He knew that if he added QQ, the other party would definitely send him a link, as long as he clicked on the link, his account would be hacked.

Some unfortunately can even directly control their own transactions.

He has traveled from a previous life.

Lin Yufeng is very familiar with all kinds of deceptions in his previous life.

Any deceit in this version is just a younger brother in front of Lin Yufeng.

Now Lin Yufeng can even directly make some tricks that have not appeared before appear in advance.

Those names looked like IDs of scammers, Lin Yufeng directly chose to ignore them.

Until an ID who looked like a girl sent him a private message.

It's Fairy Qi: Can you sell me the Lost Ring of Lalo?

When Lin Yufeng saw this ID, he doubted his eyes a little.

It's like going back to the previous life.

In this day and age, very few girls call themselves fairies.

This person's ID is too advanced.

Lin Yufeng clicked on this person's WeChat.

This is a level 45 summoner.

She was wearing a set of high-end fashion, which was very beautiful.

But Lin Yufeng didn't know whether the other party was a man or a woman.

After all, some people like to pretend to be women.

Lin Yufeng thought for a while before writing back.

Youth at that time: 1500W! Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand is absolutely innocent.

Others sell this ring for about 1700W, but Lin Yufeng directly reduced it by 200W, which is relatively low.

If the other party resells it, you can still make money, but it will take a little time.

It's Fairy Qi: 1300W, sell it to me! I wear it for myself.

Lalo is indeed very suitable for summoners to wear.

But Lin Yufeng obviously wouldn't agree to chopping so hard all at once.

At that time, young and young: only 1500W gold coins, you can buy it if you buy it, and forget it if you don’t buy it.

If there was an auction house, he wouldn't waste his time here.

It's a pity that there is still at least a year and a half before the auction house releases.

It's Fairy Qi: How about this, today I will take you to level up in spite of fatigue! Can you reduce me by 200W?

At that time, I was young and young: my fatigue was over.

It's Fairy Qi:...

It's Fairy Qi: That's it! You haven't brushed the tower yet, have you? I'll take you through the Tower of Delusion! How about a 200W deduction?

It's Fairy Qi: The main reason is that I only have 1300W in my backpack now! Come on! Local tycoon!

Seeing the series of messages sent by this person, Lin Yufeng smiled wryly. With his equipment, it is normal for him to be called a local tyrant. He thought that he hadn't cleared the tower today, so it seemed good to be taken by someone.

It is relatively easy for summoners to fight towers.

After the two teamed up, the cof logo lit up again.

Although the fatigue point cof would not be increased unless the fatigue point was consumed, but just to be on the safe side, he still invited the other party to join his guild.

The guild system has only been open for a few days, so most people have not joined the guild.

This player named [It's Fairy Qi] became the third member of [Inverse Sky].

It's Fairy Qi: Wow! You are still the president of a guild!

At that time, I was young: there were only two people in our guild, and you would only have three...

It's Fairy Qi: Haha! What are the benefits of joining a guild?

Youth at that time: Didn't you go to the official website to see it?

It's Fairy Qi: I never read the official website.

Youth at that time: Well, if you join a guild, your attributes will also increase after the guild is upgraded, and there will be resurrection coins.

It's Fairy Qi: So now that you are the president of our guild, can the Lost Ring of Lalo be reduced by another one million?

Youth at that time: Then I will kick you out now.

It's Fairy Qi: Don't! Just kidding, don't take it seriously, hee hee!

The two came to the Canyon of Kings and directly entered the Tower of Misleading.

After entering the picture, the summoner quickly began to throw summoning skills.

Mecha Hedel, Ao Suo, Charmander, Knight, Binas, Yadyan, Revos, Semetek...

These strange monsters have all been summoned.

The map was originally small, but after these monsters were summoned, Lin Yufeng could hardly walk.

It wasn't until this time that he realized that Summoner was one of the most annoying teammates in this version.

This does not mean that people who play summoners are bad, on the contrary, summoners are very strong in drawing pictures, completely surpassing other professions of the same level.

But the biggest shortcoming of the summoner is that there are too many monsters summoned, which makes the computer lag.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "the graphics card is burning".

What's more, it is now 2009, no matter how good an Internet cafe is, the graphics card is not much better.

The cries of monsters and the arrogant voice of the summoner continued to come out of the earphones, which made Lin Yufeng a little helpless.

He simply stopped and started typing.

At that time, I was young and young: what a card!

It's Fairy Qi: I'm sorry! I can't help it either! From level 1 to now, I have almost always brushed the map solo, no one wants to team up with me...

Lin Yufeng was inexplicably distressed at this moment.

If this character is not good in solo brushing, it is estimated that no one will play it.

At that time, I was young: It’s okay, as long as I can pass the picture.

It's Fairy Qi: It's definitely no problem to pass the picture, I'm at level 45 anyway.

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