Since the update of Chapter 4 [Endless Challenge], many members of the [Against the Sky] guild will show off their powder outfits every day.

Then everyone booed and asked for red envelopes, and generally popular people would also give out a small red envelope symbolically.

What everyone wants is not the little red envelope, but to take this matter as a kind of fun.

Lin Yufeng often gives out red envelopes to everyone.

If Fairy Qi hadn't been caught off guard and opened the jar to produce a bone ring, Lin Yufeng would probably be giving out red envelopes again.

Even Lin Yufeng has to admire Fairy Qi's character, she can open a jar to get a bone ring, she is definitely the emperor of Europe.

It's Fairy Qi: You can ask Little Kuang Zhan for a red envelope!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Haha! sure!

I'm such a handsome guy: no problem!

The player [Village Entrance, Vegetable Seller] requests a transaction, do you agree?

The player [I'm such a handsome guy] requested a trade, do you agree?

The blame fell to Lin Yufeng's side all of a sudden, and he had no choice but to give away two million by himself.

As long as they were guild members in the Moonlight Tavern, they basically received Lin Yufeng's red envelope.

He sent out tens of millions of red envelopes in one breath...

At this time, Fairy Qi also sent a transaction application.

The player [It's Fairy Qi] requested a transaction, do you agree?

At that time, I was young and young: No way? Do you want a red envelope too?

Having said that, Lin Yufeng still agreed to the deal.

Then he saw Fairy Qi put the bone ring on the trading table.

At that time, young and young: what? Do you want me to help you sell the bone ring?

It's Fairy Qi: You just sent out red envelopes, at least tens of millions of gold coins, right? The money for this bone ring should be enough, you can sell it.

Only then did Lin Yufeng realize that Fairy Qi wanted to give the bone ring directly to herself.

At that time, I was young and young: why are you so stupid! In the future, if someone sells you, you will have to count the money!

Although Lin Yufeng said this, he felt sorry for Fairy Qi in his heart. This girl was very picky on outsiders, but she was extremely generous to herself.

He could see this from the last time Fairy Qi gave him a cushion.

Apart from Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao, Fairy Qi is undoubtedly the person Lin Yufeng trusts most in the game.

It's Fairy Qi: This ring is useless to me, you can sell it, or wear it yourself.

At that time, young and young: You better keep it for yourself, it is useless for me to ask for this ring.

Berserkers don't rely on breaking moves to deal output, and wearing a bone ring is indeed inappropriate.

Lin Yufeng called off the deal.

He returned to Celia's room, and put a large part of the inheritance equipment he drove today into the warehouse Curry.

This warehouse has been upgraded to the top level by Lin Yufeng with money. There are many grids, so you don't have to worry about not being able to store equipment, and the load is unlimited.

As for a small amount of inherited equipment, Lin Yufeng chose to sell them at Kaili's.

Taking advantage of the current inheritance price is still high, how much can be sold.

After all, as time goes by, more and more people open jars to open inheritance, and the price of inheritance will also drop.

With Lin Yufeng holding +16 Meteor Fall, even ordinary players passing by will take a look even if he is standing at a street stall in Hutton Mar.

They were not looking at what Lin Yufeng was selling, but the weapon Lin Yufeng was holding.

Sometimes Lin Yufeng can even see the emotions of passer-by players.

After setting up the booth for a while, a system voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "Ding! The host has been online for 5 hours today! In the next half an hour! The host's single-swipe any map with rare and above equipment will increase the drop rate by 50 times!"

Another buff that increases the burst rate by 50%.

In all fairness, this buff is not particularly attractive to the current Lin Yufeng.

Although the advanced abyss map has been opened, it is limited to the abyss of the dark city and the abyss of Northmar.

North Mare is also a map of fallen thieves.

The highest-level map on the Dark City side is [Dark City Entrance]. If you want to challenge the abyss, you need [Wild Breaking Magic Stone].

And [Wild Breaking Magic Stone] needs an invitation letter from a frenzied demon to exchange it.

Lin Yufeng can't run out of challenge books. The reason why he doesn't want to play is because there is no level 50 epic in this version.

Those epics that have influenced several versions of dnf have not been published...

Those level 50 epics will only appear after the release of the fifth chapter [Light of Evolution].

And there are still nearly two months until the fifth chapter is updated!

It can be said that the version that Lin Yufeng is most looking forward to since time travel is the fifth chapter [Light of Evolution]!

Once the fifth chapter is released! Not only will the new epic at level 50 be available, but the first and most cost-effective Spring Festival set for the national server will also come.

At that time, the ancient fans he has been looking forward to will appear...

It's just that before the fifth chapter comes out, all Lin Yufeng can do now is to endure slowly.

In order not to waste the burst rate time rewarded by the system, Lin Yufeng canceled the stall, and then walked to the dark city.

What he wants to brush today is the most difficult deep map [Dark City Entrance] currently available.

The first one, after Lin Yufeng smashed the Abyss Pillar, the Dark King Steele appeared.

Compared with the name [Dark King Steele], he has a more well-known nickname: Steel Pipe Man.

As one of the dead demon kings, because the dark king Steele has been carrying a huge black iron pillar, which looks like a steel pipe, so his nickname is the steel pipe man.

The steel pipe man is recognized as the most difficult devil king among the dead devil kings.

He can't grab, summons lightning, slows players down, and has a set of kicks that fall from the sky.

In the 60 version, and even in the 70 version, he is the shadow of many people.

Even the mental energy mask of the fighting doll will disappear after being shocked a few times.

But Lin Yufeng obviously doesn't have to be afraid of the man with the pole.

He swung it with a big bang, directly crippling the man with the steel pipe.

Then he rushed over and handed over the outburst of anger, and took away the steel pipe man with a few slashes.

As soon as the steel pipe man died, several ghost swordsman APCs appeared.

When Lin Yufeng finished off the last Ghost Swordsman, an [Evil Spirit Blood Drinking Sword] exploded from his corpse.

[Evil Spirit Drinking Blood Sword] is a level 50 pink dagger, a special weapon for Asura, and its price is definitely much lower than that of the same level of great sword lightsaber.

After picking up this equipment, those blue sky and white clouds Lin Yufeng didn't pick it up anymore, he just clicked to return to the town, and challenged the abyss again without getting rid of his weakness.

After entering the map, Lin Yufeng didn't turn on Death Resistance, because his sp points were used to add other skills.

As for the blood-increased death resistance, it is completely unnecessary, and his Remy and girl's foot strikes are too many to use up.

In the second round, Lin Yufeng exploded the [Dance of Death].

He has exploded this weapon before.

Pink outfits popped out frequently, but Lin Yufeng didn't show any expression on his face, even if one of these pink outfits could be sold for tens of millions of game coins.

Explosive fans are rare for others.

It's pretty good for ordinary players to explode a pink outfit when they get tired.

Lin Yufeng is different, because he has exploded too many powder suits, he is basically immune to it.

Half an hour passed quickly, and there were 8 more pink outfits in Lin Yufeng's equipment list, including a newly released King Star.

He went back to where Kaili was, and put those freshly baked powders in his booth, and the price was quite affordable.

Then Lin Yufeng clicked on the game trading platform to sell gold coins.

Dnf's gold coins have become cheaper and cheaper, and this is irreversible.

In the future, gold coins will only get cheaper and cheaper. Now selling some gold coins earlier is equivalent to managing money.

He has recently made a fortune selling materials and challenge books.

His gold coins have already reached the upper limit, even if he created a few more accounts to deposit gold coins.

After selling more than 10,000 yuan of gold coins, Lin Yufeng stopped.

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