Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 24 You Are Crazy! This Is Epic!

Ouyang Tian nodded: "Play a few more games! I'll learn."

Lin Yufeng also happened to have itchy hands, so he continued to play Ouyang Tian's Soul Sword.

In the next few rounds, he played more and more smoothly, and the village entrance basically had no chance of winning in front of him.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Damn! what happened? How did you become so powerful all of a sudden? It's like a different person is playing.

Seeing the news from the village entrance, both Lin Yufeng and Ouyang Tian couldn't help laughing.

Instead of bullying Cunkou, he returned to his computer and started browsing the dnf forum.

Lin Yufeng remembered that there was still some time before the third chapter was updated.

With his current drawing speed, before the third chapter comes out, the level should be raised to level 60.

The problem is that Lin Yufeng wants to make money.

For him, with the system in place, it is not difficult to make money.

Once the online time reward arrives, you can earn money by using Abyss Explosive purple and pink outfits.

It is impossible to strengthen the mat and make money, but his system rewards are used to strengthen the mat, which is really wasteful.

It's not bad to be a black businessman, but the problem is that in this version, the projects that can be done are really good.

There is no title if you want to collect titles, but hoarding soul crystals and signs of disaster is a good choice.

With the update and iteration of the version, more and more players will scan the ancient map in the future, and the ticket price will naturally rise.

Lin Yufeng now hopes that time will pass faster.

After browsing the forum for more than half an hour, the system sounded: Ding! The host can be online continuously for 6 hours, within the next 15 minutes! The host's success rate of strengthening any equipment will increase by 50%. "

The reward of strengthening the success rate is coming again! Although it was exchanged for 6 hours of online time.

Lin Yufeng was standing next to Kelly. As soon as the reward arrived, he clicked on the old booster.

[+13 Ink Bamboo Bracelet], [+13 Blade of Cracking Soul], [+13 Brahma Windbreaker], [10 Cross Cutting Knife] were all arranged in a row by him.

Ouyang Tian saw that Lin Yufeng was no longer fighting against each other, so he quickly stared at the screen: "Lin Yufeng, what are you doing?

Xie Hao also stopped swiping pictures, and stared at Lin Yufeng's screen with full concentration.

"Strengthen." Lin Yufeng said lightly.

"It's all +13 and you need to strengthen it?" Ouyang Tian asked with a question mark on his face.

Lin Yufeng didn't speak, just manipulated the mouse and threw a [+13 Rusty Samurai Sword] into the enhancer.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

"Oh my God!" Seeing Lin Yufeng being so hardcore, Xie Hao said in surprise, "Is this the world of local tyrants?"

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful! !

Three consecutive rusty samurai swords changed from +13 to +14, which was beyond Lin Yufeng's expectations.

Enhanced success rate of system rewards! It's too scary!

"Lin Yufeng! Don't be too strong! A pad with +14 can sell for 400W! You have already made millions!" Ouyang Tian said.

Lin Yufeng smiled and shook his head: "What can a few million gold coins be used for?"

At this moment, Ouyang Tian realized that although his level was higher than Lin Yufeng's, he was like the enemy in front of Lin Yufeng! The +11 Wanren Holy Light Saber in his hand could no longer be used.

Another +13 pad dropped into the booster.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening failed! Obtain 3 [colorless small crystal blocks].

Finally one of the cushions broke! This also proved Lin Yufeng's conjecture that the enhanced success buff rewarded by the system has a 100% success rate after all.

He gritted his teeth, intending to drag [+10 Cross Cutting Knife -] into the enhancer.

As strong as Lie Chuang, Lin Yufeng threw it directly to 13 without using a mat, but the Cross Slasher is really different from Lie Chuang.

A hundred split wounds can't be exchanged for a cross cutter.

Without a mat, he doesn't have much confidence to strengthen it. Perhaps the function of the mat is only psychological comfort, but it is good to have psychological comfort.

Ouyang Tian saw this scene, and he shouted excitedly: "Lin Yufeng, you are crazy! This is epic!"

It's no wonder that Ouyang Tian yelled, it was the first time he saw such a big scene.

Ignoring what Ouyang Tian said, Lin Yufeng clicked OK.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Reinforcement [+11 Cross Slasher] succeeded!

+11 success, Lin Yufeng showed no expression on his face, but Ouyang Tian exhaled a long breath, as if the weapon he had just strengthened was his.

"You are playing with your life! Epics are hard to come by! If it is broken, there is no second one for you to strengthen."

Lin Yufeng frowned: "Don't be crowed."

He continues to strengthen the mat.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful!

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] was successful!

So far, five mats have been successfully strengthened to 14, and only one was accidentally broken.

Such a success rate of reinforcement shocked Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao.

Time passed quietly, Lin Yufeng did not waste time and continued to throw +14 mats.

Ps: Thank you for your rewards, flowers and comments! Let's go again, brothers!

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