Hearing what Ouyang Tian said, Lin Yufeng almost burst out laughing.

"You really put gold on your face! Then I can also say that it has something to do with me." Said Xie Hao on the side.

Lin Yufeng ignored the conversation between the two, and he took out the [+13 Black Bamboo Bracelet] that he had been wearing for a long time.

Then drag the black bamboo bracelet into the enhancer.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Black Bamboo Bracelet] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 66 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 10 [lower element crystals] have been obtained.

Ouyang Tian said with emotion: "After following you for such a long black bamboo bracelet, it will be broken if it is said to be broken!"

Lin Yufeng then lost the king star.

Although the price of King's Star is higher than that of Consonance Heart, but with what he wears, after all, there are only two Consonance Hearts.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Consonant Heart] failed! Obtain 150 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 45 [advanced element crystals].

It started to shatter again.

In a rage, he chose to throw [+13 Heart of King].

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 King's Heart] failed! Obtain 220 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 85 [advanced element crystals].

Thousands of broken pieces, Lin Yufeng felt extremely painful.

He clicked the mouse on a handful of falling stars.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Meteorite Knife] failed! Obtain 280 [colorless small crystal blocks] and 150 [advanced element crystals].

Powder packed four consecutive pieces! Lin Yufeng's mentality completely collapsed!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: keep a low profile! I don't want to see you retreat!

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao stopped joking, they knew the value of these equipments.

At this time, it is just a joke to be clever.

Lin Yufeng had no way out and continued to throw meteors.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Meteorite Knife] was successful! !

Announcement: The player [Youth at the time] strengthened [+14 Meteor Knife] successfully!

There were too many failures before, so when this weapon succeeded, Lin Yufeng didn't have many smiles on his face.

+14 meteor falls, the entire Xiangbei area is not without, and there are quite a few, there is nothing to be excited about.

After rearranging the equipment in the equipment bar, Lin Yufeng took off all the Meteorfall, King and Consonance that he was carrying on his back.

He now also has a +13 and a +14 Meteor Fall, two +13 King's Heart and a +13 Consonance Heart.

This is a bit more failure than the last reinforcement!

After all, when he strengthened last time, most of the broken pieces were cushions.

And this time, it seems that it is not wise to go directly and abruptly.

At the entrance of the village, and the vegetable seller: It is really a feast of strengthening that has never been seen before! The president is awesome!

In addition to the entrance of the village, there are more and more players watching around, and some of them are local tyrants wearing sky suits.

Old Town, Old Lane: Damn it! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed what I saw! Screenshots must be saved!

Come back when you've had enough waves: Liansha +13 King and Meteor Fall! You must take a screenshot and send it to the group to pretend to be awesome!

Blood Stained Heaven: This is the richest god I have ever seen! The meteor falls in the entire Xiangbei area have come to you, right?

Playing Red Eyes and Beating Sword Soul: This is really the hero of the gods!

Lin Yufeng was about to continue strengthening his equipment, when a window popped up in the lower right corner: Player [It's Fairy Qi] applied for a transaction, do you agree?

What is Fairy Qi doing with her at this time?

Although his time is extremely precious now, Lin Yufeng clicked yes.

After agreeing, I saw Fairy Qi placed five rusty samurai swords on the trading table.

Of these five pads, 3 are +13 and 2 are +14.

It's Fairy Qi: Try it with a mat, it's hard to succeed by forcing it like this.

Obviously, Fairy Qi saw Lin Yufeng smashing so many equipment just now.

At this moment, a warm current rushed into my heart.

Lin Yufeng was moved and quickly clicked agree.

Both Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao saw this scene, Ouyang Tian said in surprise: "Fuck! Isn't this the vice president Fairy Qi? Why is she so generous?"

Xie Hao also said: "I remember that the vice president is very picky! Last time I asked her to take my trumpet, and she still charged my money!"

Lin Yufeng pretended he didn't hear their conversation and started throwing mats.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthening [+14 Consonant Heart] was successful! !

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+14 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Buzz buzz buzz... zi la zi la! Strengthening [+15 Rusty Samurai Sword] failed! The equipment has been destroyed, and 5 [colorless small crystal blocks] have been obtained.

Lin Yufeng calmly threw in a king's heart.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump! congratulations! Strengthen [+14 King's Heart] success! !

Announcement: The player [at that time was young and young] strengthened [+14 King's Heart] successfully! !

As soon as the mat came, it was really a fortune!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yufeng's three main pieces of equipment were all strengthened to 14! And there is still a +13 King and Consonance left.

Ouyang Tian: "Fuck! Brother Feng! This vice president is really your goddess of luck!"

Xie Hao: "Brother Feng! You wouldn't have met this fairy Qi in private, would you? Otherwise, why did she just give you so many cushions?"

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