Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 42 Continue To Strengthen!

It didn't take long for the guild experience to be full.

Lin Yufeng came to Borken's location and spent 500,000 gold coins to raise the guild level to level 4.

After the guild level reached level 4, Lin Yufeng received an email, opened the email, and there were four resurrection coins in it.

Kill your dog with one shot: Haha! I have received 4 resurrection coins!

It's Fairy Qi: I received it too.

As long as you are a member of the guild, you will receive resurrection coins.

In fact, they not only received resurrection coins, but also increased their strength, intelligence, physical strength and spirit by 9 points.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded: "Ding! The host can be online for 5 hours continuously, within the next 15 minutes! The host's success rate of strengthening any equipment will increase by 50%."

Lin Yufeng has not strengthened for the exam for several days, so that he forgot to prepare today.

This sudden happy event also made him have no time to think about it, and came directly to Kaili.

Lin Yufeng didn't dare to waste even a second now.

He first repaired his Snow Dancer and Scarlet Phoenix Saber, and then began to strengthen these pieces of equipment.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+1 Snow Dance] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthen [+2 Snow Dance] success! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+3 Snow Dance] was successful! !


After spending several minutes, Lin Yufeng strengthened [Xi Xue Zhi Wu], [Red Phoenix Sword], [A-Gump Zuo's Ronin Long Sword], [Xilan's Demon Sword], and [Hanguang Slashing Rock Sword] to 11.

Fortunately this process did not fail once.

He also stopped buying the mats, because for him, strengthening the mats was probably a waste of time.

Lin Yufeng didn't even strengthen the other powder packs that were not very valuable.

The operating time of the enhancer was really too long for him.

In the 85th version of the previous life, before strengthening +10, it would speed up, but now he can't experience it.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 Rock Sword with Light] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [at that time was young and young] strengthened [+12 Light Slashing Rock Sword] successfully! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+12 Scarlet Phoenix Sword] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+12 Scarlet Phoenix Sword] successfully! !

Not long after the channel announcement appeared, Ouyang Tian, ​​Xie Hao and others also came to Lin Yufeng's side.

Kill your dog with one shot: Damn it! Brother Feng secretly strengthened it behind our backs!

I'm such a handsome guy: Good guy! Get rich! The Dance of Snow Snow and the Sword of Hanguang Zhanyan were both strengthened to 12!

Kill your dog with one shot: How much can this sell for?

Lin Yufeng typed a message while the booster was running.

I was young and young: don't get excited, this is just an appetizer.

Among the weapons to be strengthened today, the Snow Dancer and the Scarlet Phoenix Sword have already been opened and cannot be sold.

But other equipment can be sold if it reaches high strength.

An unenhanced Hanguang Rock Slashing Sword can be sold for several million.

And if you strengthen 12, you can sell at least 4000W.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthen [+12 Snow Dance] success! !

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 A-Gump Zuo's Ronin Long Sword] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Failed to strengthen [+12 Xilan's Demon Sword], the equipment has been destroyed, and obtained 121 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 36 [superior elemental crystals].

12 on 5 pieces of equipment, only one thing failed, which is perfectly acceptable for Lin Yufeng.

That Xilan's demon knife, it's a broken cushion.

Kill your dog with one shot: I'll go! This is broken! This is money!

I'm such a handsome guy: my brother Feng! Keep a low profile, just make money! Don't throw any more! Can't afford to hurt!

At this time, even the vegetable sellers at the entrance of the village came to watch.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Chairman, did you contract Kaili’s booster today? Why are you strengthening the announcement?

Not having time to deal with them, Lin Yufeng chose to continue throwing.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+13 Rock Sword with Light] failed! Obtain 241 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 48 [lower element crystals].

I'm such a handsome guy: Damn it! Tens of millions of gold coins just flew away!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: The young man has courage? I also come to play with you!

Lin Yufeng was about to throw his Scarlet Phoenix Saber when he saw the announcement in the upper right corner of the screen.

Announcement: The player [Village Entrance, Vegetable Seller] has successfully strengthened [+12 Snow Dance]! !

The vegetable seller at the entrance of the village was originally a local tyrant, and his Meteor Fall was +12. For him, the Dance of Snow Snow was specially used for pk play.

However, he can directly enhance 12 successes, which Lin Yufeng did not expect.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 Scarlet Phoenix Sword] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [the youth at the time] strengthened [+13 Scarlet Phoenix Sword] successfully! !

Equipped with this +13 Scarlet Phoenix Saber, Lin Yufeng still looks extremely cool.

But he didn't stop.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 A-Gump Zuo's Ronin Long Sword] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+13 Rock Sword with Light] failed! Obtain 251 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 50 [lower element crystals].

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+13 Snow Dance] was successful! !

Lin Yufeng's unsealed two knives have been strengthened to 13.

Now that it is unopened, there is only one [+13 Forrest Gump's Ronin Long Sword] left.

This giant sword can be sold at a very high price without being strengthened. It can be strengthened to 13, and the market price is estimated to be around 8000W.

While Lin Yufeng was still hesitating, the enhanced announcement appeared again.

Announcement: Player [Village Entrance, Vegetable Seller] failed to enhance [+13 Snow Dance]! !

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Damn!

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