Tian, ​​Cunkou quickly turned off the Erdao style, just to save some blood while waiting for the next player to appear.

This small detail also made Lin Yufeng laugh.

He complained: "This Taidao is disgusting! Being frozen is a dead end!"

Ouyang Tian's words are also the state of most people facing Xixue Zhiwu.

Next came Fairy Qi, no accident, she was equivalent to Remy's assistance, adding some blood to the entrance of the village.

The third one to appear is Xie Hao's gunner.

His performance was slightly better than that of Fairy Qi, but he only lived a little longer and did not pose much threat to the entrance of the village.

Lin Yufeng was faced with the embarrassing situation of one hit four again, so he typed a line at random and sent it out.

I was young and young at the time: I was under pressure that I shouldn't have at my level...

Sitting next to him, Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao laughed loudly.

Game start!

After yesterday's fierce battle, the two are already familiar with each other's style of play.

Even though the village entrance changed weapons, Lin Yufeng still chose to press hard.

Skills such as [Earth Fissure Wave Sword], [Fluorescent Falling Blade], [Collapse Mountain Strike], [Block], and [Three-stage Slash] are used in turn, which can be described as dazzling.

In terms of positioning, he was also much better than Cunkou. He quickly caught a mistake made by Cunkou and used a pick to lift him away.

After even one set, he retreated to advance again, beating the village entrance to the point where he was powerless to fight back!

In the end, Cunkou didn't even have a chance to use Erdao Style and [Death Resistance], so Lin Yufeng gave him KO.

The attributes of Snow Dance are indeed very strong in the PK field! But the most important thing is to hit people, otherwise the freezing attribute will not be triggered.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Damn! Also let no one play the game!

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