He flips through the comments below with a smile on his face:

"Damn it! Five consecutive bursts of inheritance and powder equipment! This character is against the sky!"

"Where is the Swamp of Choice? You must go there!"

"Is this a strategy video? It's clearly a show off video!"

"After watching the strategy released by the video master, I just went to brush the Swamp of Choice, and I really exploded into a pink outfit!"

"As expected of Gou Tuo, this character, I can only envy!"

After the Marsh of Choice came out, the popularity has not been low. After the promotion of Lin Yufeng's video, I am afraid that the popularity will reach a new height.

Back in the game, Cunkou and Ouyangtian watched the video released by Lin Yufeng for the first time, and they also went to the Swamp of Choice.

After a few minutes, they came back.

At the entrance of the village, the vegetable seller: President! You brushed five swamps, and all five of them exploded. Why do I only get blue equipment?

Kill your dog with one shot: me too! Not to mention inheritance, I haven't seen a single purple outfit.

I'm such a handsome guy: Brother Feng! I'm going to report your false propaganda!

At that time, I was young: Do you know why you couldn't break out the inheritance?

I'm such a handsome guy: why?

At that time, I was young: because you are so ugly.

I'm such a handsome guy:...  

In the next few days, the heat of the Marsh of Choice was pushed to unprecedented heights.

At the entrance of the Canyon of the Dead, there are almost always people standing there.

The Swamp of Choice became a 770 sacred place to touch gold.

This also stimulates consumption capacity to a certain extent.

Whether it is inherited weapons or inherited armor, the price has plummeted in the past few days! It can be seen how high the explosion rate of the Marsh of Choice is.

Lin Yufeng had already guessed that the price of pink and inheritance would drop because of this, so he sold the inheritance and pink that he exploded on the first day.

It is worth mentioning that the price of the Soul of the White Tiger has risen again recently.

The Spring Festival is only a few months away.

In the last few months, Lin Yufeng is going to sell the title. After all, after the Spring Festival title comes out, the Spirit of the White Tiger will not have an advantage.

The events in the Swamp of Choice didn't last long.

When this event ends, all players have a feeling that they still have more to say, and they can't wait for the official to release another event like this.

Lin Yufeng knew that the Marsh of Choice would indeed appear next year, but the explosion rate at that time was far from being comparable to this year's explosion rate.

As soon as this event is over, the National Day set will come out.

At the same time, the clone set is also officially launched.

Lin Yufeng has been looking forward to the clone set, because with the clone set, he can match it casually, and the attribute is still the sky set attribute.

He spent a total of five thousand yuan to synthesize a cloning set.

This is also considered normal, after all, the transparent cover is not so easy to synthesize.

As soon as this year's National Day set comes out, it also means that a new title is coming!

Many players have waited too long for the title.

They can't afford the soul of the white tiger and can only wait for the new National Day title.

But when the new title appeared, they found that the biggest feature of the new title was adding skills.

For example, Ghost Swordsman's [Jing·No. 1 Sword in the World] adds Berserker's Awakening, Rage Explosion and Great Absorption, but the speed is only increased by 2.5%.

In this regard, the title of the National Day set is a bit similar to the magic sword.

The magic sword is also a skill for each profession of the ghost swordsman.

Although it can be said that the rain and dew are even, it is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to players who love PK!

Maybe this title can do more damage than the White Tiger Soul in painting pictures, but in the PK field, it will definitely be crushed by the White Tiger Soul!

This version of PK is popular! So when the National Day title came out, the price of White Tiger Soul rose by 1000W in one day!

Lin Yufeng waited for nearly a year, and the price of the soul of the white tiger finally exceeded 100 million!

This height, no previous title can reach.

Lin Yufeng, as a time traveler, knows that the price of the National Day title will also increase, but no matter what, it is still difficult to compare with the soul of the white tiger.

After all, the Spring Festival set is coming out soon.

