Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 4 Kuran's Flame Shadow Sword! (Kneeling For Flowers!)

The map of Graka is relatively difficult for players at level 14.

Gundam Minotaur, Goblin who can throw flames, and the tough boss Tauren Sauta.

Lin Yufeng in his previous life was also Antuen's first pioneers, and he had been Antuen's master C for several years.

A game expert like him in the previous life is also very troublesome in this version.

After all, his level and damage are here.

If it weren't for owning a set of fashion, Lin Yufeng's road to brush pictures would only be more difficult.

After spending several minutes, I finally reached the boss, Tauren King Sauta.

After finally getting rid of Sauta, a piece of pink equipment exploded from Sauta's body.

Lin Yufeng took a breath when he saw this piece of equipment.

This piece of equipment is [Fan Windbreaker]!

Vatican windbreaker, level 13 powder armor jacket.

At present, the whole dnf is more expensive than this dress, and only the inheritance top is the only one!

The basic attributes of the Vatican windbreaker are not powerful, but as a top, it has +3% attack speed and movement speed, and +20 jumping power, which is unique.

To put it bluntly, this version is a version that pursues extreme speed!

Moreover, all professions like the windbreaker very much, and the windbreaker can be regarded as the standard equipment of local tyrants.

In terms of gold coins, it’s no problem to sell them for tens of millions.

This time Lin Yufeng didn't yell, but quickly picked up the windbreaker.

Only Lin Yufeng, who was level 14, directly unsealed the windbreaker and put it on.

Good things he will give himself.

Moreover, the Vatican coat is a must for PK, for a person who likes PK, he will not sell it.

The 1000% explosion rate that the system has increased for itself is really terrifying!

It's a pity that you can only swipe solo, otherwise Lin Yufeng would be taken by someone now.

He continued to swipe the graka.

This time Lin Yufeng directly chose to challenge the normal level.

It takes too long to fight the Warrior class. Although there are many resurrection coins, the maintenance time of the rare equipment's explosion rate is only half of the disappearance, so he must cherish it.

The normal level was really much easier to play, but Lin Yufeng just exploded a bunch of garbage in the second game.

If you choose the normal level, there will definitely not be as many explosions as the warrior level, and the explosion rate may drop accordingly.

In the third game, Lin Yufeng challenged the adventure level, and his blood volume was not much, and the explosive equipment was more ordinary level.

The hard work paid off, and he was very lucky in this round, and he exploded with a [Broken Wind Knife].

This is a level 11 pink katana, which is considered the lowest-level artifact tachi.

This sword has no particularly powerful attributes, the more special one is the [Earth Fissure Wave Sword] skill lv+2.

But for Lin Yufeng who likes to use tachi, this is by far the best weapon to use.

After all, the basic attributes of the artifact are there.

[Broken Wind Knife] Unblock directly! Lin Yufeng sold the level 10 blue sword to the store.

Continuing to swipe Graka, Lin Yufeng, who was holding the Breaking Wind Knife, felt that it became easier to swipe after having this artifact.

In the next few rounds, he exploded a few more purple outfits [Colt Military Revolver], [Breaking Water Sword], [Ancient Elf Ring], [Surprise Imp Cannon]...

These are all equipment in the early tenth level.

Even though they are all purple outfits, it is not bad for most people to be able to burst out a purple outfit after finishing a tube of fatigue in a day.

Finally reached level 15, Lin Yufeng went straight to Lie Yan Graka.

As a more advanced map than Graka, Flame Graka is definitely a little more difficult to farm.

But for Lin Yufeng, it was not so difficult.

His equipment is considered very good at this level.

Coupled with the technique of drawing pictures that has been practiced for more than ten years in the previous life, it is no problem to pass pictures.

In the first game of Lie Yan Graka, after the boss Lie Yan Pinoxiu was dealt with, a [Kuran's Flame Shadow Sword] burst out from her body.

This is a level 15 pink sword.

This giant sword is extremely rare. It has a fire attribute attack. When attacking, there is a 5% chance to add 40 points of fire attribute damage.

Ghost Swordsman's weapon is a treasure at this time! Although this is only a level 15 weapon, it can be sold casually for millions, maybe even tens of millions.

This is a very expensive version of purple equipment, and the artifact is a weapon that ordinary civilians can't imagine.

Many people from level 1 to level 60 may have only worn one artifact: [Jamming Launcher], which was given as a mission.

Lin Yufeng didn't unlock [Kuran's Flame Shadow Sword] this time, because the giant sword's attack speed and movement speed were too slow.

He didn't waste any time and continued to brush the flame Graka.

After a brief immersion in the game, the shipment began again.

This time he exploded a [Goblin Netherbone Necklace].

This is a purple necklace. When attacking an enemy, there is a 1% chance to summon a Goblin.

When Lin Yufeng still wanted to continue the liver, the system's notification sounded: "Ding! Attention the host! The explosion rate increase period has expired!"

Half an hour passed like this, Lin Yufeng was still in a daze, and he hadn't finished his fatigue medicine yet.

Although a little helpless, Lin Yufeng continued to brush pictures.

Sure enough, without the 50-fold increase in the explosion rate just now, he even reduced the explosion rate of materials such as furnace rock carbon and rusty iron pieces.

Lin Yufeng is still looking forward to the continuous accumulation of online time, and there will be no rewards yet.

He waited while swiping the picture, until he spent another 50 fatigue points, but he still didn't get it.

Ps: Kneel for flowers!

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