Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 99 Inexhaustible Spare Equipment

And ten years later, the holidays in the entire Xiangbei City will be doubled several times!

It’s Fairy Qi: Amazing! You can even buy a house after playing a game, haha!

At that time, you were young: if your family has more funds, you'd better suggest that your parents should also buy a house.

It's Fairy Qi: Okay.

Lin Yufeng plans to buy a house with his parents during the winter vacation. It is always a good thing to have fixed assets, not to mention that there is so much room for appreciation during the holidays.

As for whether Fairy Qi can listen to what she said, it is not that important to him.

Youth at that time: go, brush the abyss.

It's Fairy Qi: Mmmm.

After the two teamed up, they came to the entrance of the Dark City. Without a doubt, Lin Yufeng directly swiped Neupera's king-level abyss.

He basically uses the +15 Slaughtering Blade to draw pictures now. As for the Shadowless Sword, he has gradually been left out in the cold.

Lin Yufeng has never had much hope of bursting into the abyss in a team.

He was in charge of drawing pictures, and Fairy Qi didn't even summon the Elf King at all, and just ran away.

It's Fairy Qi: It's good to paint pictures with you, and I can also watch movies while painting the abyss.

At that time young and young:  …

When the remaining half of the brush was exhausted, a pink outfit finally burst out: 【Luo Wu's Blood Jade Bracelet】!

This is a level 55 pink bracelet.

Players who have played Berserker may not be unfamiliar with this bracelet.

Lin Yufeng walked over to pick it up, and the sound of shaking the dice sounded, [Luo Wu's Blood Jade Bracelet] was randomly assigned to Fairy Qi.

I saw Fairy Qi throwing the bracelet on the ground without saying a word.

When I was young and young: what are you doing?

It's Fairy Qi: I'd better give you this bracelet! It's useless to me.

I was young then: but I have it!

Lin Yufeng had already replaced the mourning bracelet with Luo Wu's blood jade bracelet a month ago.

This is currently the most expensive pink bracelet, and it is also the most suitable bracelet for Berserkers and Street Fighters. It is impossible for him not to arrange it.

It's Fairy Qi: This bracelet should sell for tens of millions of gold coins, don't you think it's too much money?

Lin Yufeng smiled wryly.

Team up with Fairy Qi to swipe the abyss, the least thing to worry about is that if the powder outfit explodes, you don't have to worry about your teammates picking it up and running away.

Fairy Qi refused to pick it up again, so Lin Yufeng had no choice but to pick up this equipment.

Because of the second pick-up, there is no need to shake the dice to determine the ownership of the equipment.

Although Lin Yufeng already had such a bracelet, he still couldn't help but take a look at its attributes.

[Luo Wu's Blood Jade Bracelet] Bracelet 10800 gold coins

lowest level

Can be used above Lv55

Magic Defense +2900

Stamina +16

[Bleeding] Status change increases by lv6

[Bleeding] Damage increased by 20%

The so-called 20% increase in bleeding damage here is completely different from Slaughtering Blade. It means that when the enemy is bleeding, the blood lost is 20% more than normal.

Of course, such a property is already very good.

The two continued to brush off their fatigue, and then Fairy Qi went offline.

Lin Yufeng returned to Hutton Marr, and added the newly exploded bracelet to 10 with the enhancement coupon, preparing for the next time the reward is triggered, it will go up to ten.

He looked at his equipment again.

The five pieces of equipment on the left are +13 level 50 heritage heavy armor suits.

He has been wearing this set of equipment for a long time.

The equipment on the right, the weapon is +15 Slaughtering Blade, the fire card is played, and the spare weapon is two +15 shadowless swords.

The bracelet is +13 Luo Wu's Blood Jade Bracelet, which he got when the system rewarded him last time.

The necklace is +13 Pearl's Honor, the spare necklace is +13 Soul Hunter, the Soul Hunter is the same as the Luo Wu bracelet, they are both strong together last time.

The ring is +13 Ring of Fire Elf, and there are more spare rings.....

His spare equipment can be said to be inexhaustible.

The most troublesome thing for Lin Yufeng recently is the video recording.

This is very brain-burning fire.

The number of fans of his iPai has reached 60W.

This is a rare achievement, but it also gave him a lot of pressure.

He simply hung up the phone directly, and then clicked on the forum to watch the pk video country.

After a few hours, the system sounded: "Ding! The host can be online continuously for 5 hours, within the next 15 minutes! The host's success rate of strengthening any equipment will increase by 50%~".

Feeling bored, Lin Yufeng decided to make an enhanced video.

Because shooting this type of video, the playback volume is absolutely impossible to be too low!

Strengthening means burning (Qian Nuo Zhao) money, which everyone knows.

Click on Ai Pai and start recording the video. Lin Yufeng said the opening line: "Hi everyone! I was young at that time..."

When he came to Kelly, he opened the auction house and bought 5 +15 cushions directly.

Lin Yufeng didn't even bother to buy those +13 cushions. For him, it was a waste of time, so he might as well order them directly.

Then, he opened his backpack and removed some of his jewelry: "Guys! I'm going to give it a go today! If this gear breaks, I'm going to retire! This is not a joke."

In addition to the equipment he wears, he also has other equipment: +13 lamentation jewelry set, +10 Luowu bracelet, +13 light elf ring.....

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