After eating, the three returned to the dormitory.

The first time Lin Yufeng turned on the computer was to check the trading platform.

The +15 black light has not been sold yet, which is also expected by Lin Yufeng.

After all, 45,000 yuan is the annual salary of many people.

After he logged into the game, he came to line 6 and started buying [Omen of Disaster].

Although the third chapter has just been updated, Lin Yufeng is also preparing for the fourth chapter.

When the fourth chapter comes out, the Tower of Death in the Canyon of Kings will also appear.

This also means that his title [Immortal King Borodin] will be the last few months of glory.

At that time, most players will choose to do [Reaper's Invitation (Blood)].

[Death God's Invitation (Blood)], the production cost of this title is lower than that of the Immortal King.

However, there is one thing that must be done to do [Reaper's Invitation (Blood)], that is, you need 200 [Signs of Disaster].

At that time, the difficulty of the Sorrow Cave was also reduced a lot, and civilians also began to make Scream sets, and the price of materials was inevitable.

Lin Yufeng also hoards some when he thinks about it.

The price of this kind of material will not be stable. One thing is certain, at least there will be a price increase.

As for colorless, he would stock up if he had the chance.

After the furnace rock charcoal is canceled in the future, the colorless price will also increase, but the waiting period will be longer.

After the disaster of buying more than 1E gold coins, Lin Yufeng called Qi Qi and the fairy also came to the PK field.

He usually takes Fairy Qi to PK, every time Fairy Qi is the vanguard, even if he loses, Lin Yufeng is still there.

Fairy Qi's pk level has also reached level 6.

As a summoner, this is still very rare.

It's Fairy Qi: Invite people quickly! hey-hey! I can lie down and win again!

At that time, we were young and young: Today we are two heads-up.

It's Fairy Qi: Why? Then didn't I give you experience? You bully!

At that time, young and young: It’s okay, just hone your skills, and I’ll let you order.

It's Fairy Qi: All right!

Fairy Qi is ready, Lin Yufeng clicks to start.

At the beginning of the duel, Lin Yufeng rushed directly to Fairy Qi. With the inheritance set, he was so fast that Fairy Qi had no chance at all.

let you order? nonexistent!

From the beginning of the combo, Lin Yufeng only made Fairy Qi stand up once, except for losing a scarecrow, she didn't lose any other skills.

Because she has no chance to lose skills at all.


In a certain dormitory in the female dormitory building of Xiangbei University.

Su Yuqi was sitting in front of a computer. She stared at the computer interface and clenched her pink fist: "This guy still said to let me! Damn it!"

Her best friend walked up to her and shook her head: "Oh! The boys in our class would never have imagined that the goddess in their hearts is a female college student who is addicted to the Internet, and also likes to play dnf played by boys."

Su Yuqi was a little unconvinced: "Who said girls can't play this game? There are several girls in our guild!"

"I said Yuqi! Don't play games all day long! Isn't real life more exciting? I see so many people chasing you, why don't you try to fall in love?"

"There's no game in love." Su Yuqi curled her lips.

"I think Lin Yufeng in our class is very handsome! He helped us pay the bill today! He must be interested in you."

When talking about Lin Yufeng, Su Yuqi frowned slightly.

I have to admit that she also has a crush on Lin Yufeng...

Turning her eyes to the screen again, she realized that Little Kuangzhan was already talking.

Youth at that time: get ready!

It's Fairy Qi: I'm not coming! You won't let me.

At that time, I was young and young: I really let you this time.

It's Fairy Qi: That's what you said, you just stand still and don't move.

At that time, I was young: I will give you 90% of the blood first.

Youth at that time: Good!

After Su Yuqi clicked Prepare, she muttered, "I don't know what kind of person this little Kuangzhan is in real life..."

It's Fairy Qi: "Oh! It's hopeless! You'll forget about falling in love with the players in the game..."


The next morning, when Lin Yufeng got up and logged into the game platform, he found that his +15 black light had been sold.

Excluding the handling fee, he made a total of more than 43,000 fast.

I thought it would be sold at a reduced price, but I didn't expect it to be sold in less than a day.

This is a big profit for Lin Yufeng, and he can happily stockpile and top up money again.

In the next period of time, the chance of Lin Yufeng's system triggering became much lower.

Sometimes there will be a buff that increases the burst rate suddenly, and sometimes there will be a strengthening success rate +50%f.

The burst rate buff is not that attractive to Lin Yufeng, relatively speaking, increasing the chance of strengthening can make him more profitable.

Even if it's only 15 minutes, he can make a lot of money by spending this time strengthening the mat.

Several months passed under such circumstances.

And Lin Yufeng also spent money to buy 6 meteor drops, all of which have not been opened.

Just strengthening Meteor Fall of 13 is no longer enough to satisfy him, because as time goes by, more and more players are holding +13 Meteor Fall.

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