Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 72 Is The Magic Sword You Are Talking About The One In My Hand?

In the third round, after finishing the Abyss APC, a 【Light Spotting Sword-Breaking Patient】 burst out.

This is a 50-level epic lightsaber. If you buy it from Galantis, it is as expensive as the Shadowless Sword, and you need 900 brilliant cosmic souls.

And the hit rate of this lightsaber is +100%.

Carrying it, it is impossible to miss.

It's a pity that Lin Yufeng is not the soul of the sword, so he can't carry this lightsaber on his back.

Soon came the fourth one, and an epic appeared again in this abyss: the ring of the light elves.

Two epic rings have exploded today.

The fifth one did not burst into an epic, but a meteor fell.

Now Lin Yufeng is not very interested in falling stars.

"——Three" 50-level epic weapons have come out, and the explosion rate of Meteor Fall has also increased a lot. This weapon is no longer an exclusive weapon for local tyrants.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the price of Meteor Fall is much more expensive than other level 50 powder packs.

When he came to the boss room, Lin Yufeng directly awakened the boss insect king killing Gu.

The magma rushed out of the awakening quickly kills the boss.

Another powder outfit burst out.

This is a top, named [Slaughter Gu's Skin Fragment].

It goes by a better-known name: the insect coat.

This piece of equipment, because of its special attributes, is also a sky-high price.

And after reaching level 70, the price of insect clothing will increase, which can be said to be an artifact of financial management.

Sixth, Lin Yufeng exploded another epic necklace: [Shadow of the Sky].

The necklace was clearly of little use to him, even if it were an epic piece.

Although the burst rate failed, Lin Yufeng continued to use the screams.

Then he used all the fatigue medicine to the limit, brushing the abyss over and over again, but there was nothing, this is the status quo of this version.

Back in the town, Lin Yufeng opened the equipment bar and looked at the epic and powder equipment that he had brushed up today. He was already extremely satisfied.

As long as he persists in swiping, even if the Shadowless Sword cannot explode, he can still break down the powder suit to collect brilliant cosmic souls.

Lin Yufeng brushed up a total of four epics today: [Fire Spirit Ring], [Light Spirit Ring], [Eye of Death], [Light Gathering Sword - Illusion Breaker], [Shadow of the Sky].

In addition to the epic, there are also powder outfits and ancient powders: [Magic Sword - Apo Faith], [Lenn's Second Staff], [Skin Fragment of Killing Gu 11, and [Meteor Star Meteor Knife Craftsman].

6 abysses, 5 epics and 4 sword powder outfits burst out.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to believe this kind of thing, not to mention the magic sword!

Lin Yufeng came to the position of blacksmith Linus, and put the eye of death into the decomposition machine.

Tip: This equipment is of high value, are you sure to disassemble this equipment?

As long as the epic is disassembled, such a prompt will appear.

Lin Yufeng clicks OK.

The decomposition machine starts to operate.


300 [colorless small crystal blocks].

65 [Brilliant Cosmic Soul].

A 50-level epic can actually decompose 65 splendid cosmic souls.

Next, Lin Yufeng dismantled both the spotlight sword and the eye of death, leaving only two epic rings.

By decomposing these three epic equipments, he obtained a total of 185 splendid cosmic souls.

In addition to the cosmic souls that burst out from the abyss today, Lin Baofeng has 7,200 splendid Fengzhou souls in his material column.

And buying the Wuying Sword requires 900 cosmic souls.

As long as the explosion rate reward is triggered every day, there is a high probability that he will be able to afford the Shadowless Sword in about a week.

When they came to the Moonlight Tavern, Ouyang Tian and the others were bragging.

One shot kills you: This auction house is long overdue! No need to go to Channel 6 to buy things in the future.

Seeing this line of news from Xie Hao, Lin Yufeng clicked on the menu bar, and saw that the auction house was born......

He smiled wryly, and he actually forgot the important content of the fifth chapter update.

The arrival of the auction house also officially means that Channel 6's "real industry" will suffer an unprecedented blow.

Clicking on the auction house, Lin Yufeng randomly placed a [Challenge Book of the Strong Demon], and the recommended selling price given on it was 20,000.

He put on the magic sword again, but there was no price.

When general equipment is put on the auction house, the recommended price will automatically appear. If there is no price, it may mean that the auction house does not have this equipment.

Lin Yufeng searched the auction house, but he did not find the magic sword.

Not only the magic sword, but also the insect clothes can't be found.

I just listened to the update of Chapter 5, ancient fans are not so easy to come out, even if they come out, the price is not stable yet.

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Damn! I just saw on the forum that someone in another region has already released a magic sword! It’s so handsome!

I'm such a handsome guy: Really? Our Xiangbei District 1 must not be out yet, otherwise someone would already be honking the horn.

Kill your dog with one shot: The magic sword's explosion rate must be very low! Brushing a thousand mourning caves may not be able to explode a magic sword!

I’m such a handsome guy: no need for a magic sword! You can make a fortune by randomly producing a level 551.8 ancient fan in the Sorrow Cave!

When they were still talking about the magic sword enthusiastically, Lin Yufeng had already unsealed the magic sword and equipped himself with this level 55 powder giant.

The magic sword is a giant sword, its blade is wider than any other giant sword, and it even looks bigger than his ghost swordsman.

The entire body of this huge sword glowed with a purple-red light, entwined with resentment.

And in the middle of the blade of the Demon Sword, there is a creepy eye inlaid impressively.

Holding this sword gives people a domineering feeling, and other weapons are not enough.

At that time, I was young and young: Is the magic sword you are talking about the one in my hand?

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