In fact, after reaching more than 50 levels, the main task is completed, and the channel for gaining the most experience is gone.

Only by slowly gaining experience bit by bit through the dead map can you reach the full level.

It was under such circumstances that he raised his level to the full level.

And under his leadership, Fairy Qi and Xie Hao also reached the full level.

As for Ouyang Tian, ​​he has already reached the full level.

The days at school are relatively free.

Except for class time, Lin Yufeng basically stays in the dormitory, and no longer has to go to the Internet cafe to grab a seat.

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao still go to the Internet cafe every day.

This day was a holiday, Lin Yufeng got up early to log in to the game, only to find that the game had been updated again.

After the download is complete, log in to the game. At this time, the game has been updated to the third chapter [The Endowment from Another World].

There is not much updated content in this chapter, and the sword soul has been awakened in the previous chapter.

This chapter awakens Asura.

In addition, dnf's first sub-profession [Enchanter] also officially debuted.

These are not important, what is important is that the first sky set of the national server is finally available!

Who can understand the embarrassment of Lin Yufeng wearing G.S.D suits all this time.

In fact, he has always been more concerned about appearance, but it is a pity that he has not released the sky suit before.

Now that the sky set is finally out, I can finally complete the set!

Since Lin Yufeng made money, his game account has been a little couponed.

When he came to the Moonlight Tavern, he clicked on the mall, bought more than a dozen costumes in one go, and bought 20 [dress synthesizers].

The reason why sky suits are rare is that they can only be obtained through synthesis.

Lin Yufeng synthesized two hats first, and only made a high-end outfit.

A one-time success is almost impossible, and he doesn't care.

It took another 5 synthesizers, and Lin Yufeng synthesized an abyss knight hat.

The price of a permanent high-end dress top is 30 yuan, and the price of a [dress synthesizer] is 5 yuan.

In other words, it costs 60 yuan to synthesize one time.

But even if there is no sky, at least one high-end outfit will be produced.

In this way, it costs more than 30 yuan to combine once.

Five times out of a piece of sky, luck is not bad.

In the next half an hour, Lin Yufeng finally synthesized a set of sky suits.

It cost him over a thousand! Not bad luck, not too good.

Putting on the abyss knight suit, I saw that it was a jet-black armor, which gave people a somewhat cold feeling at first glance.

This set of sky sets, in fact, is not high in appearance, at least in the current version, most players think so.

Especially the one worn by Lin Yufeng.

It's just that this is much stronger than other decoration attributes.

Lin Yufeng put the mouse on his sky suit to view the properties of the eight-piece suit:

Strength +18

Intelligence +18

Stamina +18

Spirit +18

Attack Speed ​​+3%

Movement Speed ​​+3%

Casting speed +3%

Item bar weight limit +9kg

All attribute resistance +10

Town Movement Speed ​​+60%

The attributes of the sky set completely overwhelmed the advanced set, and also beat the festival set.

Lin Yufeng pressed the movement button and found himself walking like flying in the town.

Compared with players without fashion, the benefits of sky sets are simply too many!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Damn! Chairman! Why is your outfit so black? Walking so fast? So cool!

It can be seen that Cunkou usually doesn't pay much attention to the forum, only knows about krypton gold, otherwise he wouldn't even know the first set of sky sets.

Youth at the time: This is the latest rare outfit, a set of which can make your town move several times faster.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: so awesome! It must be arranged! Tell me how to get it!

Lin Yufeng told the village entrance the method of synthesizing the sky suit.

An hour later, Cunkou also put on a sky suit.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: This outfit is too cool! You can happily pretend again! Ha ha ha ha!

Youth at that time: How much did you spend to synthesize a set?

Village entrance, vegetable seller: not many! It's only 5,000 yuan, it's worth it!

At that time, I was young: I only spent a thousand to synthesize a set.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: ...

With the update of the third chapter, new mainline tasks have also come out.

Although Lin Yufeng has reached the full level, but he has obsessive-compulsive disorder, he still completed the main task.

The new map White Ruins is for him to play.

Not only did the main quests have been completed, but Lin Yufeng didn't even let go of every side quest.

Then he came to Shalan again and became an enchanter by doing tasks.

No matter which version it is in, enchanters are still relatively popular.

With the emergence of enchanters, some more valuable cards will also be available, such as light cards and fire cards.

After changing his job, Lin Yufeng made some garbage orbs, and then came to the cave of mourning to brush here with Fairy Qi.

Lin Yufeng has already made a suffocating mourning set, but he rarely wears it.

His set of +13 jewelry is a bit faster.

But the screaming set can be worn or not, so he has always put it in the equipment column.

And Fairy Qi's mourning set hasn't been made yet.

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