But Lin Yufeng bought several sets of Spring Festival sets in one go, just for the orbs.

When they came to the Moonlight Tavern, Cunkou and Ouyang Tian had already bought the National Day set.

The set attributes may not be important, but the orbs and other gifts are important.

But for those who are looking forward to the title of PK, the title of the National Day set makes them unhappy.

I'm such a handsome guy: This title is completely used to brush pictures, but I want to speed up the title!

Village entrance, vegetable seller: Oh! Fortunately, I bought a white tiger's soul last time, otherwise I will die!

I'm such a handsome guy: Brother Feng! The soul of the white tiger is worth 100 million! Are you still selling it?

At that time, I was young and young: in two months it was almost (bhbe) not much to sell.

One shot kills you: I bought it in the early days of 1000W, and now I sell more than 1E, which is a full 10 times increase! These titles are sold! Brother Feng immediately became rich!

I’m such a handsome guy: Brother Feng! If I listen to you, I’ll save this title, and now the villa is close to the sea.

You were young at that time: Now there is another opportunity to make money in front of you, and you can stock up on National Day titles.

I'm such a handsome guy: forget it! Apart from adding skills, this title doesn't have much of a feature.

At that time young and young:  …

Lin Yufeng smiled wryly, he can't blame himself.

In fact, in the previously released videos, the title of Lin Yufeng's equipment column is also often photographed.

There are always people sending private messages to him wanting to buy his title, but Lin Yufeng has always ignored it.

Click on Aipai's personal space, and the number of Lin Yufeng's fans has reached 50W.

Compared with other authors who often publish dnf videos, the number of videos released by Lin Baofeng is not high.

But the stickiness of fans is very good.

So far, among all the videos he has released, the one with the most views is the video of strengthening 5 Wuying Swords.

This video has already surpassed one million views.

It is precisely because of this video that his nickname of "National Server's No. 1 Pretend God" was established.

These fans also brought some benefits to Lin Yufeng, just received a total of thousands of gifts.

Although the way of posting videos cannot communicate with fans in real time, Lin Yufeng will gain something every time he reads the comments below.

Back in the game, Lin Yufeng planned to record another pk video.

But this time he planned to find an opponent with a slightly lower rank to pk.

After all, not all the berserker players who watched his video were supreme level masters.

When he came to the tavern, Lin Yufeng saw Fairy Qi in the corner at a glance.

At that time, I was young and young: Fairy Qi, I want to record a video again, would you like to be on camera?

It's Fairy Qi: Yes! But what do you want me to do?

Seeing that Fairy Qi agreed, Lin Yufeng directly clicked to record.

I was young at the time: What I am going to record in this video is an entry-level PK teaching. I will use giant swords, swords and blunt weapons for PK respectively. You and I need to fight each other, and then I will PK with you while explaining the details to the audience.

It's Fairy Qi: I see, you want me to cooperate and not to show my strongest strength, right?

Fairy Qi didn't know that Lin Yufeng was already recording.

At that time, I was young: No, I want you to use all the skills you have learned all your life,

It's Fairy Qi:...

Youth at the time: Go! Go to the free duel channel!

After coming to the free channel, Lin Yufeng said into the microphone: "Brothers! This fairy Qi is the vice president of our guild. Today I will teach you some PK skills through PK with her, and tell you how to call by the way. division."

The duel begins!

Lin Yufeng still didn't choose to buff at the beginning, but rushed directly to Fairy Qi: "Crazy war summoning is actually very easy to fight, just chase after it! Don't give her a chance to summon monsters!

In the next few consecutive rounds, Fairy Qi was beaten by Lin Yufeng and was powerless to fight back.

After the PK was over, he quickly released the video titled [Introduction to Berserker PK Teaching].

As soon as the video was released, it immediately caused a lot of repercussions.

What the audience pays attention to is not the so-called teaching, but the poor fairy Qi......

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