Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 81 Publishing Teaching Videos

After playing the abyss with Fairy Qi, Lin Yufeng logged on to the video website Aipai.

He has already created an account on this video website, and he has also certified it.

Some time ago, Lin Yufeng also released a few videos, all of which were videos of himself standing on the street.

On Aipai, there are many videos about dnf.

Among them, some great players often release videos about building equipment and racing, and there are not many views.

In particular, the newly released [Skasa's Nest] has become a racing paradise for all the gods.

Lin Yufeng originally wanted to release a few racing videos.

But he has to go to class almost every day, and when he is on the account, he has to brush the ancient map of the abyss, stock up on materials, sell gold coins, and check equipment...

So when he is free, he will log in to Aipai to watch the racing videos of other great gods.

In these videos, the protagonists are often professionals such as Sanda and Sword Soul.

Although Lin Yufeng only uploaded a few videos, he was very polite in the circle.

First there was the first +17 Meteor Falling, and then there was the first +15 Shadowless Sword in the national server. It was hard for him not to be famous.

Lin Yufeng also has 8,000 fans in Ai Pai.

He's going to do a big one.

Although the live broadcast is not yet available, Lin Yufeng can accumulate fans for himself.

In dnf, there are many players like Xie Hao who don't charge a penny, known as leopard head snow charge.

But the vast majority of players like to watch people burn money, there is no doubt about it.

In the dnf video in Aipai, there are also some bloggers who burn money, but the way they burn money is often by opening magic boxes.

Although this is simple and violent, it will also cause aesthetic fatigue, and the effort and gain are completely out of proportion.

Don't even think about making money if you open the magic box.

Lin Yufeng intends to take the strengthening route.

Some people have seen the strengthening of Meteor Falling, and the enhancement of the Shadowless Sword, and some people have seen it, but strengthening several Shadowless Swords at once, probably not many people have seen it......

In addition to a +15 shadowless sword, he also has 5 +12 shadowless swords.

If he can, he can even buy 10 shadowless swords in one minute! Anyway, there is no limit to purchase at Galantis.

Strengthening this level of equipment is undoubtedly very eye-catching.

But the biggest question before him now is when will the system rewards come...

In the Moonlight Tavern, Lin Yufeng was silently hanging up the phone when Ouyang Tian suddenly sent a message.

I’m such a handsome guy: Damn! I just found out that there’s gold beeswax for sale in the mall! Brother Feng! You’re rich again!

Lin Yufeng didn't pay attention today. He opened the mall when he saw Ouyang Tian's words, and he saw that [Golden Beeswax] was online!

[Golden Beeswax] is online, but it is only available for a limited time, and it will be taken off the shelves after only 3 days of selling.

Obviously, the official should also see how the effect is.

Gold beeswax can reseal non-tradable equipment. Except for brave equipment, mission reward equipment and titles, other equipment

Everything can be sealed and sold!

If you buy this kind of material individually, you need 600 coupons, which is 6 yuan!

And if you want to seal the equipment, it doesn't mean that you only need a golden beeswax.

If you want to seal low-level and low-grade equipment, you need less gold beeswax.

For example, for purple equipment below level 25, only 9 [Golden Beeswax] can be sealed and sold again.

As for the sealed powder package, 15 [Golden Beeswax] are needed below level 35.

Powder packs from level 35 to above need 20 [Golden Beeswax] to seal.

Obviously, [Golden Beeswax] is only suitable for extremely valuable equipment.

If you buy equipment with a power lower than 2000W and seal it with gold beeswax, you will lose money.

When I was young and young: this is a good thing!

I'm such a handsome guy: Hey! Of course it's a good thing for you! Your +17 Meteor Fall can be sold...

I'm such a handsome guy: I originally wanted to sell my +11 black light, but after careful calculation, after deducting the cost, I can't make tens of millions...

At the time of youth:

Since he got the +15 Shadowless Sword, Lin Yufeng didn't use the +17 Meteor Fall anymore.

The +15 split wound and the +13 cross knife were all ignored by him.

...asking for flowers...

Taking out any of these weapons at random is a rare magic weapon for ordinary players, but it is useless to Lin Yufeng.

The price of this version of Lianchuang has not dropped too much, and a Meteor Fall without enhancement can still sell for 3000W.

After a few versions, Meteor Fall will be completely worthless, so it's better to sell it now.

With this idea in mind, Lin Yufeng decided to record a video, the video of the first issue of science popularization with equipment sealed with gold beeswax.

After opening Ai Pai, Lin Yufeng clicked to record a video, and then put the microphone close to his mouth: "Hi everyone, I was a young man at that time, and now I am

Today I will show you how to use gold beeswax to seal equipment in the first issue of popular science.

"First of all, go to the shopping mall and find special products, and you will see gold beeswax. Everyone here should be careful not to buy one by one, because it costs 6 yuan a piece! It's not worth it! And dnf can Re-sealed equipment requires at least 9 pieces of gold beeswax! It is recommended to buy 30 pieces for 120 yuan at a time, which is 4 yuan a piece

After buying the equipment, Lin Yufeng sealed the [+13 Soul-Cracking Blade] and [+17 Meteorite Knife].

Among them, Feng Lichuang used 15 of his [Golden Beeswax], and Feng [+17 Meteor Star Knife] used his 20 [Golden Beeswax].

Fortunately, using gold beeswax to seal the equipment has nothing to do with the enhancement level of the equipment, otherwise, +17 Meteor Falls, and I don't know how much gold beeswax will be needed.

After Lin Yufeng sealed the equipment, he said: "The newly released gold beeswax is used in this way. Note that the sealed equipment is automatically locked. If you want to sell it, you must unlock it, and then wait 72 hours before you can sell it. Thank you everyone." , That’s all for today’s video.”

The video is only two minutes long, Lin Yufeng edited some, added subtitles, and wrote a title for this video: Teaching how to use golden beeswax.

Then, he directly sent the video to his Ai Pai's personal space.

Lin Yufeng did not expect that this extremely short video would quickly become popular at a frightening speed.

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